Cassidy stared in amazement at the two contracts opposite her, sitting in the same office, looking at the same green eyes and the same soft smile. Did the money really work so fast that in less than 24 hours, not only the contracts were ready, but also everything related to their subsequent signing, stood and waited on standby? "Any problem, Cassidy?" she shook her head and took the proffered pen. Her hand trembled as she put her first signature on the marriage contract, which at Jason's insistence she had read letter by letter.
The contract provided her with everything, obliging her to do the same, including fidelity to preserve both of their reputations. That last one was easy, Cassidy hadn't been in a relationship in the last two years since her ex had cheated on her, she never pushed herself to trust another man and didn't plan to. Her hand moved uncertainly from sheet to sheet, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips as she put her last signature.
Jason took the marriage contract and handed her the one for the financing, showing her where to sign, watching her hand move without an ounce of concern this time, and when Cassidy finished, he took that contract as well, completing it with a few more and putting the marriage contract away in a drawer in his desk. Cassidy leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath. "I can't believe I actually did it" she rubbed her neck and looked up at Jason who came around his desk and offered her a hand.
"It wasn't that hard, was it?" he smiled as she took his hand and he helped her to her feet. Jason reached into his pocket and dropped to one knee, holding a ring up in front of him. "Miss Thomas, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" she almost laughed when Jason winked at her. "With pleasure,Mr. Mallory" he stood up and placed the ring on her ring finger. "It's official now" he lightly stroked the ring diamond with his thumb.
"Thanks" Cassidy suddenly blushed and Jason raised a questioning eyebrow. "For what? I'm the one who should be thanking you, you're saving my ass after all" she shook her head and smiled, pulling her hand out of his. "Thanks for making this easier for me" his joking demeanor was really helping her make her decision easier. No one expects a man like him to have such a mild temper.
"I know it's weird, to be honest, it's a little bit for me too...how can I put it, I'm surprised at myself" Jason pointed to the couch and they sat down next to each other, but far enough apart that Cassidy would don't feel uncomfortable. "But I think we can both make the best of it and who knows, we might even end up being good friends" Cassidy smiled, took a deep breath and lightly brushed her hair behind her shoulder revealing a view of her neck ,something that couldn't help but catch Jason's attention.
He looked her over, making sure Cassidy didn't notice he was checking her out. Today she was wearing a soft green suit with a jacket and trousers and a white silk blouse, she was definitely a woman of taste and he assumed that the clothes were her designs, given that she was a designer. Just yesterday he had noticed that she wore almost no makeup, which he liked too, he didn't like women with too much or heavy makeup and Cassidy definitely didn't need any. Her skin was a light peach color, her lips whispered "kiss me" and her eyes sparkled softly.
Jason might not have much free time, but he wasn't a monk and he had a thing for the beautiful, and Cassidy certainly caught the eye. "Do I have to wear it all the time?" he looked at the ring she was playing with and smiled. "It would be weird if you accidentally forgot it and somewhere you were photographed without it" Jason nodded and handed her a glass of water. "To be photographed?" her eyes widened questioningly. "Of course, the news of our engagement will be in the evening papers, get ready for the paparazzi to chase you like hounds" Cassidy's mouth formed a silent "oh" and she bit her lip, it was something she hadn't thought about.
"I got myself into a big mess, didn't I?" Cassidy asked with a smile and Jason shrugged. "I apologize in advance for all the pictures you're going to have to shine in because I'm going to look like a scarecrow next to you" he joked, complimenting her and Cassidy couldn't help but burst out laughing and blushing. "I doubt you have an ugly profile at all" she shot out and suddenly looked at him startled, covering her mouth with her hand, realizing what she had just said.
Before Jason could answer her, Layla interrupted them. "Sir, you have a meeting in ten minutes" he nodded and Layla walked out and Jason sighed. "Back on the horse" he ran a hand through his hair and Cassidy wondered for a moment how his hair could be so messy and falling over his forehead and still look like he'd been in the hands of a stylist until now. "So, do you want me to send someone to help you with your luggage?" his question snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked at him in confusion. "Luggage?" he nodded smilingly.
"You're moving in with me tonight, forget it, besides" he went to his desk and returned to her with a contactless key and a small note. "This is the address and code for the alarm, and this is your key" he handed them to her and she put them in her purse. "Be ready at 8 tonight, I'll be home around 7" he returned to his desk and sat behind it. "Ready for what?" Cassidy asked confused, standing up. "Tonight we will officially announce our engagement" she gasped and blinked startled.
"So soon?!" he nodded and leaned back. "An engagement tonight and a wedding in five days" Cassidy leaned back heavily in shock. "Isn't that too fast?" he hadn't mentioned anything about things moving so fast. "I'm sorry, it's my fault that I didn't tell you that I was chasing deadlines." Jason stood up and walked back to her, sitting down and taking her hands, massaging her palms soothingly. Cassidy felt shivers run up her spine at such an intimate touch, though Jason certainly probably wasn't aiming for intimacy.
"Look, now you will leave with a driver, he will help you with everything and take you to my apartment, he will help you settle in, and tonight, when I get home, we will discuss it, okay?" he looked at her questioningly and Cassidy nodded uncertainly. "Good girl" those thrills again, this man may not have wanted it, but he definitely knew how to heat things up. He stood up again, called Layla over and gave her instructions while Cassidy was still recovering from the shock and Jason's touch. Maybe it wouldn't be that easy, she stood up and waved him goodbye before following Layla, but Jason was already lost in the paperwork on his desk.
"Anything else miss?" Cassidy smiled and shook her head at the driver Jason had provided her with. He left her last bag and left, wishing her a good evening. Cassidy looked around the bedroom, it was definitely tastefully decorated, a huge bed, across from it was a coffee table with a comfortable looking sofa and two armchairs. She approached two doors, one she assumed was the bathroom, the other was double and Cassidy opened it revealing a huge wardrobe . "Jewel!" she exclaimed, scanning the many shelves for clothes and shoes, the hangers and drawers.
She returned to the bedroom to take a better look at it, it was painting the walls a soft beige. In general, the whole room was in soft beige colors, there was a huge dressing table, the wooden furniture matched perfectly with its dark mahogany color. The clock above the dressing table showed 12 noon, there was plenty of time, so she entered the bathroom after taking the bag in which she had packed her toiletries. "Shit!" the bathroom was covered in black and white marble, there was a huge bathtub in the middle and a shower cabin on the right, and on the left a sink with a huge mirror and a toilet separated by dark glass.
"Six months of luxury, who wouldn't agree to that?" she smiled and returned to the bedroom to arrange her luggage in the wardrobe and choose a dress for the evening. This took her about four hours, and when she was done, she stood at the closet door, surveying her work with a satisfied smile and happy that there was room left in the closet for more clothes. Cassidy chose a delicate clean dress in red, not particularly flashy, but provocative enough. Not that this was a date, but Cassidy liked to look good at such events.
She hung the dress on the closet door and turned to the one remaining unopened suitcase that contained her work materials and a few personal items. Cassidy knelt down and carefully opened it, smiling, she pulled out a teddy bear and a picture of her parents and stood up, approaching the bed, she placed the bear between the pillows and the picture of her parents on the night stand. A sad smile twisted her lips as she looked at the picture and memories flooded her.
After a few minutes of staring, she looked at the clock, then went back to the suitcase, took out a few more things that she left on the dresser and decided to rest before starting to prepare for what awaited her later. Cassidy went back to the closet, took out a pair of light pajamas and changed, curling up on the bed. She hugged the bear and put her palm under her cheek, thinking about what was happening. It was like living a romance novel, but without the love and the prince.
Where would Jason take her, would she find suitable premises, how long would it take her to register a company and brand, what would the logo look like? Her thoughts were spinning like a drum rolling downwards and she was slowly carried away. Her eyes grew heavy and Cassidy relaxed with a small smile. It was going to be an adventure, fun and full of possibilities.
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