Bonus Chapter - Two pink lines Jaan❤️
Raghav's POV:
2 months post their Wayanad trip
(Lying on bed moaning his beautiful wife's name still closing his eyes after yet another fantastic night)
Where is this madam early morning...
'Jaan khai gelli(In Konkani means where did you go?)'
Why is she not replying...
I called loudly this time while still stuffing the pillow she slept on into my chest.😍 I love her fragrance ❤️❤️❤️
Where is she.... I still didn't get her response...
Lazily I opened my eyes...
Oho... It's just 6:15 am...
I quickly woke up to see if my darling wife was at the balcony doing her regular yoga... My eyes loved to consume that treat 😍
She's a bomb while she moves her body in such positions... inspiring me to try new things in the night 😂🤭
Yep....4 months of my marriage and I'm still a pervert 😂
But no today she wasn't here too...
Scratching the back of my head I went down. It was early morning for Prabhu's as everyone was tired of Vish and Appy's wedding functions and tonight was the
'Phool Muddi' function.
I wasn't very surprised to see no one out yet... except I knew my mom would have got up.
I quickly took fast steps to kitchen only to see my mom stand there like a monument!!!
She was dumbfound!
And her eyes almost were popping out 😳
I didn't understand what worried her so much. So I averted my gaze towards kitchen to only see my darling wife binging a cheese burst pizza early in the morning 6:15 am??? 😕🤨😳
I was confused???
So was mom!!!
We both looked at each other in so much confusion!!!
'Raghavvvvv....Deva what is this???' mom asked me...
I... I didn't have answer...
'I don't know Amma...'
To add on to it my wife was eating thr pizza like she hadn't eaten anything last 23 years of her life.
I swallowed the lump in my mouth...
When I asked mom she cooked this early in morning???
Mom nodded a yes...
'I came just now while I was seeing her eating this ....thing ... Did she eat her dinner last night???' mom asked while still cringing and laughing the way she stuffed the cheesy pizza in her mouth without bothering about the world 😕
I nodded yes...
My wife turned a dinosaur 🦕 from her dragon self 🤨
She literally was eating a 12 pieces pizza alone!!!
'Amma... I hope she's not possessed!!!' I said worrying...
Mom slapped me playfully... laughing...
Maybe she was hungry... Come lets ask her...
I called her...
But all she was doing was...
Moaning while eating the pizza...
Mom was laughing 😂
I called her again...
But all she did was moan at every bite of that was EMBARASSING...
Slowly I went and tapped her shoulder
While she looked at me and stood up at once...still scratching her head...
I noticed she was still in her pajamas...
She rarely wore them in living room...she was always a well dressed woman outside our bedroom...
Well...Inside our depends on how naughty is my mood😜🤭
'Pizzzhhhaaaa' she offered me while stuffing some more in her mouth...
I tried smelling if she was drunk...but no she was fine...
'What happened' she quizzed me
'Ummm nothing Jaan... You are.... eating ... morning....I mean'
So she said...' I dreamt of pizza last night... So I couldn't control I quickly made some....want some???'
She asked while stuffing another big bite...
'For breakfast???? Ummm no Jaan... It''s' I told her...
While I came back to mom who was eyeing us both keenly...
'Raghavvvvv... Umm... Is Siya behaving a little wierd since few days' mom asked...
I looked at mom saying...
'Ummm... No's just that she's a little cranky since a few days... maybe it's Vish's wedding pressure...' I justified...
Mom smiled saying...
'Well.... because.... yesterday as well I noticed your wife eating pani puri with cheese....😜 On top of it'
I cringed at that thought....
'Whattt ekkks... pani puri with cheese...'
'Exactly that's how I behaved while seeing your wify enjoying the pani puri...welll ....ummmm shall I suggest something???' mom scratched back of her neck and told...
'You guys must take a test!!!🤭'
I didn't understand what she meant 🤨
'Test??? What test Amma' I asked with a confused look...
'Idiot... Go give your 10th exams test... dumbo.... Deva....( Oh God in Konkani) ' she exclaimed dramatically...
Then pulled me closer and whispered in her ears...
'Home pregnancy you dumbo'
Mom said...
My eyes widened in shock and I blushed hard...
But actually made sense...
I told mom I will get it right slapped my head saying...
'My genius son, it should be done early morning... First urine... Get it tomorrow and.....yup.... take care of your cute wife till then... seems like she's binging cheese ...I'll make cheese Paratha for her today ... and ya...try not letting her eat junk today's function get it??' mom ordered me strictly...
She already looked like a dominating Bapama to me🙈
I blushed hard and nodded a OK 🙃😊
Soon I noticed Siya had fallen asleep on kitchen platform...
I went running to her...
Mom started laughing 😂
I was worried...Siya slept off while eating...
Mom patted my back while still controlling her laugh...
And said... 'Same symptoms as mine when you were in my womb 🤭... But I don't want to give fake hopes but that doesn't mean you don't take care of her... Be next to her get it???'
Today was my blush day 🤣🤣🤣🥰
Soon I scooped Siya in my arms and took her to the bedroom...
She slept peacefully...
I kept looking at her and her tummy...
I touched her tummy saying...
'Well...I don't know if you are really there junior....but if you are...then ....
Anu (Dad in Konkani) loves you a lot❤️❤️❤️
I don't know why but I had tears in my eyes❤️❤️❤️ happy tears...
I pecked my sleeping beauty on her lips while watching her sleep peacefully...❤️❤️❤️
It was 11:30 am and we all family members were in the living room while I noticed an embarassed Siya running down the staircase...
First time in 4 months we saw Siya get up this late... Although no one questioned her...
Dad and Naman were discussing business and Aditi was helping mom choose Vish's wedding present...
'Slow Siya Slow' mom said loudly while sitting in living room...
Next second mom passed me a glare!!!
I never saw mom do that to me after 5th std...
Well they say na... A financer loves his interests better than principal amount 🤭🤣 although we hadn't done any tests yet... My mother's grandmother harmones already showed it's signs 🤣🤣🤣
I didn't want to risk my life and spent entire day playing 'Royal Guard to my mom's daughter in law 🤣'
My mom fed her cheese parathas and she stuffed them like a little child🤣🤣🤣 she was so cute❤️❤️❤️
In evening at Vish's phool Muddi...
I noticed my Siya craving Pasta with extra cheese...
The entire evening she was either eating or sleeping on my shoulder...
At night on bed while lying on my chest and drawing patterns on my chest Siya confessed...
'Baby... I feel something is wrong with me'
I looked at her...she looked dull...
I smiled and cupped her face pulled her upon me stuffing her more into me...
Caressing her hairs... I asked...
'What happened Jaan'
'I don't know...from last 2-3 days I am either eating either sleeping... You won't believe day before yesterday I slept while on my video call...I'm too tired nowadays...I don't know...'
She said while still yawning...
I smiled and asked her...
'Ummm... Baby... Do you think...ummm...we must take a test?'
She saw me at once...
'What test'
I smiled 😊 and said...
'Ummm.... pregnancy test'
Her eyes widened in shock...😳
I saw her swallow her saliva...
I tried to calm her down explaining...
'See missed your 2 periods... You told me it's usual in your case when you are stressed... But your eating and sleeping habits are very unusual see you are a little annoyed always nowadays'
'Excuse me... What do you mean by annoyed' 😠
Well.... I guess I awakened my baby dragon 🐉
I slowly rubbed her back trying to calm her ..
'Baby could be... anything... But... We must take a test... And you know we don't use protection so anything can be possible'
I saw her thinking...
Rather worrying...
'Ummmm... Ra... Raghav... If ..if...this test...I mean... you know...if... Iffff ... Are we...I mean are we.... really ready...I mean you know'
I looked at my nervous cute wife...
I smiled and pulled her more into me kissing her neck...
'Jaan... I would love to be a father of our baby ❤️ but... It's your body so...I ....I won't question you.....' I kissed her forehead again...
She pecked my lips back saying...
' I must get the home test kit'
I smiled sheepishly saying... It's already in our cupboard... I got a couple of them today ...
I saw her eyes widen 😳🙈
Soon I saw her no time she peacefully slept on my chest.
Next day morning again I couldn't feel Siya next to me...
'Siyaaaaa' I called her...
When I didn't get a response from her...I got up...
It was just 6:30 am...
What's she binging today I thought but slowly I heard soft sons from washroom...
I opened washroom door to see Siya sitting on the granite stand beside wash basin and crying 😭
I ran to her and hugged her tightly...
'Jaan... what happened baby... Are you...are you ok...'
She hugged me tightly and literally put her neck into my neck...
The hug was very tight...
I asked her what happened and she showed me 4 pregnancy test kits that she kept in a straight line on the granite stand.
'2... 2....'
She was repeating 2...
'2 pink lines' she finally blurted
Hugging me tightly...
I understood it was negative...
I tried to relax her by rubbing her back...
'Its ok baby.... don't worry... It will all be ok... anyways...this wasn't a planned one's ok...if you really are keen...we can try'
That's when she slammed my head...
'Idiot's 2 pink lines'
She said...
I looked at her confused...
While I saw her smile creep up in between of her tears...
'Its positive Mr Husband...
We are PREGNANT 🙈' she said...
I froze....
I couldn't understand what happened next...
My vision was blurred...
In sometime I opened my eyes noticing I was lying down in our washroom...
Siya had sprinkled some water on face probably...
Getting up at once I stood on my feet and asked her...
'Wh....Wh...What you confessed is true??? Two pink lines means positive??? Means we are pregnant??? Tell me correctly...I'm not dreaming right' I poured questions on her...
While she stood there laughing saying...
'Yes Dadda'
I lifted her at once and twirled with her in my arms...
Then slowly realised...
'No...No... Baby... baby'
She was laughing at my behavior...
Soon I smashed my lips on hers...
I sucked her lips softly without hurting her ...
We parted after a few minutes...
'Jaan... Are you ok to....I mean... You were crying...its fine if you'
She closed my mouth with her hand...
'Its our love Raghav... I want this baby as much as you do❤️❤️❤️
It's just that I got emotional ❤️❤️❤️ it's...
It's ..
Our first ❤️❤️❤️'
She blushed hard and touched her tummy...
I looked at her saying...
'Oh.... You mean you want more... many more....I'm good... You decide...socker team or cricket team... and anyways I had heard that my great great grandfather had 12 kids... I'm sure I'll hold those genes 😜'
She literally slapped my chest and pulled me into a bone crashing hug...
'I love you both' she said...
'Both???🤨 who both???' I asked...
'You and Junior Prabhu ☺️' she blushed and pecked my lips...
'Already competition with Dadda....hmmm...listen Mummy Prabhu... I don't share love with anyone...and Junior Prabhu will get his portion of love and I will get mine!!! No partiality get it'
I said in a serious tone 🤣
She was laughing loud...🤣🤣🤣
Soon we went down noticing Naman Aditi already left to look after arrangements for Vish's mehndi function tonight and only mom dad were at home...
Soon I came down scratching my head and looked at mom...
Mom was in kitchen... while she saw me ...
I was still scratching my head saying...
'Amma.... Siya...I mean I...I mean...'
Moms eyes twinkled...
She came running out of kitchen and lifted my chin up...
I was blushing like a bride...🙈🙈🙈
I hugged her saying...
'We love you Bapama'❤️❤️❤️
My mom had tears of joy... She was on cloud nine...
Soon I saw dad pull us into a group hug...
'Oh my God...I'm turning Ajjo ...'
Everyone was squealing in happiness...
While we tried looking for Siya who was in Ajjo's room...
We entered Ajjo's room...
We saw Ajjo was blessing Siya while still lying on bed...
'I'm turning Pijjo (Great grandfather) my children... Thank you so much for this beautiful gift...' saying he blessed us...
Mom kissed Siya's forehead and Dad announced a bonus for everyone at Prabhu Group of Hotels ❤️❤️❤️
My family was beaming happiness ❤️❤️❤️
Soon we went to a doctor and got our blood test done and doctor confirmed Siya was 7 weeks pregnant ❤️
We came back home while mom fed Siya a delicious lunch and everyone pampered her like a baby... Siya informed her parents....while she told her mom she was literally jumping out of excitement 'Mamama (Mother's mother) harmones ' you see...
Everyone was happiest ❤️❤️❤️
Few days later....
While walking in our rose garden...
Siya said...
'Thank you baby... I....I love you'
I pecked her lips saying...
'Thank you always... I love you more ❤️'
She pecked my lips back again.
And I pulled her into a deep kiss and we pressed our foreheads against each other...
'Mummy Prabhu 🤣🤣🤣' I laughed...
'Daddy Prabhu 🙈🙈🙈' she blushed
I pulled her into a hug while she was hiding her face in my chest❤️❤️❤️
My baby dragon 🐉 was actually gonna give birth to a mini dragon in next few months 🙈
Hope you liked this bonus chapter❤️
Happy Birthday my dear reader Geet1038...this one's specially for your birthday ❤️
And to all my darling readers this is dedicated to you all and your love for #SiRa❤️
Love love 💕
Vpsisthename20 ❤️
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