We forgot about Phoenix Drop
Katz: The they had woken me up. I dident want to wake up! I wanted to sleep in! I was still sore from being possessed then getting hit with a Orb of Dark energy as everyone called it. Laurance and Sly had gone outside to talk about somthing and Jess and Garroth were deep in conversation about Garroth's powers. I had over heard Laurance,Garroth,Steaven and Caster talking about it while I was trying to sleep. "Even I ach." I heard Venoms voice say in my head. "Don't even think about it." I told him. "I wouldn't even be able too! Your body is too tuckered out which sadly means I am too." Venom replied with a rude tone. "What ever." I told him as I got up and walked over to Steaven and Caster. "This guy is tired too." I tell them. Steaven replied "you mean Venom told you he was tired?" "Yup, in fact he wants me to go to sleep so he can sleep also. But I'm not very nice so I'm not going to." I replied to Steaven. Steaven and Caster burst out laughing. Then Venom said in my head "Oh come on! Please! I'm soooo tired and I won't stop taking to you until you do!" Then venom proceeded to sing the most annoying song he could think of. "Caster, Venom is singing in my head how do I a make him stop?" I asked Caster while Venom continued to sing. (Just imagine it's the most annoying song you can think of) "I have no clue. But you should get some rest anyway because you need to heal. Venom will need time to recharge. Longer than just one nap and I assume his singing will where him out also." Caster replied. I guess I'm going back to sleep. Just then Jess Yelled "WAIT!!WHAT ABOUT PHOENIX DROP!?!?!" Where was Phoenix drop? Just then Sly and Laurance Bursted back threw the door. Then I heard Venom say " Phoenix drop ehh? Seams like Jess has somthing to do with that village. Can't wait to tell Loki about this!" "GUYS!!!!!" I yell out loud. Everyone turns to look at me. "DID YOU FORGET VENOM CAN HEAR YOU GUYS TOO?!?!" I yelled. Jess's face went white and so did Garroth's and Laurance's face. "Everyone!" Jess's said her voice filled with fear.
Garroth: I had explained my *new* powers to Aphmua. She started talking about Zoey, Because Zoey had Barrier Magic's she would be able to teach me how to use my powers. Then she yelled "WAIT!!WHAT ABOUT PHOENIX DROP?!?!" Oh shoot. They dident even know where we had gone! They were probuly freaking out. Laurance and Sly burst into the room as Katz Yelled "GUYS!!! We all turned to look at him as he continued "DID YOU FORGET VENOM CAN HEAR YOU TOO?!?!" Oh no! My stomach dropped as I realized that becuase Venom could hear everything we said it was like having a spy in our lines. Venom would tell Loki and Loki would Attack Phoenix Drop. Then Aphmau said "Everyone!" Her voice full of fear. Then Sly said "We have to get there quick Loki will be there any minute!" "Laurance and I should stay. If we get possessed again it would be bad." Katz said. Laurance replied quickly "Katz is right. If we go we will definitely get possessed and we could hurt you guys badly because you couldent bring you selfs to hurt us." Aphmau was about to protest when she nodded. "It's true." She said. Then sly said "but chances are you guys will be possessed anyway so we will. Have to put you in the cage." He cringed as he said it. What was the cage? Befor I could ask Caster saw the look on Laurance, Aphmau and i's faces and answered. "The cage is a containment cell especially made to keep super heroes or beings with powers in. As far as we know no one had been able to get out of it. Laurance,Katz. Hand me your weapons" Caster said. Laurance and Katz handed over their wepons. Caster wrapped them and put them in a box. "Now only you two can get them out. So no one can steal them. Come on Steaven let's take them to the cage." Caster said. Steaven nodded and him,Laurance,Katz and Caster walked out side. "Now, to get to Phoenix Drop. Where is it exactly Jess?" Sly asked Aphmua. "Follow me. Caster knows where it is so he and Steaven will join us once we get there." Aphmau replied as she rushed out of the room, Sky and I following. I hope Phoenix Drop will be okay I thought as we followed Aphmua
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