A New Life
Destiny's P.O.V
I slide my finger across my phone's screen which turns the alarm clock off then I check the time it reads 8.00 last time I saw the time was 6.20 in the morning
Delphina -"Sissy wake up! your new university is waiting for you. Aren't you excited?"
Me -"I ddd-don't know exactly. What if they l-l-l-laugh too like the p-p-p-people of my old school?"
Delphina -"C'mon how many times do I have to tell you that you've the ability to turn a negative situation into a positive one"
Nodding my head I fling my legs off the side of my bed and walk straight into the bathroom to do my business. I dress myself in a super cute outfit and tie my long hair into a ponytail so that I won't become a topic of ridicule then I go downstairs for breakfast
Mom -"Sweetie why you look so nervous?"
Me -"Mom I'm always a-a-a-afraid to bo-bo-bother people"
Mom -"Sweetie we just moved to a new town. Trust me you're gonna find new friends who won't tease you"
I let out a deep breath. There were many possible reasons to get fed up with everything around me so we moved from Costa Mesa to LA, why is God so unfair to me like this? somehow God made a mistake when He made me. My hands clench into a very tight fist, trying to hold back my tears. After about five silent awkward minutes a fruity voice breaks the silence
Delphina -"Is it that you are nervous about your love life? Imagining how will you get a boyfriend?"
Delphina is only fourteen but more mature than her age. We fight over things but when it comes to the worst time she always protects me
Me -"Shut up, that's n-n-n-not true. Don't think I'm l-l-l-like you"
Delphina -"Always flirting"
Me -"When?"
Delphina -"Want me to count how many times you did?
Me -"N-n-n-never did"
Delphine -"Liar"
Mom -"Oh come on, you two stop now, first finish your breakfast then fight"
I eat like a bowl of cereal then make my way to my life
Moxie International University
I'm joining after mid-term, feeling like a dramatic freshman. Here I'm gonna find out who I really am. There's nothing worse than a new life without friends, wondering how I'm walking down the hall room, a pretty girl with hazel eyes and black curly hair walks over to me
"Hey, you are the new girl right?"
Me -"Um yeah"
"You'll need a guide. I'm Kristiya"
Me -"Destiny"
Kristiya -"Destiny hope cyrus?"
Me -"Haha nah M-m-m-martin, nice to m-m-meet you Kris-kristiya"
Kristiya-"Haha nice to meet you too. Come with me I'll show our MIU"
Me -"Sure"
Suddenly we hear a crusty voice asking us to stop and makes us whirl around
Kristiya -"Rebecca, Ashley no!"
Me -"Who are they?"
Kristiya -"Have you ever been a victim of mean girl bullying?"
Me -"Yeah whe-when I was in s-s-s-school"
A girl with light golden blonde hair walks over to us with her girl squad. They look at us from head to toe, making me uncomfortable
Rebecca -"New face aha"
Me -"Yeah I'm new he-he-he-here"
Rebecca -"What's your name?"
Me -"Destiny M-m-m-martin"
Rebecca -"I'm Re-re-re-rebecca Kraft and she is Ashley Va-va-valent"
They all laugh evilly like their plan has gone right. They are gently nudging each other, talking amongst themselves then Ashley speaks up in a croaky voice
Ashley -"Why a-a-are you jo-jo-jo-joining after m-m-mid-term?"
Me -"Cause I-I-I had some is-is-issues"
Kristiya -"Destiny let's go"
Grabbing my wrist she tries to drag me away from them but Ashley snaps out her right arm like a barrier
Rebecca -"I'm not finished yet. D-d-d-do you always ta-ta-talk like that?"
Me -"Why are you i-i-i-imitating me?"
One of them gives my ponytail a yank
Me -"OUCH!"
Ashley -"Aww I l-l-like your p-p-p-ponytail"
Rebecca -"You speak relatively slower than a rout of snails moving"
They are mercilessly mocking and making fun of my stuttering . Their behavior is hurtful and unacceptable. Biting my lower lip I wipe away my tears before they could roll down my cheeks. Suddenly a deep male voice speaks while walking by us
"Queen bee, you better desist from your misdoings"
He turns his back on me before I could see his face. He's wearing a black shirt with indigo jeans kinda hot
Kristiya -"Enough"
She grabs my wrist and drags me away from them
Kristiya -"You should not go further with them"
Me -"They are s-s-s-so rude"
Kristiya -"Yeah they used to tease me about my dark complexion"
Me -"Ugly b-b-b-b-bitches"
Kristiya -"Brats..anyway let me show you around. We're gonna start from the canteen"
Me -"C-c-c-canteen..you s-s-s-serious?"
Kristiya -"Yeah do you know who's calling me"
Me -"Who?"
Kristiya -"Food"
Me -"Haha"
*Around half an hour later*
Kristiya-"So this was our MIU.n You're gonna have a great time here."
Me -"Yeah..C-c-c-can we be friend?"
Kristiya -"I thought we were already friends"
Me -"UGH! Silly m-m-me"
Kristiya -"Anyway you said you'd some issues, If you don't mind me saying"
Me -"Sure..We u-u-used to live in LA but da-da-da-dad was transf-f-ferred to Co-co-costa Mesa so we had to m-m-move. I m-m-moved as a kid wi-with dreams of a new place, n-n-new friends but p-p-people around me were so judge-judge-judge-judgmental. I d-d-didn't fine anyone as a fri-fri-friendly ac-acquain-t-tance. In s-s-school they used to m-m-make me re-re-read out loud. They-they used to s-s-speak to me with a voice tha-that sounded i-i-ironically like me stuttering. In hi-hi-high school my classm-m-m-mates used to made spiteful little jokes about me. Everywhere I go I ge-ge-get mocked for my s-s-stuttering or get other in-in-inappropriate reactions to m-m-my speech"
Kristiya -"Oh God, I'm so sorry"
Me -"The-the day before prom I-I-I found an anonymous letter in m-m-my locker. I op-op-opened it with a s-s-s-sense that it was f-f-f-from someone special bu-bu-but the writer left no s-s-s-stone un-unturned in insulting m-m-me"
Kristiya -"Was it written in that way?"
Me -"Yes"
Kristiya -"What was in it?"
Me -"It read 'H-hey, you s-s-stutter that's why you-you have n-n-no one to-to go to p-p-prom with. Ex-ex-except for fo-forced talk no one rea-rea-really wa-wants to talk to-to you"
Kristiya -"Oh my God! it seems so scary to confront these assholes"
Me -"After re-re-reaching home I lo-locked myself in the bath-room and cried. That night I tho-tho-thoroughly made up my-my mind not to attend university in-in that city-"
Kristiya -"That's enough. I don't wanna make you feel down. I am so sorry. Keep it in your mind that they are just jealous of you and don't want you to become better than they are"
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