Chapter 16: A Way In
Alex was immediately hit with a horrible rank smell. Like a mixture of something damp and molding, dirt, dust and something rotten. Gally led them further into the room, and down a few steps. Half the room was covered in all sorts of plants. That covered the damp and dirt smell...
There was someone at the end of a lush green aisle, he was standing at a workbench, with an IV bag hooked up to a stand. He was muttering something to himself. Alex caught a few of his rambling mutterings and it made her blood freeze.
"Roses are red...violets are roses...roses are red. Roses.."
It was too similar to the gone crank she had encountered in the underground tunnels back in the scorch.
"No no no no..." she muttered to herself, she took a step backwards, her chest feeling tight and heavy. Her palms started to get sweaty. Gally eyed her suspiciously. But she didn't care. She knew this guy was a crank and you can't ever trust a crank! She took another step backwards, her chest rising rapidly but not filling with oxygen. She bumped into something solid.
"You okay Lil Lady?" Frypan asked quietly.
All Alex could do was shake her head wildly. Frypan placed his large hands on her shoulders, he spun her around and pulled her close. He wrapped her up protectively.
"It's okay, Alex. We're all here, you're not alone. He's not the same one." He said gently to her.
She had wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tight, and buried her face in his chest, trying to get herself under control. Frypan didn't let go and didn't mind she was clutching his jacket tight in her fists. He glared back at Gally, daring him to say anything and shook his head when Gally gave him an inquisitive look.
"Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened." The man at the desk called.
Gally turned around and gave the man his attention. "It was a slaughter. There's nothing we could do against those guns!" Gally replied frustrated.
"No, but they can only poke the hornet's nest so long before they get stung." He snipped a few branches off his plant.
"Now, pretty roses, who are these people? Why are they here?" He asked, still not turning around.
"We need to get into WICKED." Thomas jumped in, cutting Gally off before he even started. Gally threw his hands in the air, he had specifically told Thomas to let him talk. Gally glanced at Newt who just shrugged his shoulders and put his face in his hand and shook it
"Gally said you can get us through the walls."
The man put his clippers down, "Gally should know better than to make promises that he can't keep. Besides, that wall is only half your problem. Getting inside WICKED is impossible." He was looking out the dirty window in front of his work desk.
"There might be a way now." Gally said, glaring at Thomas. "But it doesn't work without Thomas and Alex." He nodded at Alex, but furrowed his forehead when he glanced at her being bear hugged protectively by Frypan still. He shot Fry another questioning look.
"Is that so?" The man finally turned around to face the group.
Alex still hadn't moved. She had her face firmly pressed into Frypan's shoulder, her eyes clamped shut, focusing on her breathing.
"Do you know what I am... Thomas?" His voice sounded gargled, and wet.
Ya! You're a Crank! Breath in. Breath out. He's not the same crank. Breath in...breath out...
"I am a businessman. Which means that I don't take unnecessary risks. Why should I trust you?"
He had taken a step towards Thomas. Alex sensing danger, her adrenaline rushing through her veins, she ripped herself from Fry's grip, spinning around. Her hands twitching, wanting to grab her knife.
"'Cause I can help you. You see, if you can get me through those walls... I can get you what you need." Thomas answered, not backing down when the crank was only a foot away from him.
"What is it that you think I need?" The crank asked, challenging Thomas.
"Time." He answered, looking at the IV bag, "Every last drop."
Alex had taken a step forward, she was ready to strangle this crank with his IV tube if he took another step closer to her Tommy. Her stomach was still turning but she swallowed her stomach bile back down with a shudder.
"Is that what I need?" The crank asked, raising an eyebrow at the pair.
"WICKED has something we both want." Alex hissed at him.
Lawrence, The crank, glanced at her. A twisted smile spread on his face. Alex grimminced, but turned it into a sneer, this crank was just like any other, twisted, evil and untrustworthy.
"I'll tell you what. Two can go for now. The rest stay here with me. Just a little insurance to make sure you find your way back." His eyes narrowed at Alex, who had her hands clenched into fists. Then turned back to Thomas, if he was nervous or upset he didn't show it. He had a mask of indifference on.
"We have a deal?"
Thomas nodded. Alex growled.
"Gally, show them the way."
Gally led them out of the room and back down the hall and back down the stairs. He turned a corner and led them down another hall. He opened a door and stood back for them to file in. Gally led them to what looked like a dorm. Bunk beds lined the walls, and there was a bathroom leading off one side and a small kitchenette on the other. Gally stepped in and closed the door.
"We just have to wait until sundown. So...I guess relax, eat .. whatever I'll grab some food and stuff. The wait shouldn't be long. Also, you need to figure out which two goes with me."
Gally turned to leave. Alex was leaning on the wall by the door, pale and still quietly shaking, her arms wrapped around herself. Her eyes downcast on the floor. Everyone had jumped into conversation. Ignoring her, and she was fine with that. She needed to get herself under control. She heard feet approaching her.
Gally walked over to her, he cleared his throat, "I know it's shocking to see a crank-"
"I've seen cranks before. Trust me. I'm fine." She snapped, cutting him off. She immediately dropped her arms, her hand automatically went to hold her sliced arm.
Gally scoffed, "Yeah..clearly! The pale face, terrified eyes, shaking hands, nervously rubbing your one forearm...definitely fine."
She immediately let go of her arm and shoved her fists into her pockets, clutching desperately onto Minho's promise stone in one hand and Chuck's wood statue in the other. She looked away, grinding her teeth.
"Look told me once, a long time ago, it's okay to not be okay. And I'm going to tell you now; it's okay to not be okay. And...I know we were never...on the best of terms."
Alex snorted and rolled her eyes.
"Okay" he held his hands up, "I was never very nice, and I'll take the blame for that..." he smiled awkwardly at her, but it wasn't the leering one she was used to. His eyes seemed different, calmer, less intense.
He continued in a softer tone, "Alex, I want to apologize. Nearly dying changed the way I look at things. I have a rare opportunity to change things..maybe starting with us." He looked at her hopefully.
Alex wanted to stay mad, but she couldn't. She knew that before they went into the maze they were friends, and WICKED changed him and used him. WICKED had changed her, too. She met his eyes, and she sighed, running a hand through her long tangled hair.
"Ya Gal. It's in the past." She looked at the floor, kicking it gently with the toe of her boot.
"And no Gal, I'm not alright. I'm pretty shucked. Ha, scratch that, VERY shucked. Ever since the escape from the maze. My life has been a continuum of poor choices and shucked events. To be honest...I was uhh..trapped in The Underneath with fully gone cranks, and uh..was forced to spend some quality time in The Red Room with half gone Cranks..." she trailed off.
Unsure how to continue, if she wanted to continue. She surprised herself for opening up so fast..and especially to Gally of all people. Gally didn't say anything, just stood quietly. She could feel her eyes prickling, and her throat felt tight. Alex felt a warm hand on her shoulder. Gally was surprisingly gentle.
"Alex..I'm..the shuck. Wow. I've only heard rummors...and..SHUCK." Gally stammered, his face paled, and his eyes went wide. He stood frozen, mouth open, staring at her.
"Ya..well..." Alex shrugged, "Told you I was shucked..and I've done some bloody shady shit since then."
Gally shook his head, seeming to have come out of his stupor. "I don't need the full story. Maybe one day. But I know you guys have gone through some shucked up stuff to get here...didn't know how jacked, though. And obviously you, more than the others. And now your on a suicide mission to get Minho back...I know how much he means to you, same with Tes."
"Ya?" She whispered.
He nodded, "I was loud and harsh in the Maze..but I could see how much those two ment to you. I wasn't dumb."
Alex snorted, but she couldn't say anything, scared to trust her voice. So she just nodded her head and glanced up at him, a few tears leaked over her lashes. Alex wiped them with the heel of her hand, frustrated with herself. She went 7 months without breaking down, and now, they kept leaking out.
"And I'm only now realizing that Teresa is there against her will and NOT helping." Gally muttered, more to himself.
"Ya. They're using the mind control chip, like they did with you and Alby." Alex whispered, her voice cracking at the end.
He just gave her a small sad smile, understanding in his eyes. He patted her shoulder, and left the room. Alex wrapped her arms around herself again; she felt weirdly lonely without Gally. He really did change a lot since the maze.
Alex knew her change was not for the good. She was more reckless and unstable, angrier and short tempered. She was drowning and she knew it; drowning in grief, anger and her despair. She was too far out, alone in turbulent waters without her anchor. She needed Minho.
She was so deep in thought she didn't notice the tall person in front of her.
"What was that about?" A British voice cut into her thoughts.
"Huh?" She muttered, blinking, shaking her melancholy thoughts away for now.
She looked up and saw Newt standing in front of her, a frown on his face, and a crease in his forehead. His hair had grown quite long, it was well past his ears, close to his shoulders and hung in his eyes, he had a habit of running his fingers through it, pushing it back. Alex hadn't had the chance to really look at him up close. His eyes looked dark and tiered, black bags under his eyes, and he was pale. He didn't look very healthy. He was so busy keeping everyone else together, sometimes he forgot to look after himself. Alex felt a stab of guilt. She was so wrapped up in her self pity and anger she forgot to notice how much not getting Minho back was hurting Newt. Minho is his best friend.
"I asked what that was about." Newt repeated, an unusual sharpness to his voice.
"What was what about?" Alex asked again, confused.
"Gally." He hissed.
"What Gally was about? Nothing...he just asked how I was doing..." Alex replied, her shoulders stuffing.
Newt snorted and rolled his eyes. "Looked like he was getting a little cozy with you."
Alex looked at him in confusion. Gally didn't even touch her, until he left and that was a pat on the shoulder. Newt didn't say anything when Frypan was hugging her. Her frown deepened, and her eyebrows knit together.
"You moved on from Minho? Decided he wasn't worth the trouble anymore and are now goin' for someone who's easier to get?" Newt snapped.
Alex was at a loss for words. What happened to her kind caring level headed big brother? His words hurt. This wasn't the slow twisting blade to the heart, this was a viscous and quick stab to the gut. More than what he said back on the highway. This was uncalled for. Alex felt the emotional punch to the gut. The tears burnt her eyes again. Alex didn't bother to hide them this time. Let Newt see how hurt she was. Her hand came back and slapped him. Leaving a red hand print. The slap echoed around the room. It went deadly quiet, all eyes on the siblings.
She hissed "Don't you dare say that again. You know I would die to save him! You know perfectly well I would trade my life for his. You know I would walk through hell...I HAVE walked through hell to get him back." She blinked a few more tears back
SSo.Don't.You.Dare." she screamed at him.
Newt blinked. A hand on his cheek, he opened and closed his mouth a few times. Finally he managed to choke out "Alex..."
"I don't want to hear it!" Alex screamed at him.
"Alex! Please!" Newt pleaded.
"No Newt. You crossed the line! The crap you screamed at me on the highway? And now this? No Newt. You don't get to apologize. I don't want to hear that shit!" Alex yelled, shoving him in the chest.
She pushed past him and into the bathroom slamming the door.
She slid down the wall, her head in her hands and she let the tears fall, she let herself fall apart. Again. She had curled up on the cold floor, and stayed like that for a long time.. There was a knock on the door. She didn't bother getting up or answering.
"Alex?" It was Thomas. "Alex? I'm going with Gally..."
She was staring at the opposite wall, not bothering to listen. It was quiet for a while. There was another knock on the door, this time it opened and closed. Someone crouched down beside her.
"Come on Mi Hija. Sit up." Jorge said gently, lifting her up. He handed her a glass of water. Then lifted her arm until Alex took a sip.
"Things will all work themselves out. I'm sure Newt is stressed and is just taking it out on you."
"No." She breathed, "I've seen him stressed. He's never mean..or says things to purposely hurt someone." She closed her eyes letting another tear slip down her face.
Jorge hummed.
She looked at Jorge, "It's something else, something else is wrong." She was quiet.
She lay her head back on the wall, closing her eyes, more hot tears leaked out and ran down into her hair. Her heart still felt like a knife was slowly twisting deeper.
"He would never ever say anything like that to me... and he knows I love Minho. He KNOWS... He's not himself. He's different, he's acting" her head snapped up her eyes wide. She dropped the cup, smashing on the ground.
"Jorge!" Alex gasped. Jorge was looking at her with a mix of confusion and concern.
"Jorge, he's acting like a crank! He's tired, snappy and mean, he's really pale...and now that I think of it he keeps grabbing at his forearm! Jorge, he must have become infected in the tunnel or something! Shuck shuck shuck!"
Alex's breathing became fast, she ran a hand through her hair.
"What do we do? Jorge! I can't...I can't lose him too!" She tried to scramble to her feet.
Jorge had grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. "Alex! Alex, shhh. Hey. Take a breath." Jorge gently grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him.
"Alex, you're immune, why would he not be, it's rare to have siblings be different. But.." he said slowly, "we can get onto the coms, and I can try to get a hold of Dr Prior. He has that proto type formula, remember? Take a breath kiddo."
Alex searched his eyes. He was serious, he would try calling for help.
"Thank you Papi!" She whispered.
"Any time mi Hijas. Now are you going to be okay?" He smiled sadly at her.
Alex wiped her tears. "I'm always fine." She forced an emotionless smile at the man in front of her. He looked at her with such a gentle fatherly gaze.
"You know fine stands for Feelings I'm Not Expressing. Right?" He asked her gently.
He placed a hand on her head, looking at her with such compassion she had a hard time not breaking down. She tried. But with his steady concerned gaze, like he could see right into her soul; she broke.
She put her head in her hands and cried. Jorge pulled her close.
"Why? Why does it always have to be me? The world has enough people still, it can go shuck around with someone else!" She cried.
"I don't know. But you're not alone. We will get Minho and Teresa. Dr Prior can help Newt. We will eventually be all right. Have faith Mi Hija." He whispered gently.
Alex pulled away and wiped her tears again.
"Faith." Alex spat. "Every time I have 'faith' or 'hope'' it's ripped away and I'm drowning again...have faith. Faith and hope ..Brenda said it best. They have killed more of my friends than the Flare." She sneered.
Jorge was quiet. Alex lay her head back against the wall, closing her tired eyes.
"Shuck. My life bloody sucks." She muttered.
"Ah, you're just being dramatic." Jorge chuckled, patting her knee.
Alex snapped her head back up, and gave him a withering look. He raised his hands in defense.
"Okay okay, you're right. Your life is the worst and you win for the amount of shit the world throws at one person. Better?" Jorge asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes. And I expect my crown and trophy by the end of the week." She snarked, folding her arms and pouted.
"And she's back." He smiled at her, a few wrinkles showed around his gentle eyes.
Alex smiled. "Where's Newt, I should...probably go talk to him." She had accepted Jorge's hand, and stood up. She stepped to the door, and turned the handle.
"Alex? Newt and Thomas went with Gally into the city."
Alex spun around, "WHAT?" she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls, "Jorge he's turning into a crank, and he went into the city? Oh shuck no!"
She spun back around and raced out of the bathroom, "someone show me where they left from!" She demanded. All heads swiveled in her direction. Brenda and Frypan stood up and came over.
"Hey...everything alright?" Fry asked, "also Gally brought us our weapons. Here." Handing Alex her belt of throwing knives.
"Shuck no. When is anything ever alright?" She asked, strapping her belt back on.
Fry sighed with a nod, "true. My Lil lady Bean, you be careful! I know you're going to do something recless. safe."
Alex nodded with a small smile, "hey, Fry? Can you do me a favour?" He nodded. "Can you hold onto these for me?" She pulled out her two most treasured items. "If...Min is here and I'm not..can you give this to him?" She placed the stone in his hand, and then the little statue from Chuck, "can you give that to Tommy, if I'm not here?"
Frypan looked at her sadly. "I will hold onto them, and I'll give them back to you after." He said firmly.
"Thank you. You were always such a good friend. I love you Fry, my Captain and Gossip." Alex said quietly. She raised up onto her toes and kissed his check., "I'll kiss the chef anytime."
She turned to Brenda.
"Ya follow me." Brenda stated, "they left maybe 20..30 minutes ago?"
Brenda and Alex sat at the tunnel entrance. They didn't say anything, they sat side by side. Alex was staring down the hole. This group Gally had joined, had made a man made tunnel down into the sewer pipes that connected with the city. It was such an easy simple idea, and yet WICKED never thought about being attacked by the sewers.
Brenda sat back leaning on her hands. Alex was fidgeting, she couldn't sit still. Alex stood up again and paced back and forth. Brenda watched Alex walk back and forth.
"Ya know..." Brenda said lightly, swinging her feet that dangled in the hole, "I'm surprised you're still here."
Alex stopped pacing and turned to face Brenda, her eyebrows raised.
Brenda shrugged, "just saying." She paused, and looked down into the hole. "You would have been down there without question about a week ago. What's up?"
Alex came and crouched down beside her. Looking down the hole, the ladder was still leaning there.
"Honestly? No shucken clue." Alex answered, she hesitated "...Except you know...dark tunnels aren't my favorite thing..." she shivered, Brenda doing the same. Both thinking of The Underneath.
"Hey knock knock!" Kenzie said walking into the room. She stopped, putting one hand on her hip and pointed at Alex with a confused look. She addressed Brenda, "What the heck is this one still doing here?"
Brenda just hummed. She slid a hand gun out from under her shirt and held it out for her.
"Ha. You guys knew, didn't you." Alex smiled at her.
"Of course. You're The Ace. And you do your own thing. And it's usually right." Brenda shrugged, Kenzie nodded, handing her a flashlight and another knife with a wink.
Alex took the gun, knife and flashlight and stood up, Brenda stood up as well, with a grin.
"Go. We'll cover for you as long as we can." Brenda encouraged, "Go find your boy."
Alex gave her girls a quick hug. "Thank you."
"Ya. Ya. I know, I'm the best. Now go!" Brenda chuckled, giving her a small push towards the hole and tunnel.
"Uh no! I'm the best!" Kenzie called as Alex lowered herself into the hole.
Alex climbed down the ladder into the darkness, reminding her of her horrible 48 hours in the underneath.
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