Chapter 12: Reporting for Duty
Minho was woken by hands grabbing him and dragging him from his bed in the new WICKED facility. He wasn't even fully awake and they were pushing him down a cold bright white hall. He passed a big lab where more people in white lab coats and masks worked, he saw a few past gone cranks strapped to beds, thrashing and screaming, straining against bindings holding them. They had wires and monitors coming out of everywhere. Even Past Gone cranks didn't deserve to be poked and prodded and used as science experiments, they were once people. The guards shoved him down the hall.
Teresa was standing beside a chair with metal cuffs, and a monitoring machine beside it. She had tears running down her cheeks, her hands were shaking but she stood perfectly straight. Minho knew exactly what was going to happen.
His body went cold and he tried to back up. The guards grabbed him, and called for backup. Minho struggled, he managed to knock one guard down. He was about to turn and hit a doctor when he felt a sharp pinch in his neck. He felt the icy liquid enter his veins, his knees went weak, and his vision blurred. He tried to fight back, but his movements were slow and sluggish now.
"Just wait. The drugs will take effect. He won't be hostile anymore" A doctor said.
"I'll...always be..hostile. I will" he slurred trying to swing a punch, the guard had grabbed him and pinned him to the chair. Teresa jerked forwards and began to strap him down with shaking hands and a jerking head.
"I'm...sorry. Minho. I'm sorry!" She cried.
"Izzzz not your faaaault." He slurred, his head swung to the side looking at her.
She placed electrodes on his temples, neck, forehead and chest. Even drugged he started to pant. His body was shaking already, knowing what was coming.
"Hey, it's okay! Hey!" Teresa tried to reassure him, but was cut off and jerked backwards like someone pulled her. Her muscles strained like she was fighting an invisible person.
A doctor turned a switch on the monitor; Minho's heart and brain activity appeared. Another doctor had a long injection containing something purple. He gave it to Teresa who was jerked forwards again, she was forced to insert it into Minho's neck, and Minho's body went limp. The doctor at the monitors turned a dial. Minho let out a scream. And then another one. He grunted and moaned and screamed. Teresa had retreated to the corner where she cowered shaking and crying but no one paid her any attention.
"How's he doing?" Ava Paige demanded as she walked into the room.
"Breathing levels look strong." The doctor informed Ava, as he checked the monitors.
"No! No!" Minho whimpered, his eyes were closed, but his body shook violently.
"It's not as effective as the maze, but it seems to be working." Another doctor said, checking her notes.
"It's promising. But without Dr Smith and her expertise, we're just doing our best." The doctor at the monitors added, as he took another note down, "But we'll need a larger sample to work with."
"All right." Ava sighed, "Carry on."
Minho let out another loud terrified scream, riddled with pain.
" can't be serious?" Alex asked in disbelief, "you want us to there?" she was pointing into the merky blackness.
The girls and Jorge were standing in front of a tunnel cut into the mountains. It was dark. Abandoned cars littered the street and parking lot beside the little ticket booth. The only road took them here, and according to the map they stole from The Right Arm, this was the only way; so the boys must have come through here at some point before them. There was a large sign hanging off the broken chain link fence that read:
The sign was faded and broken, and the fence looked like it was torn down in places. Kenzie and Brenda were staring at it with apprehension.
Jorge nodded, "that's where the road leads and the only way to get to the Last City, Mi Hija."
"We're all gonna die." Brenda stated.
Jorge gave her a look. Brenda shrugged, looking between the dark creepy tunnle and the broken fence and sigh.
"Just sayin'. Your all thinking it...I'm just saying." Brenda deadpanned.
"We'll have one helluva story though..." Alex said thoughtfully.
"Well that's...encouraging." Kenzie whispered, pointing to the sign, Jorge's lips pressed into a tight line.
"Why are you whispering" Brenda whispered back, "we are the only ones here..."
"I dunno. Seems like a spooky zombie apocalypse movie scene. Ya know, we're all standing here staring into the creepy black tunnel where we all know cranks are absolutely definitely living and we're planning on waltzing right into there and-"
"Kenzie. You're shucked up. But yes, absolutely, I 100% agree with you!" Alex cut in.
"-with no way around...the abandoned broken last hope for humanity beside us...feels like we need to whisper." She whispered dramatically.
"I agree. the perfect opportunity for a zombie ambush." Brenda agreed, looking into the dark creepy tunnel.
"Yep." Jorge agreed.
"Well..." Alex said with apprehension.
It was quiet between the group, all of them mentally preparing to willingly walk into the Zombie ambush. Her and Jorge made eye contact and grinned at each other. Jorge lifted his arm and twirled the key ring around his finger.
"What are we waiting for? Sounds perfect. I call shotgun!" Alex called, racing back to the truck.
"Hey! No fare!" Kenzie pouted.
"Snooze ya loose, shuck face" Alex laughed, climbing into the front seat.
"All right, Mi Hijas, top open and we get the spotlight and big guns. Si?" Jorge called as he climbed into the truck.
All three girls cocked their guns in unison and nodded, evil twisted grins on their faces.
"Suicide Squad." Kenzie whispered with glee.
"Shuck ya!" Brenda fist pumped.
Alex nodded, "we keeping track again? Who's turn is it to buy drinks? I think Brenda, you won last mission out...?"
Brenda smirked, "yep I won by 1 crank."
"Newt's not here...let's go fuck shit up!" Alex grinned evilly, giving Kenzie a high five.
"The best part of my day, all the tomfoolery and fuckery to be had!" Brenda whooped.
"Oh yeah? TOMfoolery..?" Alex cocked an eye brow.
Kenzie snorted, Jorge cleared his throat rather abruptly. And Brenda went a bit pink, but rolled her eyes.
"Let's not die first then we can talk about that real awkward Freudian slip." Brenda groand.
"Deal." Kenzie and Alex said in unison.
The side windows were done up and the doors locked. The three girls were standing on their seats, guns loaded and ready. Alex braced herself by putting one foot onto the dashboard, leaning into the back of the seat. Jorge turned the ignition on and the lights flaired to life. He slowly pulled up to the tunnel.
"You girls rightly named yourself...this is suicide." Jorge muttered.
"Alex the Ace, Bloodthirsty Brenda and Krazy Killer Kenzie reporting for duty!" Kenzie smiled evilly. Alex and Brenda saluted. Jorge looked at them, raising an eyebrow and cleared his throat.
"Oh sorry. Jugular Jorge, our fearless expert Motor Transportation operator!" Kenzie added. Jorge revved the engine, just as they heard a crash from deep inside the tunnel.
"That sounds like our idiots." Alex muttered.
"Absolutely it does." Kenzie rolled her eyes.
"FLOOR IT!" Brenda yelled.
The truck shot forwards, Jorge swerved around debris on the road. They couldn't see much past their flood lights, but it was enough. The girls got their guns up and ready, taking aim. Jorge slowed down, there was a crowd of rowdy cranks blocking the road.
"I GOT MIDDLE" Alex yelled over the screaming of the crowd of cranks and the engine. She pulled the trigger and the crank dropped.
"RIGHT!" Kenzie yelled, the crank on their right dropped.
"LEFT!" Brenda yelled at the same time, dropping the left crank in a spray of blood.
"FIRE AT WILL!" Alex ordered.
The cranks charged the truck. The girls cleared a path for the truck to speed through. Jorge still ended up hitting a few of them. The truck slammed the last crank out of the way and the road was clear again. Just up ahead was another crowd of cranks. Something ahead of them had their attention, they were screaming and making their way forwards. Their truck flew past another Right Arm truck, that was still smoking, flipped upside down, glass shattered all over the road.
"IT'S A RIGHT ARM TRUCK!" Brenda yelled.
"WE FOUND OUR IDIOTS!" Alex screamed, "I GOT MIDDLE!" Alex shot a crank in the back, drawing the attention of a few of them. Brenda and Kenzie took them out. Jorge slammed the accelerator down.
"10 POINTS IF YOU CAN LEAVE THE SHOES WHERE THEY ARE!" Alex yelled down at Jorge, cocking an eyebrow at him.
He just shook his head and chuckled. The Suiside Squade continued to shoot cranks that got too close to the truck.
"I SEE THEM!" Brenda yelled.
The truck smashed through the last line of cranks. Jorge had to slam on the brakes, they came skidding to a halt, Brenda and Kenzie kicked the doors open.
"GET IN." Brenda yelled at the boys.
Newt, Frypan and Finn scrambled inside.
"HERE THEY COME!" Kenzie screamed.
Alex spun around, the crowd of cranks were gaining on them now that they had stopped moving. They also seemed very mad. The downside of the bright light is that it brought cranks like moths to a flame. Alex had her gun aimed and took out a few more cranks.
"HURRY THE SHUCK UP!" She screamed as she shot another crank, spraying blood all over the road.
Thomas was the last one to scramble into the truck.
"GO JORGE GO!" Alex screamed.
"Hang on!" Jorge stomped on the gas and the truck took off. Brenda and Kenzie sat down. Alex stayed standing for a little longer, just making sure the cranks were left behind. She then dropped down into her seat with a growl.
"I'm impressed! You guys almost lasted a whole day." Alex snapped at them, a scowl on her face.
"I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." Thomas muttered, looking guilty. Alex didn't say anything, she was too mad at them, especially Newt and Thomas.
"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Newt sighed, as he smacked Thomas on the back of the head.
"You're welcome." Jorge said dryly looking into the rear view mirror. The boys had enough scenes to look away sheepishly. The tunnel came to an end. Jorge slowed down, and continued on the road that twisted and turned through the mountain.
"Ya Suicide Squad saved your asses, and we are all alive. So, mission was a success." Kenzie said brightly as she checked Finn for any injury.
"I'm fine! Kenzie stop!" He whined. Trying to pull his face away from her hands.
"How come you don't check me for injuries?" Newt asked.
"Cuz you're a slint head and went off on your own, to rescue Minho WITHOUT me. And how did that work out for you?" Alex snapped. Newt huffed.
"What's the Suicide Squad, that doesn't sound good." Fry questioned.
"Well, we renamed ourselves. Used to be the Power squad. Since we had to come after your dumb asses and then after Minho, we called ourselves Suicide Scad." Kenzie explained, finally satisfied Finn was unharmed.
"Ah. Makes sense, I guess. Not very encouraging...but makes sense." He nodded.
"Well we're all good, and now we have you girls and Jorge with it'll be better!" Thomas said hopefully.
"Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too." Jorge said.
"Way to be a positive voice in this group, Jugular Jorge." Alex chuckled darkly.
"Any time Mi Hija." He smiled fondly at her, before glancing out the window again.
He came to a stop by the side of the road.
"Yeah, unless WICKED figured out some other way to keep the Cranks out." Alex scoffed, also looking out the window.
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