"Is it a break or a break up?" He asked with tears in his eyes but she was too selfish to listen to his broken voice, too preoccupied with her own ambition.
"I don't know what to name this. See, right now I have many things to be done in life and most importantly we have our boards coming up in 7 months. It's for our good" she replied
"Have I ever come between you and your career? No right. Then what made you think like it will hamper us in future?" his red shot eyes had too many questions buried.
"I am fed up of this responsibility. I wanna be free, not to be bounded by anyone"
"U think that talking to me or texting me daily is a responsibility?" to this question, she nodded in a yes
"I never thought it that way. I do this because I love you"
"I Love u too baby. But we need a break" she stressed on the last word
"That means we will be back together after boards?" a ray of hope reflected in his sentence
"May be or may not be. I am not sure."
"Don't beat around the bush. Just say it clearly.. I don't want to hang in between"
"Ok fine, if u really feel like listening to it, then its clear that I am leaving you" her tone had no pain. How could she just end a 3 year relationship so easily? This is not the girl he loved, his hopes shattered in one go.
"Don't leave tuku, u r my strength and without you, I am like a void inside" he couldn't control his emotions now and had a breakdown in front of her. Tears rolled down his cheeks and it was visible clearly that how hurt he is right now. The girl with whom he planned to have his future dumped him so easily
"Be practical. No one is permanent in life, u will get someone better" With this final line, she left the place and walked out of his life without his permission but will he ever be able to kick her out of his heart?
This marked the beginning of his hatred for the entire women community. First, his mother left him and his father to set up her business and now she left him for almost similar reasons. Why everyone has to be so selfish that they cant see anything beyond? Will he ever find a selfless, sensible girl who can heal his broken soul?
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