Fight Own Battles
Drew walks over here and takes a seat by my side, I keep gazing at him
Drew -"I don't get why people keep staring at me like this anyway excuse me, can I have a large jack and coke?"
Bartender -"Sure sir and what can I get for you pretty lady?"
Me -"W-w-w-water"
Drew -"Typical nerd"
Me -"Ex-ex-ex-ex-"
Drew -"My ex looks so much hotter than you"
Me -"I-i-i mean to s-s-say excuse m-m-me..who are you c-c-calling a nerd?"
Drew -"Why are you even asking?"
Me -"C-c-c-cause you called me a nerd"
Drew -"I don't remember uttering your name"
Me -"But you d-d-did mean it"
Drew -"Do you know you've dressed yourself like Lady Gaga"
Me -"I d-d-d-d-d"
Drew -"Don't care?"
Me -"Don't c-c-c-cut me off like t-t-that and m-m-m-mind your own b-b-b-business"
I don't get in a tizzy over minor things but this guys is gonna make me speak absolutely nonsense, gritting my teeth I slam my fist down on the table but he cracks a beautiful smile in reply and gently hands me the glass. Should I get furious or fall for his smile?
Drew -"Nerds don't drink and dance"
Turns his sexy dark hazel eyes slowly and thoughtfully towards his glass, I play my index finger nervously on the rim of the glass. He thinks I'm weak, I can't do anything, it's time to act like a bitch for a badass. I order a small glass of red wine
Drew -"You sure?"
Me -"Y-y-y-yes"
Drew -"Don't over drink or you'll end up vomiting and ruining everyones night"
I give him my best bitch look but he is grinning. What's so funny? boy don't take your eyes off me now I'm gonna get drunk and show you I'm not weak. I just take a sip and literally spit it out on the ground, he laughs as hard as he could
Me -"Yuck! It t-t-t-tastes terrible"
Now I've weird rotten meat smell and taste in my mouth
Drew -"You can't do it girl"
Me -"S-s-s-shut up"
Drew -"You're quite boring"
Me -"Why a-a-are you t-t-talking to me then? w-w-w-where are your g-g-g-girls?"
Drew -"Sweetie you've lost your confidence"
Me -"Nope"
Drew -"Yup. You're squishing your real self. When people talk rubbish about you, judge you harshly, you just feel ashamed of yourself and wish they would shut their freaking mouth"
Me -"W-w-what else c-c-c-can I do?"
Drew -"Look into their eyes and show them the real you"
Me -"Why d-d-d-do you c-c-care what I'm d-d-doing?"
He does the same thing, cracks a cute smile in reply then looks away. I start to walk past him but then I feel him grabbing my wrist strongly. As I look back at him he pulls me closer to him
Drew -"I'm not a good dancer and I know you're not either but wanna give it a shot?"
My eyes go wide when they meet those intensive hazel eyes, blinking hopefully
Me -"I.." shake my head
Drew -"Shake it off girl"
His teasing grin makes me grin shyly. He playfully pulls me towards the dance floor as I accept his open palm
'Diamonds in your eyes cover your lies, cover your lies
Trust me we can be special tonight, special tonight'
I most likely look terrible when I dance so I'm just standing straight, nodding my head, moving my arms back and forth but he is dancing like there is no tomorrow for him. He is such a liar, he dances much better than other dudes
Me -"Y-y-y-you dance s-s-s-so good"
Drew -"You're better"
I never knew moving your body side to side through the air could make you a good dancer? it's the first time I'm dancing with a guy. It feels so good though other guys around me is trying to touch me. Just the other moment everything gets awkward because I feel a soft slap on my butt that makes me jump. I check the guy from the corner of my eye, winking and blowing a kiss at me
Drew -"You alright?"
I again feel a slap on my butt but this time he did it firmly. I find it really inappropriate but I'm too shy to tell Drew about it so I just nod my head as if I'm alright. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close until our lips are almost touching. I hesitantly turn my head to the right, he slowly takes a few steps back
Me -"S-s-s-sorry"
Drew -"I'm sorry. I've to make a call, you wait here, okay?"
Me -"I-i-i'll be waiting at the b-b-b-bar"
Drew -"Okay and remember you're beautiful, you're not weak"
I walk to the bar and take a seat, I hate being touched by strangers. Two guys come up to me, sit in the chairs next to me
"Hey beautiful"
"Allow me to buy you a drink"
"You've got a bumpy soft ass"
Me -"L-l-l-leave me a-a-alone"
"I like your sexy body"
Running his hand up and down my arm then lets it fall to my thighs. I playfully take his hand off my thighs and push him back
Me -"D-d-d-don't mess with m-m-me"
"Take it easy babe"
"Do you always talk like that?"
Me -"Y-y-yeah. I've a s-s-s-s-speech d-d-disorder"
"Babe you're on my "to do" list"
Me -"S-s-sure, before we d-d-do anything I w-w-want you to know-know that I was t-t-tested for HIV and this m-m-m-morning the re-re-results returned p-p-p-positive. I w-w-wanna enjoy the-the last d-d-days of my li-life to the f-f-f-fullest. T-t-take my num-number okay, gi-gi-give me your phone"
I take a deep breath cause I can't talk very long, I find it extremely hard, I stutter almost on every single word
"Well babe catch you later"
They both kiss my cheeks before leaving. YEAH! It worked! I'm not weak. It wasn't real me who I used to be. I'm brave enough to deal with stupid people. Now if the next time anyone tries to mock me I'll kick their ass. Suddenly someone pats on my right shoulder, I find no one when I look back. Did anyone actually pat or was it my imagination? Whatever then when I look to my left, I see Drew gazing at me. So it was him!
Me -"H-h-hey"
Drew -"Who were they?"
Me -"I actually d-d-did it"
Drew -"Did what?"
Me -"D-d-d-drew I'm n-n-n-not we-weak. I k-k-know how to f-f-f-f-fight my own b-b-b-battles, even I'm s-s-s-tarting to re-re-realize I'm m-m-m-much s-s-stronger"
Drew -"Now you can fight with queen bee"
Me -"I d-d-d-don't know"
Drew -"C'mon girl you're braver than you believe"
Me -"I c-c-c-can't say a d-d-damn s-s-s-s-sentence without s-s-stupid sounds c-c-coming out-out of my m-m-mouth"
Drew -"We've the power to imagine better right?"
Me -"Aww D-d-d-drew tha-tha-thank you f-f-for-"
Drew -"I know I'm great"
He keeps gazing me, I gently place my fingers against his neck just behind his ear then place a small kiss on his cheek.
Me -"T-t-t-thank you"
Drew -"Destiny I think I-"
Sliding my finger across my phone's screen to check the time, it's almost three thirty, mom is gonna kill me I should leave now
Me -"D-d-d-drew? can you d-d-d-drop me o-o-off at home?"
Drew -"Now?"
Me -"It's almost m-m-m-mid night" I nod
Drew -"Sure"
He flips his keys around his index finger and asks me to follow him. He is whistling a tune very melodiously, just after getting in the car a breeze blows dust into my eyes, as I rub my eyes my vision becomes blurry. I rub harder but it gets more cloudy UGH! after blinking a couple of times I get a clear vision of him rolling up his sleeves DAMN! he looks five thousand times sexier. I should start fanning myself with a smutty romance novel like Carly Rae Jepsen does in her 'Call me maybe' music video. I decide to keep staring at him without him realizing it but I don't know how he catches me all the time
Drew -"What's your prob-Hahaha!"
Me -"What?"
He cups his hand over his mouth and takes a deep breath then licks his lower lip before speaking
Drew -"Your face"
Me -"What's wrong with my face?"
Drew -"You've a great face"
Something is not right here. I let out a crazy scream as I look myself in the mirror OH CRAP! I literally forgot that I wore eyeliner, now I've raccoon eyes
Me -"W-w-w-why didn't you t-t-t-t-tell me?"
He grins, keeping his eyes on the road. I immediately grab some tissues and start wiping my face UGH! I know I'm gonna end up with having an one big black smudge face
Drew -"Your lips look kissable. You look sexy enough to attract the right man"
Me -"I'm n-n-n-not your type. U-u-use this trick on O-o-o-oliviya. She's typically very b-b-b-b-beautiful with an in-in-in-in-incredible body"
Drew -"She got Aaron"
Me -"A-a-and you got w-w-who?"
Drew -"No-one. Lonely as you"
Me -"I-i-i-i like s-s-s-someone"
Drew -"Oh yeah? who?"
Me -"J-j-j-jake yeah Jake"
Drew -"I see.."
Me -"W-w-what?"
Drew -"Do you really like him?" he asks in a husky voice
Me -"Y-y-yeah" I nod
Now he has no smile on his face, keeps his eyes focused on the road like he's not interested in talking to me anymore
Drew -"Look we've reached our target"
Me -"W-w-w-w-what?"
Drew -"Your home"
Me -"T-t-t-thanks"
As I get out of his car he gives a faint smile and leaves. What's wrong with him? did I just hurt him? nah I'm ugly, fat, nerdy and he's handsome, smart, sexy. Just look at him he is a hot jock, he is too popular for me
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