Chapter 13: Cranky Pants
Alex opened the truck door and got out. She crossed her arms glaring at the city at the bottom of the mountain. The Last City was huge. The inner city was built up; tall skyscrapers that looked brand new and shiny. Buildings with all sorts of new architectural designs. And surrounding all this was a wall. Huge stone walls hundreds of feet into the air. On the other side of the massive walls, was the rest of the city. Outside the walls looked like another Crank City. Buildings were old and falling apart, they were close together, everything looked old and dirty and crowded. It was a stark contrast from inside the walls.
Newt, Frypan and Thomas came to stand beside her.
"Funny...Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." Newt said dryly, shoving his hands into his jacket pocket
"Yeah. It's hilarious." Thomas rolled his eyes, he sighed and turned to Jorge.
"Jorge, how do we get in?" He asked.
"Don't look at me, hermano. Those walls are new." He had also came to stand at the edge of the road. Their rescue mission just got a thousand times harder.
"I guess that's WICKED's answer for everything." Frypan said wearily. He rubbed a hand down his face, "Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here." He spun around and went back to the truck with Jorge, where Brenda Kenzie and Finn were waiting.
"You really think he's in there?" Alex asked quietly, glancing at Newt and Thomas, scared to know their answer. The knot of anxiety had grown in her chest again, making it feel heavy.
"I guess we'll find out." Thomas shrugged, he turned away from the view as well.
It was just Newt and Alex standing side by side staring down the mountain. She saw him glance at her out of the corner of her eye. But she kept her head forward.
"Are you doing okay?" He asked softly.
"No. But I'm shucken hilarious, so it's fine." Alex snarked.
Newt made a noise in the back of his throat. He closed his eyes for a moment, like he was trying to keep his composure. Alex was quiet for a moment thinking.
"Honestly? I don't know...just..tired." She said heavily.
She finally looked up at Newt. He really looked into her eyes and could see she wasn't fine. Everyone could see it. It wasn't just lack of sleep, but her lack of hope and happiness. Both those combined made her act the way she did, the self abuse, the anger and defiance, the sarcastic remarks. Everyone knew she was hurting and struggling.
He didn't say anything, just rubbed his forearm absentmindedly.
"Okay, how about physically. How are you feeling physically?" He asked.
"Tired. Better? Hangovers are the worst. But thanks shucked up experiment of a body, feeling like nothing happened." She joked.
His expressionless face made her drop her half smile. She studied his face; his narrowed eyes, creased forehead, pursed lips and deep frown. He wasn't looking at her with his usual concern, it was disapproval, bordering on disdain. Anger flared inside her.
"Is that why you shucken left me behind? You didn't think I was capable of handling a rescue mission?" She demanded turning to face him now, arms crossed and a frown on her face.
He sighed, and ran a shaking hand through his hair, his face looked pained.
" couldn't even make it through Sonya's drank until you blacked out- and the amount woulda' killed Ronin three times over! And if Jorge, Cap and Tommy hadn't found would have killed yourself. Tommy felt so bad he tried to do it on his own..the stupid shank. He blames himself, he was the one who ultimately picked which train car to take...And you were still out, recovering..." he scolded.
Alex could hear the frustration in his voice. He sighed, crossing his arms.
"So, no. I didn't think you were stable. I still question it now." he snapped, venom behind his words, his eyes grew dark.
"Ha. Who just saved your shank ass back there? Oh! Yeah...the mentally deranged one." She hissed at him, poking him in the chest.
His eyebrows were now touching and his frown deepening.
"Listen here Newton! Just because...I have trouble controlling... how I deal with the klunk in my life...doesn't mean you shucken leave me behind! Especially when you go on an extraction mission into WICKED to save the person I love the most in this shucked up world!" Alex fumed, balling her fists, nails dug into her palms.
"SLIM IT ALEX!" he screamed at her, spit flying from his mouth, and his eyes flashed dangerously.
Alex flinched, and took a step backwards. Her own anger flashed through her. Her anger was always a simmer at the surface. Jorge had been watching the siblings argue, but when Newt looked like he was going to do something he regretted, Jorge stepped closer and now he stepped between them, his hand on Newt's chest.
"NO YOU SLIM IT CRANKY PANTS! YOU CAN'T EVEN GET THROUGH ONE DAY WITHOUT ME SAVING YOUR SORRY ASS!" Alex screamed right back, Jorge's other hand on her shoulder.
"What are ya gonna do about it? Huh? You gonna shoot me? Stab me? Maybe akut my throat like all the rest of your body count? You gonna go drink yourself stupid? Go on Alex, go try an' kill yourself again! Go grab that bottle of pills in your bag! Go grab a knife! Go on! Take more shucked up advice from that cranked voice in your shucked up head!" Newt screamed.
"Ya well I guess we're the same, brother! You deliberately tried to end it...I got carried away. So we're BOTH shucked in the head!" Alex's voice got dangerously quiet.
Jorge gave him a rough push in the chest, making him take a few steps backwards.
Alex had never seen him lose his cool like this. And it scared her. Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears, her face was turning red, her hands were shaking.
What the actual shuck! I told him those things in private, after he forced it out and now he screams them in front of everyone? Shucken slint head! Why?
"Alex." Jorge warned. "Go cool off."
"Only cause I like you, Jorge."
Alex clamped her jaw shut and blinked her angry hurt tears back, desperately trying to hide her hurt. She spun around and stormed away towards the truck. Hastily wiping the few tears that escaped. She got to the truck and threw her fist into the side of the door with a yell. Leaving a dent.
She climbed into the front seat slamming the door. Everyone was standing around awkwardly, they had seen Alex get mad before, but never Newt. The siblings never fought like that. No one was sure what to do.
Kenzie and Brenda both glared at him for a moment and then hurried to the truck to Alex.
Jorge turned back to Newt, who was rooted to the spot, his eyes wide in surprise, his face paling, he had dropped his arm to his side. Jorge gave him a disapproving look.
"That's not how we talk to our family, Hermano. You know very well she has been through more shit than you will ever know. That was some below the belt shit you just said. And sounds like some of what you brought up was said in confidence, breaking your sister's trust, Muchacho. We build family up. We love and protect 'em, what you just said... What's going through that head?" He asked shaking his head. Jorge's voice was calm, but Newt could hear the fatherly disappointment.
Newt's shoulders slumped and he hung his head.
"I honestly don't know! I...I just got so angry all of a sudden, and it just came out! And..shuck! I need to apologize!" Newt tried to get past Jorge.
"Not now Hermano, you cut open some nasty wounds. Let her cool down. You need to cool down, get yourself under control, then when there isn't a group watching, apologize." He said firmly.
Newt sighed and nodded. Jorge also nodded and clapped his shoulder.
"You're a good young man. Sometimes we lose sight of ourselves when we worry or are angry. Just gotta think before we speak. You got some major trust to gain back. " Jorge said.
He turned back towards the truck.
"Last stop, City of Doom, everyone in!" Jorge called.
As they all climbed in, Kenzie thought out loud, "I think we need to think of nicknames or code names for the guys!"
Everyone groaned.
The extraction mission had to park their truck on the outskirts of the city. There were just too many civilians, and there weren't many vehicles around, they didn't want to draw attention to themselves. The people spilled from the sidewalks onto the roads. There were shops and vendors set up along the sidewalks as well. Everywhere Alex looked, people looked dirty and worn, worried and frightened. The group parked the truck and climbed out, leaving the big guns hidden under the seats, taking only the hand guns they could conceal.
Everyone was looking around, unsure of what to do next.
"Well..what now?" Frypan asked, looking at Jorge.
"Hey, don't look at me! This is all new." He held his hands up, "I'm just the driver "
Alex and Thomas glanced at each other.
"Well we started this together, might as well finish it together. Come on Tommy. We have some stolen individuals to get back." Alex hooked arms with Thomas. And they set off in the lead, down the street.
Thomas leaned in and whispered, "You have a plan?"
Alex whispered back, "No. I was hoping you had a plan!"
"Looks like we're winging it." Thomas muttered with a small smile.
"Don't we always? The four steps in doing anything with the two of us" she pointed to Thomas and then back at herself
"Step one, make a plan." She held up a finger, "Step two, execute the plan," she held up another finger, "step three, expect the plan to go off the rails. And then lastly, step four. Throw away the plan." She held up a third and fourth finger.
Thomas actually laughed, threw an arm around her shoulders, "Why do we bother making a plan then?"
"That. Tommy Boy, is a very very good question."
He hummed in response.
"I guess we like to be just as surprised as everyone else." Alex grinned at him.
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