what happened!!!!
Hiiiii guys long gap right ..........OK let's move into the story.
Abhi was waiting restlessly outside the operation theatre......... He was completely filled with various emotions. He doesn't know how to react whether he should be happy or worry for his fuggi's state.......
He badly wants to know about his fuggi.......what happened in these days.........
He called purab........
After 3 years he is calling purab for the first time.........
On the other side purab was astonished to see caller ID Abhi
Purab:hello abhi!!!
After hearing his voice abhi broke down completely and cried vigorously........purab was completely startled To hear his cry
Purab:abhi abhi what happened
Abhi:pu....pur..purab...........fuggi fig.....fuggi
Purab:what happened to my choti????abhi
Abhi realized what purab was said
Abhi: which means you know about her ???????
Purtab:I am sorry abhi first tell me what happened to choti
Abhi was very furious on everyone that everyone around him cheated him
Abhi:first come to xyz hospital
And cuts the call immediately
After 15 minute purab came
Purab:abhi what happened??????
Abhi:you all killed me purab........
Purab came towards abhi and touched his shoulder
Suddenly abhi slapped purab in full force.... And strangled his neck...
Abhi:why to you did this to me purab....you only accused me right for your choti's death you stopped talking with me right......then why the hell you didn't informed me when pragya is alive....
Purab was shocked because he never calls pragya by her name even in his wild dreams.
Purab:abhi just listen to me......before a only I came to know that choti is alive.....
Purab:she is in big trouble abhi...
Purab:haan abhi.....first you sit I will go and see choti first
Purab went near OP and worried by seeing her state
Doctor came outside.... And called abhi
Abhi:doctor how is she?????
Doctor: sorry Mr.abhi we can't assure you that she will be fine completely
Abhi:what happened doctor??!??
Purab:abhi you just relax I will take care
Doctor: I think she was already got severe hit on her head????is this a second time???
Abhi:I don't...
Purab interpreted
Purab:yes doctor before 4 years someone hit her with iron rod and then she became...🔕🔕🔕🔕(muted)
Abhi was completely shattered by hearing this.He was very furious to strangle and kill the person reason for this
While purab explained what are all the things happened in these 4 years
Abhi cursed himself for her state.......
Abhi:I won't leave that bloody bitch purab how could they do this to me and our family.....
Purab:sorry abhi I should told this before but I promised choti that I won't contact you until she tells......
Abhi:it's OK purab from when your choti became mother Theresa.....and by the way I am so sorry for my worst behavior
Both hugged each other
After some time...?!!!!!!
Doctor came and informed that pragya is out of danger.....
Abhi and purab was very happy
Abhi:can I go and meet her doctor........??????
Doctor: sorry Mr you can't see her now you can see her tomorrow
Abirab:OK thank you doctor!!...
Abhi:OK purab what about ranveer and ishaani?????they will worry very much for pragya na....and also bulbul
Purab:abhi you have to be strong for hearing this........
Abhi:don't scare me purab Tell me?!!!
Purab:ranveer is in jail and ishaani is in mental asylum....
Abhi:what???? Then bulbul
Purab: she she......she is in coma abhi .............
Abhi:I can't stay here calmly anymore purab that bitch spoiled my family..............
What happened???
Who is abhi mentioned as bitch????
See you all soon tomorrow......... I know this is shot but will try to give more!!!comment me and hit the star if you love it................
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