The Night Owl Night Club
Going back to the class I see Camryn, minding his own business walking through the open doorway. I nudge Kris pointing at him
Kris -"What?"
Me -"Who's he? wa-wa-walking like a s-s-s-superstar, acting l-l-l-like a p-p-prince"
Kris -"He's Drew"
Me -"I-I-I thought he wa-was-was C-c-camryn"
Kris -"Camryn is his last name, you were asking for number 2 right? that's him. I won't lie but he's really popular among girls. His bubbly attitude wins girls. He gets a lot of confessions but never accepts any of them, in fact he even doesn't response to some of them"
Me -"I sat r-r-r-right next to him"
Kris -"WHAT?"
Me -"And he-he b-b-believes that eyelash wishing th-th-thing"
Kris -"How do you know that?"
Me -"We h-h-had a lil t-t-talk in the li-li-library"
Kris -"Girl you're drenched in the rain of luck"
Me -"Haha! he h-h-has a k-k-killer look"
Kris -"Yeah when he smiles, girls feel like they would die for him and you two are perfect together"
Me -"W-w-what?"
Kris -"Girl both of your names begin with D"
Me -"S-s-so what? haha"
Kris -"Even dating starts with letter D haha"
Me -"C-c-c'mon"
I think I like him. What if he makes fun of me like others, who knows no I can't fall for him too fast. Ryan with a guy and a girl walk over to us. Ryan wraps his arms around Kris's waist kisses her, Ew that's so gross
Kris -"Guys meet Destiny, my new friend and Destiny meet Ryan, Oliviya and Aaron"
Oliviya -"Hey Destiny"
Me -"H-h-h-hey"
Aaron -"You're cute"
Me -"Tha-tha-thanks"
Ryan -"Do you always speak like that?"
Kris nudges him and whispers something. Maybe she is asking him to act like a gentleman but it's ok I'm used to it
Ryan -"Sorry I didn't mean that way it sounded"
Me -"N-n-n-no it's ok"
Ryan -"Babe do you remember we're going to the club tonight?"
Kris -"Of course I do. Dez why don't you join us?"
Me -"N-n-n-no I'm al-al-alrght"
Oliviya -"C'mon girl"
Me -"I'm n-n-n-new here"
Kris -"That's why you're coming with us"
Ryan -"Great I'll pick you..see you two tonight"
Oh no I can't go with them, they all are gonna laugh at me. I don't have a new dress either UGH!
Kris -"Hey don't think about it too much, we'll have so much fun yeah"
I am lying on my bed, watching 'The Notebook' an interesting question always comes to my mind whenever I watch this movie, what if Allie had a stuttering problem, would Noah ever fall in love with her? probably he wouldn't. I hear someone knocking at the door
Me -"W-w-w-who?"
"It's me sissy"
UGH Delphina, she is gonna roast me now. I should not have told her about tonight
Me -"C-c-c-come in"
Delphina -"Yoo why aren't you ready yet?"
Me -"I-i-i-I am not go-go-going with them"
Delphina -"Nobody will make fun of you"
Me -"No I'm n-n-n-not going"
Delphina -"Drew could be there" she winks
Me -"S-s-s-so what? I d-d-d-don't care"
Delphina -"He likes you"
I shake my head from side to side, she laughs as opens up my closet and bring out my favorite magenta purple sequin dress
Me -"I'm n-n-n-not going"
Putting the dress back she hands me a red halter dress and winks
Delphina -"Drew may think of you as his dream girl"
Me -"I d-d-d-don't wanna l-l-look like a p-p-p-potato sack"
Delphina -"Haha hottest potato sack"
Me -"Haha c-c-c-c'mon"
I put on the dress, black smokey eyes with bright red lipstick, paint my nails red and my hot mess hair is looking exactly like Anna waking up from 'Frozen' movie, don't know what to do with this bird's nest
Delphina -"You look so pretty"
Me -"Y-y-y-yeah with this b-b-b-bird's nest in m-m-m-my hair"
Delphina -"Nah lemme help you"
She brushes my hair and pulls it into an urban punk ponytail, well now I actually look pretty, few moments later I get a call from Kris and go downstairs then we leave for The Night Owl night club. I'm quite excited because I've never set foot inside a night club or casino cause I'm too shy and neither dance nor drink. We enter into the club and take a seat at a round table near the bar. I look around feels like I've entered into a wonderful world of purple, twinkling lights on black curtains, flashing red, blue, green neon lights
"And everybody's watching her but she's looking at you, oh, oh, you, oh, oh"
The intensity of the music is increasing my heart rate, I can feel my every single heart beat throughout my body but still I'm alright. Jake sits next to me, looking hot in grey t-shirt, I can't take my eyes off him
Jake -"Hey"
Me -"H-h-h-hot"
Jake -"What?"
Me -"I-i-i-i mean hey"
CRAP! I'm so stupid. Calm down don't be nervous. Drew hasn't come yet, I really hope he comes
Jake -"You look stunning"
Me -"Tha-tha-tha-thanks, you t-t-too"
Oliviya -"Destiny you look fab"
Me -"Thanks you t-t-too"
Kris -"Where's Drew?"
Aaron -"He's on the way"
Drew is coming yeah! WAIT why am I being so happy? he is their buddy, he can obviously party with them
Jake -"Would you like to dance?"
Me -"I-i-i don't d-d-d-dance I'm s-s-s-self conscious"
Ryan -"Haha honey here no one knows how to dance"
Drew -"Yooo guys what's up?"
Blue is actually his color. He does the handshake bro hug thing with all. I never understand why do all guys do that. He seats himself directly opposite me
Kris -"Drew meet destiny, destiny he's drew"
He waves at me so I do the same then he winks! is he trying to flirt? should I wink him back? Hell no
Jake -"I'll go get some drinks. Destiny what would you like to drink?"
Me -"C-c-c-coke"
Aaron -"Not beer, vodka or something like that?"
Me -"N-n-no I d-d-don't drink"
They're laughing as I'm sounding like a nerdy kid. Drew gives me a questioning look as if he knows I'm lying. Jake brings drinks for all, as I take a sip I catch Drew gazing at me making me feel more uncomfortable
Oliviya -"Destiny are you alright?"
Me -"Y-y-yeah. I d-d-don't like p-p-p-people that like to g-g-get drunk and a-a-a-act cheap"
Drew -"I think you spend your friday or sunday night in places like court so you obey certain rules"
They all laugh I don't know at me or his stupid joke. He talks humorously, I like that though I know he's insulting me
Oliviya -"C'mon guys let's dance"
Me -"I'm n-n-n-not used to the l-l-l-loud music, it's m-m-m-making me uncom-m-m-f-f-fortable"
Drew is on his phone and blowing bubbles into his glass, I just hate that thing
Me -"D-d-d-don't do that D-d-d-drew"
Drew -"Do what?"
Me -"What-whatever you-you are d-d-doing"
Drew -"Scrolling down my news feed"
Me -"N-n-n-nothing"
Oliviya -"C'mon girls let's dance"
Me -"Y'all g-g-go"
Kris -"Okay Dez you relax..let's go guys"
I walk towards the bar and take a seat opposite the counter watching them dancing without limits. I'm trying to act cool but just making myself more miserable
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