Steaven: Jess just said " And why is the only thing I can think of is the word iron man?" I looked at Sly and then he said with hope in his voice "Iron man Is my Dad. And I have his suit. You can only think of that because you are slowly regaining your memory." Jess's face then lit up "Is this Mjölnir? Because when I look at it that's what I think it's called." Then I said" Yes! That's its name! What do you think of when you think lighting?" Caster then looked at me and mouthed bad idea. Then Jess thought for a second and boom! I lighting bolt struck right where she was. She jumped and said "um, did I just get stuck by lighting? And why am I not dead or and screaming my head off?" Sly replied " Because your authors daughter and that's your hammer and it can some lighting." Then he hands to her head and said "Did I build this place. And is it called the hall?" Sly said eyes shown with excitement " Yes Jess!! Yes! You built it and named it the Hall!" Just then Katz said " Sly! " in a panicked voice. Sly and I both quickly turned to him. Oh shoot not again! Sly and I locked eyes. We had to get Katz out of here befor he hurt Jess. Sly quickly said " hey Laurance! Stay with Jess and you too Garroth. Steaven and I have to talk with Katz. Caster stay with them." Then we rushed outside with Katz. As his cyborg suit eye turned Green and so did his hair.
Sly: Jess was remembering! "Yes Jess!Yes! You built it and named it the Hall!" I said excitedly. Then I heard Katz voice " Sly!" I turned to him his hair is beginning to have a slight green tint to it. Oh no not again! I lock eyes with Steaven. Then I said " hey Laurance! Stay with Jess and you too Garroth. Steaven and I have to talk with Katz. Caster stay with them." Then Steaven and I grab Katz and hall him outside The Hall. Then Katz cyborg suit eye spurned green and so did his hair. Then Katz laughed evilly "Time for some fun" Katz said but not in his voice in venoms voice. The Katz started to try to go back inside. I knew he would head strait for Jess because Loki had done this. Soon after Jess left Loki had shown up demanding Mjölnir but we of corse refused. Then when he had atepted to kill me Katz had jumped in the way. Now he was still Katz just every once and a while he would go Venom and try to find and Kill Jess or whatever she had made and try to steal Mjölnir. So I knew where he was headed. I shoot a net at him and it caught his leg. But he cut it off quickly. This was going to be a long fight.
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