The Dream
Jess/Aphmau: I was placing the last StarStone in the bridge to Asgaurd. Wait what is a StarStone? And I have heard about Asgaurd in my other dream memory. Was this a dream too? "Jess! Come quick Loki is Attacking a Village called Silver River!!" I heard dream Sly yell.(Just a random village name BTW) my dream self rose to my feet and grasped Mjolnir in my hand. Then I shot threw the air with Sly by my side heading for Silver River. When we arrived I saw a man in green. That must be Loki I thought to my self. Then dream me yelled "Loki! Stop attacking this village at once!" Loki looked up, smiled and said "Of course Jess. Right after I kill them all." Then Loki raised his hand and lit a mound of TNT. "No!!" Dream me yelled as the village was blow to bits killing everyone in it. Loki laughed as I felt rage corse threw my body. "How dare you!" Dream me Screamed at him. Then I proceed to strike him with lightning. He laughed and dodged easily then he launched a orb of dark energy at me. Dream me dodged the attack but Sly was behind me and he got hit and fell out of the sky. "Sly!" Dream me yelled and I flew after him into the near by woods. When I reached the ground I saw Sly on the ground and he wasent breathing. "No!" I screamed as I ran over to him and took him into my arms. Then lighting struck me and Sly started breathing again as my hands glowed and then stoped glowing. Sly then opened his eyes and said "Watch out!" I quickly lifted up Mjolnir and adsorbed Loki's attack. Then I turned. Loki dident look normal. His eyes where blood red and even though I kept striking him with lighting I could never keep him down for long. The next time I struck him with lighting it ricocheted off his hand into a near by tree. Then he rose and pointed his hands strait at me. I flew to the side but it seamed like he knew I was going to do that. He then hit me with a ray of power. It sent me flying into a large Oak tree. Then he used his new powers to open a portal out of no where. He then lifted me up with his powers and proceeded to throw me in. I threw Mjolnir to Sly as he had recovered and was fighting some people in red who looked like Shadownights? He caught it and I mouthed to him "Hide It!" Then I flew threw the portal. I woke up with a start. "What is it?" Sly and I said at the same time. I looked around to see Garroth,Laurance,Caster and Steaven laughing so hard tears where rolling down their faces. Then Garroth managed to say "We woke up Katz and he's not very happy about it." Then Sly and I busted out laughing. That was so funny! Then I remembered my dream or memory as it seamed to be. "I had another Dream I said. Then everyone stoped laughing to look at me.
Sly: I had just woken up. "What is it!" Jess and I yelled at the same time. Everyone was laughing except for Katz,Jess and I. Then Garroth managed to say "We woke up Katz and he's not very happy about it." Jess and I burst out laughing. Then Jess stoped laughing and said "I had another dream." We all stopped laughing and listened. My heart fill with hope. What did Jess remember this time? After Jess had told us her dream ( I dident write it down again cause that would be to long) That was the day Jess had disappeared!! " That was the day you disappeared and I flew away with Mjolnir to hid it." I said excitedly. Then Laurance said "Blood red eyes? People in red? Jess that sounds an awful lot like Shadownights!" Jess nodded. "I think." Jess said with slow and careful words then she continued "That Loki is a Shadownight. And that's why he was so much more powerful and we dident win." Laurance looked like he was going to add somthing but Jess silenced him with a look. What was Jess not saying? Was she keeping somthing from us? "Garroth I'm so glad your awake! Now about that blue force field." Jess and Garroth started to talk about how Garroth had powers. I motioned to Laurance. I wanted to talk to him about what ever he had been going to say. And if he loved Jess.
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