Having money means having everything you want. A holiday to Barbados with your wife, her three best friends and their families at your expense, a little red Mini Cooper for your wife to adore, a beautiful emerald necklace for her birthday and candy, ideally replicas of her birth control pills to you make sure she doesn't drink them and get pregnant.
And Jason Mallory had money, lots of money, and he was determined to get his wife pregnant. "Jess, it's time to go" Cassidy called from the bedroom. "One second love, I'm coming" he carefully noted which days she took the pills and took the candy out of the blister pack he was holding so Cassidy wouldn't get suspicious, then he left the candy blister in the locker where she kept her birth control pills and hid the pills themselves there ,where she would never look,in his wallet. Jason did the same with the unused birth control pills, replacing them with the candy.
"Let me look at you" he leaned against the door frame and Cassidy spun around in front of his eyes. "Well, what do you think?" Jason pushed himself away from the door frame and hugged her from behind, kissing her neck, breathing in the scent of her upswept honey hair, then he kissed the corner of her jaw, tearing his eyes away from hers in the mirror. "You're stunning,love,as always" Cassidy giggled and Jason raised an eyebrow. "You're the only one who finds me stunning, Jess" he huffed and shook his head. "I'm just scaring your suitors, love" he smiled and turned her towards him, softly kissing her forehead so as not to ruin her makeup.
Cassidy laughed and shook her head, looking up at him. Suddenly her smile faded and Jason frowned. "What's wrong?" he asked softly and she took a deep breath. "Your father...he..." Jason gritted his teeth and held her close. "No,baby,he won't be there" she sighed in relief and her beautiful smile reappeared. Sometimes Jason felt a real physical need to hold his father's neck and watch his life slip through his fingers. The mere mention of Anthony Mallory filled Cassidy with horror.
Jason let go of her and took the soft down coat Cassidy had prepared for her, placing it over her shoulders. She snorted and he met her gaze again in the mirror. "What?" his eyebrows shot up and Cassidy pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Do you have a gun?" Jason shivered for a second. "Why do I need a gun?" he asked cautiously, watching her smile widen. "To keep other women away from my handsome, incredibly sexy husband, of course" she giggled and Jason tried to hide his relief and tension.
"Ah nah, I learned my lesson" he nodded seriously, remembering how after her jealous outburst in Barbados, she had left him sexless for the rest of their week there. Cassidy turned and gave him a sweet look. "Um, I'm sure" Jason pouted and Cassidy burst out laughing. "Okay, okay, let's go, otherwise we'll be late" she walked past him and took her bag from the bed, where her coat had been lying until a while ago.
Jason pretended to listen, watching his wife across the hall. Her natural charm and open demeanor quickly won her sympathy and friends among both men and women. No matter how loud it was, he could hear her ringing laugh, soaking up the soft warmth of her face. He looked around the group of women in which she stood, then at her again, he probably shouldn't have, but he couldn't help but compare her to those greedy little bitches who circled around her like a Febergé egg.
Some of them repeatedly tried to get to Jason, and there were a few who managed to get to one quickly in the toilet. But now that he was showing up with Cassidy, they smartly wanted her friendship, careful not to incur her jealousy or Jason's scorn if they disrespected her. And his sweet little Cassidy didn't even know she was a queen.
"Are there others where you found her?" Jason raised an eyebrow at the man across from him. "Where I found her, it was just her, sorry" he looked at his wife again, ignoring the man's last words. At gatherings like this, Jason had to be very careful. Some of the men here were aware of his 'other' life and he made sure none of them got close to Cassidy, it would be a disaster if he let it.
Cassidy seemed to sense his gaze and turned to him, her soft smile growing even wider, she murmured "I love you" and Jason winked at her, raising his glass in greeting. Suddenly he didn't want to be here anymore, he wanted to be at home, to feel her body next to his, to feel her, to hug and kiss her. He excused himself and walked towards her. "I'm going to the bathroom" he whispered in her ear and gently kissed her neck, earning the envious looks of the women around them.
Jason went into the restroom and into one of the cubicles after making sure it was empty, but just in case he locked the door and took out his wallet. He had to make sure Cassidy didn't find out about her pill swap. He removed the blisters and carefully wrapped them in tissue paper, then tossed them in the trash, peering into them for a moment to make sure that even if someone saw the ball of tissue, they wouldn't suspect exactly what was inside.
Jason was ready to leave when the bathroom door opened and the first words that reached his ears made his blood boil. "Did you see Jason Mallory's wife?" he tried to recognize the voice but failed. "Yeah, I'd love to fuck the fucking whore if that damn bastard would stop guarding her like she's a gem" the other chuckled. Jason opened the cubicle door and came out with a blank face, standing between the two of them, he grabbed their necks and slammed their faces into the wall above the urinals, turning their faces towards him.
The look of terror on their faces was priceless and Jason looked at one and then the other. "I'm glad you find my wife beautiful" he said through clenched teeth and grinned crookedly, and they both almost shuddered, breathing raggedly. "Unfortunately, none of you deserve to even breathe the same air as her, and if you don't want to swallow your balls, I suggest you turn your attention to someone else's wife." They both nodded vigorously.
"Great, now get out, apologize to her and if either of you call her a whore again I'll make sure he gets the same pleasure as said whore" the two nodded again and Jason giggled letting them go, he washed his hands watching the two buttoned up their pants and hurried out of the bathroom, bowing and apologizing to a stunned Cassidy before striding away.
"What was that?" he approached and hugged Cassidy from behind, looking innocently at the two men as they left the hall. "I have no idea" she shook her head and he smirked kissing her cheek. "Do you want to go, I'm bored now" Jason whispered in her ear and Cassidy smiled. "With the greatest pleasure" he kissed her cheek again and took her hand, leading her to the exit, making sure she was wrapped tightly in her coat and wouldn't freeze from the cold February air.
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