We Attract to Repel ⁉️
Ragini's POV:
Warm drops of water fell on my head and body as I stood under the shower. While slowly hot drops of water oozed out of my eyes...
'He was loyal!!! Always'
'He didn't cheat upon you!!!'
'He protected a girl...a child...he is selfless!!!'
'You blamed him always...you said you will trust him always but when times came you just walked off like a coward'
'But I tried talking to him!!! He snugged me off!!!'
'And you believed??? Couldn't you see the purity in his eyes Ragini???'
'I could!! But I just....why did I not garner that emotion from his deep brown eyes which always were fond of me'
'I let go??? Yes you let go Ragini...you let go off him just like that...you didn't trust him...you blamed him...you ...you cheated upon him... remember you moved on??? Rohit??? Remember???'
'Why did my destiny have to be so cruel???'
'Gather some guts to face him now Ragini...you must go to him... apologize to him...for not trusting in him...for calling him names... for blaming him... for hating him...'
My eyes were pouring fresh tears trying to compete with the shower in the washroom right now...
Cry it out Ragini...once and for all...if not why suddenly you needed to shower for the second time at this odd lunch hour suddenly ...
You just wanted your corner to let it out... come on Ragini...let it out...
I hid my face in my palms and my loud cries hit the skies right now...
Years of anger, pain and frustration within just came out in form of screams and tears... thankfully I stayed upstairs...I could peacefully let out my pain and fears clenching my heart out...
'Im sorry Siddhu...I wasn't there for you when needed...I'm sorry I didn't trust you..Im sorry for hurting you...Sorry'
I don't know for how long I kept crying...I only stopped my mad cries when I heard a knock at the door. Covering myself in s robe I walked out and saw Malini standing outside...
Her eyes were probably as red as mine.
There were no exchange of words... she just opened her arms for me and I hugged her tightly and cried like a baby...
She caressed my hair and kissed on my head. It really felt like Shalini was holding onto me after so many years...I missed this hug and this care...
'Im sorry for always being a bitch to you Malini...I'm sorry' I said in my thick croaky voice and she simply shed silent tears and kept holding onto me...
After I calmed down a bit she wiped my face and said...
'Come for lunch...it's Sutta Punnav... come'
'No I can't!!' I said and she looked at me. I was looking down...
'You can't always hide from facing him...just learn to move on.. time once lost is gone and doesn't come back but atleast you don't want to loose more time...come...'
She made me sit and pulled out a decent pair of clothes for me. I was skeptical yet changed into it. Malini helped me dry and comb my hair.
Hesitantly I took steps downstairs. But my heart skipped a beat as I saw him at the lunch table. Not once did I have the guts to face him. Bill, Malini and Natalie tried to ease the atmosphere a bit but no one tried to interfere into mine and his territories. It was a silent lunch and post which Siddhesh retired to his room. It was the one next to mine. I leaned onto the wall to only feel him closer to me. My heart was beating pragmatically. It needed solace. But my soul was shy to initiate it.
But I knew I had to take the initiative to take a step. He had took his steps already...I had to take mine...this time...
To save my marriage!!!
Author's POV:
The party hall looked completely decked up. It was the perfect ballroom where mostly couples kept moving in sync. It was always a lavish party whenever Pai Publications organised it. Now that other than the publication house which printed the daily newspaper 'London DuskToDawn', Pai Publications had decided to start a local tv channel PTv.
It was a big achievement for Siddhesh as it was his years of hardwork coming true. And Siddhesh although being a introvert valued his employees dedication and hardwork. Ofcourse he was never comfortable with parties as they began late and continued till early mornings. So his assistant Ryan would always be his representative. Ryan was his most trusted. He was more a brother to Siddhesh. Knowing Siddhesh and his routine unlike other Ryan never judged him. For Ryan Siddhesh was the same man who gave him a job, food and shelter when his mother was down with fever and had no one. Siddhesh not just took care of a 15 year old Ryan and his mother Natalie. He also gave them shelter. Ryan and Natalie were now Siddhesh's family as he was an orphan. Except his grandfather he didn't have anyone whom he could call his own. Ofcourse his mother's brother and his wife (Mamu and Mayi) were there for him but he was more indebted by all he got from them when he was a child. He held more respect for them rather than love. The reason why not once he questioned them and said yes to marry Ragini.
Ragini...the most beautiful girl in the family. Although for Siddhesh he could never see her beyond his that cousin who jumped before him to snatch his ice cream cone. Ragini the girl who's frock when was torn being stuck in her cycle chain and she bruised her knees and elbows... Siddhesh carried her home while everyone made fun of them saying 'Siddhu li Ragi' (Siddhu's Ragi in Konkani) . A 15 year old Ragini was embarrassed and angry but Siddhesh never minded her nature. He knew no one liked him. It used to bother him initially but he didn't care much. His looks were his barrier. But he didn't care much. He wanted to achieve much more in life. So the nicknames Champu, Bhondu, Oil factory, Calender, Timetable, Dumbo never bothered him. He knew he had to make his parents proud who were looking at him from heaven and his grandfather was always proud of him.
And now the same Ragini was his fiance. His part time employee as well as his housemate. His Mamu Mayi didn't mind as he shut their mouth with the registered marriage certificate although told them he would marry her with all Hindu Rituals only when she completes her education.
He would try to keep away from Ragini as he knew she wasn't happy with this engagement. This for Ragini was a compromise. And Siddhesh was her consolation prize after Rohit ditched her. He had seen her crying secretly at nights. He had observed the dead pain in her eyes. He knew she had a broken heart. But he didn't know how to heal it. He never knew how to speak sugar coated words. He was always weak in consoling people. But he felt her pain.
Siddhesh still couldn't help himself from caring for her although she didn't look at his face.
He kept looking at the stars outside his huge glass window of his mansion where in background there was light music being played and all high society Englishmen dancing and enjoying themselves Siddhesh still felt lonely in that crowd. While Ryan tapped his shoulder...
'Boss you must go to bed. It's 8:45 pm' And Siddhesh nodded yet didn't turn around. Ryan knew Siddhesh was still hurt by Ragini's words which she sloshed at him in the morning on the breakfast table. Siddhesh doesn't express but doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart. Natalie and Ryan felt his pain. After all now they know Siddhesh for a good 8 years.
Siddhesh was about to take the stairs to his room while he paused.
For a minute he felt his world stopped. A lump in his throat and first time he heard his heart beating so loudly that he kept his hand on left side of his chest and felt...
Oh....I also have a ❤️ heart...
His eyes captured the most beautiful sight that made his breath hitch...made his throat dry up...His breathing went irregular while the most unexpected person turned up at the party.
This was the third party in three months yet the first she graced...
Shining like a moon in a white skin colored saree and the jewellery he had chosen for her she began walking down the staircase and he couldn't blink his eyes...
It's not like he had not seen her in saree before...but tonight she didn't look like a girl to him...she looked like a woman...
His woman...
Every stair she descended coming closer Siddhesh's heart rate kept going higher...
'Dont think you can ever get me Mr Pai...I don't need your expensive gifts. You were my cousin... now you are not even that... I am stuck with you because of my parent's wish...yes I screwed up my life because of my wrong chance but don't think you have a chance with me...you were never even considered'
She had said it to him but now she was before him in the same saree and jewellery.
She looked at him and said...
'I know I have not not been very kind to you... I know I must apologise too... But atleast... Can we start it all over again as friends... Can I get my cousin back' she said with her eyes filled with tears.
He wanted to pull her into a hug but he simply wiped her tears and nodded a yes .
She voluntarily entwined her hand with his saying .. 'I know you sleep at 9pm...but tonight for my sake please stay'
And loosing himself like a fish in a sea he nodded looking at her jet black eyes.
He knew they repel but then what do you do of this attraction which made his heart tingle✨
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