Chapter 1: Anger
**This version of Unstoppable gets me right in the feels**
It definitely makes me feel Alex in this Book- she's confident, strong capable, but under her outer armour she's a broken scared girl. But she won't let you see it because she hides behind her sass, sarcasm, indifference and anger (kinda like a certain Keeper from the Maze)
"No! Please! Please no!" He whimpered, "please not again!"
They called themselves doctors, but they never helped when he begged and pleaded or screamed in pain. They would just watch and take notes with blank eyes. Minho could never see anything other than their eyes, everything was covered in white. Everything was white. The room walls were white the floor was white, their clothing was white, even the lights that glared down at him were white. The only face he could see always looked in pain. Her once thick shiny black hair now hung lank and dull around her pale tired face. Her bright electric blue eyes were now gaunt, rimmed red with big black bags.
"I sorry!" Teresa struggled. Her neck muscles were straining and her chest was heaving as she tried to form words and get them out.
"I.. can't...fight it...much longer...!" She gasped, her head twitching.
"Tes. Tes...It's not your fault." Minho whispered sadly.
Minho stopped fighting the other doctors, seeing how hard Teresa was trying to fight the mind control chip. He stopped and held still, he wasn't giving up, but he stopped to help the only friend he had in this shucked up place. He didn't want her to get into any more trouble or hurt because he was fighting. Her trembling hands finished strapping him down to the reclining chair bed. He saw a single tear leak over her eyelashes. Minho couldn't move now, only his head. As Teresa stepped away her hand brushed his. He grabbed her fingers. And gave them a squeeze.
"Min...ho...I'm..sorry!" She panted.
"It's not you." He repeated.
Dread was filling him even as he tried to reassure her. He knew it wasn't her. It was THEM. It was WICKED. And their relentless pursuit in the name of science.
For five months Minho was dragged out of bed, strapped to this chair, needles were inserted, pain inflicted and his mind tampered with. Lately he couldn't figure out what was real or not real. Some evenings when he was deposited back into his cell he couldn't figure out who was a friend or enemy, his memories were being played with.
He did know WICKED was still evil, the "doctors" in white were the ones doing this to him and Teresa was being controlled. He wasn't sure if his friends were coming for him. Week after week his hope diminished. If they were, why would it take so long? Did Alex still love him? Maybe not. His memories kept telling him she wasn't actually in love with him. She was working for WICKED, she was still a soldier who believed in everything WICKED was doing...that's why she wasn't there to save him.
His head was held down and strapped so he couldn't move. A doctor with cold latex gloves approached, holding a long needle, his eyes were even colder. Minho whimpered involuntarily. He knew the pain that would follow. The needle was inserted into his neck, he could feel the ice cold fluid entering his body, and spreading through his veins. Instantly all his muscles tensed and he arched his back letting out a scream of pain, struggling against the restraints. He screamed until his voice was gone. Every nerve and fiber of his being felt like it was set on fire, being ripped apart. And then the sharp stabbing pain in his mind hit. He closed his eyes, succumbing to the pain and the memories or dreams.
Alex was running the maze with him. She was laughing at him. She was faster. She was always faster. He watched her red hair fan out behind her. He loved watching her hair.
"Alex! Wait!" He called to her, she looked over her shoulder at him and smiled, throwing her head back, laughing.
"Come on slowpoke!" She teased.
She took a turn and he lost sight of her. When he turned the same corner she was nowhere. He slowed to a stop, looking around, calling for her.
Pain exploded in his head and he fell to the stone ground. A hand grabbed his runners vest and picked him up and tossed him at the wall, pinning him, his feet weren't touching the ground. Alex was holding him. Alex and her superhuman strength. Her face was twisted with rage and disgust. She had veins wrapping around her, her eyes were red and her red hair looked like it was on fire. She screamed at him. She pulled out a knife and stabbed him, twisting the blade. As he slid down the wall, Alex stepped back and laughed. She licked one of her blood covered fingers. She crouched down in front of him, grabbed his face clamping it in her fingers, her nails digging into her cheeks and whispered in his ear "WICKED is good, Minho."
And smiled at him in a manic twisted way as he slowly died on the floor of the maze
He let out another scream of pain, his mind felt like it was going to break, but after long last it finally took him to the black emptiness.
"Good morning!" Newt called from the table.
"HERE WE FUCKING GO AGAIN" Alex ragged, throwing her hands into the air, "oh sorry...I mean good morning." She grumbled.
There were some snickers at the table.
"ALEX! LANGUAGE! Seriously, that bloody mouth is getting worse." Newt scolded.
Fry handed her a plate of bacon and pancakes and a mug of coffee, she took it with a smile and kissed his cheek.
"How come you're nice to Fry?" Newt pouted.
Alex sat down at the table with everyone and pointed her fork at him, "because he doesn't wake me up at the crack of bloody dawn. And he gives me bacon. And coffee."
She hummed contently, picking up the steaming cup, wrapping her cold hands, feeling the heat seep through into her chilly hands. Captain Ronin and Jorge snickered, but tried to hide it by coughing when Newt glared at them. Fry sat down too with his own plate of breakfast.
"Dude, you need to stay on her good side these days, and I find it's with coffee and bacon." He also pointed his fork at Newt, who just rolled his eyes.
"I'm a simple girl, Newton. Coffee and bacon...and sleep." Alex nodded, raising an eyebrow at her brother's scowling face. She took a sip, looking around the table, everyone looked tense and a little pale.
"Hey, where's Chloe? And Raegan?" Alex asked, checking the table again.
"Well since they aren't on the mission team, and you know... CHILDREN...they didn't need to be up so early." Vince answered, sipping his coffee.
"Uh, what are we? Most of us ain't adults yet!" Brenda cut in.
Vince rolled his eyes and continued eating breakfast.
"Lucky Shankets." Alex grumbled again, she sighed. "Fry, you'll look after them, ya?"
He nodded. "Of course Lil Lady-Bean! I'll keep 'em snug as a bug! They can help make cupcakes for when you get back."
He smiled at her. Fry always made her feel better. He was always so good natured and soft, it was hard to be angry with him around. Chloe and him really got along, Raegan was starting to warm up to him. And it was nice to see them relaxing. When they rescued her she wouldn't listen to anyone but Alex, sometimes Newt and very rarely Jorge. She was terrified of everyone and everything.
It had been a long 5 months. Being on the run constantly, never staying in one place for too long. It had been a long strenuous couple months getting little pieces of information from different WICKED employees, intercepting supply trucks from some big city on their way to the smaller outlying WICKED compounds. Long frustrating planning and strategy meetings for each mission, always meticulously detailed, making sure they could get the information needed and slip away.
It's taken a long time. Too long for Alex's liking. She was growing very impatient, this should, hopefully be the last piece of information and then they could finally plan the real rescue mission. If not, she was going to storm WICKED complexes and burn them to the ground until she found Sonya, Tes, Aris and Minho. She made a promise and she was going to keep it.
A set of fingers snapped in front of her face. Alex looked up to see everyone looking at her.
"What?" she snapped.
Captain Ronin cleared his throat and motioned to the fork in her hand. While she was thinking about WICKED and considering arson she had unintentionally bent her fork until it was a ball of twisted metal. She dropped it to the table, stood up and fled the room.
Her anger was always at the surface these days, a constant simmer. The first few weeks was easy to have hope, but the longer it took, the longer she knew her loved ones were being used and abused by WICKED the worse she became.
When her mind wandered and she wasn't careful, not paying attention, adrenaline would flush her system. If she was holding anything it would break, shatter or bend. That wasn't the first time she mangled a fork because she was frustrated and not paying attention.
Alex had asked Dr Prior about it when she first noticed, and all he could say was there wasn't anything other than learning to control it. There were no proper records of what she was injected with during her time in the Herculean Trials. And because she was the only one, there was nothing to compare her to. She had stormed out of the room frustrated, and accidentally shattering the little glass window on the door.
Alex climbed to the roof of the building and sat at the edge with her legs dangling. They were leaving soon, but she was ready and didn't want to be around people. So she stayed, happier being alone. She closed her eyes and let the wind play with her hair.
I'm coming, Minho. Sonya hold on! Tes...Please guys, we're coming! Slowly...too slowly. But we're coming! Min...I love you...I feel like I'm turning into a monster. I'm so angry all the time. And this super's awful! I can't control it sometimes. I feel like a freak. People are always expecting me to do things. Everyone has had a break from the missions...except me. I'm always the one to save everyone. I'm tired Min. I don't want to be the hero. I never chose to be.
She heard the escape ladder clanging. She didn't bother turning around. Obviously they came looking for her, and they found her. The person plopped down beside her and pumped her shoulder.
"Hey Ace, we're leaving in 5." Brenda said, looking out over their temporary settlement. People were starting to wake up. It was still really early though. Alex nodded.
"You and Kenzie, my snippers?" Alex asked. She never really stayed for the details of each planning meeting anymore. She would get frustrated with Thomas and his questions, Vince and his meticulous planning each little detail, none of their plans ever stayed true to the details anyways, so what was the point. She got the gist of them and left.
Brenda nodded, leaning back on her hands, "Ya, and Vince, Cap, Finn and Newt will have eyes on ground. Thomas and Harriet will be on the coms with Jorge in the sky. You'll be covered."
"I'm not worried about being covered, that's just all stupid extra klunk that gets in the way. If I could take you, Kenzie, Cap and Jorge I'd be fine." Alex huffed.
"Yeah, Dream Team...Power Squad with Jorge maybe Cap." Brenda nodded with a devious smile.
"Vince always overdoses it." Alex rolled her eyes.
"And yet even with all those eyes...somehow you're always sneaking away." Brenda gave her a side eye with a smirk.
Alex said nothing, keeping her eyes forwards, clenching her jaw, she felt a surge of nerves and panic.
"Don't think I didn't notice!"
"Huh, not as dumb as you look!" Alex sassed, still avoiding Brenda's eye.
"Very original. Did you come up with that all on your own?" Brenda asked, raising an eyebrow.
Alex just rolled her eyes. "Ya, spent all night thinking about it. Anyone else noticed?"
"Just me, Cap an' Jorge. Your secret's safe with us. Won't ask what you do, but we haven't blabbed yet. Now come on. We're gonna get in...klunk ..if we're late. Vince is already cranky you left." Brenda said getting up and heading to the ladder.
Alex chucked, "Bee, Glader slang still sounds weird comin' from you. Also...when is Vince not cranky?"
"True. You have a nak for pissing off Vince. Kenzie and I take bets every meeting, how long it takes you to get him to grind his teeth, roll his eyes and then puff his cheeks."
"Ya? And what's my record?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.
"30 seconds."
"Man. I'm loosing my touch." Alex frowned.
The girls joined the group going out on the mission. Vince glared at them.
"Nice of you to show up!" He chidded them. Alex rolled her eyes.
"Well...I didn't want to be here but...yet here I am." Alex huffed shoving her hands into her pockets, gripping Minho's promise stone and Chuck's little wood statue.
Vince narrowed his eyes, ground his teeth, "Alex, I-
"-Have you done your 'We are counting on each and every one of you to do your part and get this mission done quickly and effectively. Get in and out ' speech? Cuz if you haven't done that yet, I'll be waiting by the vehicles." Alex interrupted, annoyed.
She could feel her anger bubbling up again, her chest felt tight and her hands were tingly. Vince, if it was possible, glared even more.
"If you don't want to come...don't. We can do this without you." He snapped.
"Please." Alex rolled her eyes in annoyance, crossing her arms, "you wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for me. Who would do your shucken dirty work Vince? Don't want to get your hands bloody now. Just leave it to me, the WICKED trained twisted psycho."
She spun on her heel, she knew she crossed the line, but she couldn't help it, she was just so...angry. She stormed off to the vehicle garage to try and calm down before they left.
Once she was alone in the garage, she let out a yell and slammed her fist into the wall, leaving it dented, and cracked.
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