Steaven and Lucinda
Steaven: Sly tried to crush the tracker but when that diddent work he shot it with his laser boots. It reflected off and shattered the glass wall that kept the Ocean out of Jess's room. Oh shoot, I thought as Caster yelled "Let's get out of here!" The next thing I knew Caster had dropped me off in the council room. Then he was back with Laurance, who he dropped on the ground. Then took off again. I cralwed over to Laurance to feel his pulse. It was a little faster than normal but nothing to be worried about. "Laurance," I said shaking him. He moaned then sat up quickly. "What's wro" he started to say but befor he could finish his question I responded "Sly had a tracker on him and when he tried to destroy it it broke the glass wall in Jess's room. Caster grabbed us and dropped us off here." He nodded "so Jess is healed?" He asked me. "She looked fine when I woke up when did she get hurt?" I asked him confused. Did Jess get hurt and that's why she was lying down? "She got stabbed by a Neather sword and I attempted to heal her using my Shadownight powers. If you saw her awake it must have worked." Laurance responded. Jess was stabbed And Laurance healed her? How long had I been out for? "Steaven. Don't move." Laurance said in a tense voice. Don't move? I thought as I stiffened. Then I heard a hissing sound "Hello itssss a pleasssser to met you at lassssst." The hissing voice said. Laurance very slowly raised his sword from his side. But I could see he was exhausted he wouldn't be able to kill what ever it was in time. So I closed my eyes and tried the new spell I had learned from a witch named Lucinda I had met a few months ago. When I opened my eyes again I was standing up right behind the huge red snake. Sword in hand. I quickly killed it cueca use it was surprised I had disappeared. "Where did you learn to do that?" Laurance asked me in awe. "A witch I met a few months ago taught me." I replied. Laurance raised his eyebrow and asked "Was her name Lucinda?" How had he known? Did he know her? Could I see her again. "Yes! How did you know? Have you met her?" I said excitedly. He nodded as I looked behind me to see Caster,Sly,Jess, Katz and Kala running towrds us. "Kala?" I asked her confused. She had been searching for Jess in her spare time of helping people. "Yes Steaven. Now we have to hurry Loki knows where we are." Kala responded. Laurance got up unsteadily and said "Jess! I'm glad your okay. Let's get going Garroth can hold Loki off for a bit but not for forever." Jess and Sly responded at the same time "Let's go." They laughed then Jess and Sly helped Laurance stand better. "You need a horse." Sly said. "Steaven think you can let Laurance use Penny?" Caster asked me. I nodded and whistled for my Pegasus. Penny my Pegasus flew in threw the window and landded beside me. She whinnied at Jess and Jess said "She's so beautiful!" "You helped her mother give birth to her." I told Jess as Sly helped Laurance walk over and lifted him on Penny. Jess walked over to Penny and stroked her head. Penny nussled her then turned to me. "Steaven is this the lady that mommy always talks about?" Penny asked me in our telepathic link. I nodded and she then licked Jess in the face. "Let's get going!" I said. "Caster and Sly's suits died." Kala stated. I took out the emergency power cores from my pocket. "Catch." I said to Lsy and Caster as I tossed the power cubes to them. They caught them easily and exchanged their used power cores for the charged ones. Sly and Caster gave me a thumb up and we started towrds the Dimentional door back to Phnix Drop.
Lucinda: This Shadownight girl was so annoying! She kept taking about how Loki was going to kill Jess and destroy Phnix Drop so we should just surrender. I finally lost my temper. "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BABY!! YOU ACT LIKE WERE JUST GOING TO SURRENDED BECAUSE LOKI IS SO POWERFUL WELL GUESS WHAT?? WERE NOT SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH." I yelled at her. She shut right up and looked rather frightened. I wouldn't blam her an angry witch was somthing to be afraid of. Everyone always was afraid of me when I was angry the ones that had seen me angerly that is except for That guy Steaven. He was nice and calmed me down when i was about to obliterate someone for trying to steal my money. He was so nice that I taught him a few spells before he had to return to the hall as he called it. We haddent even thought to have a way to contact each other. I missed him. I looked at the girl in the force field I had and saw the force field had turned back to its nomal yellow. Then I realized why it had been green. The girl inside had been trying to brake out but because she was no longer trying to my barrier had stablelized and was now the normal color. I walked up to Aphmau's door and knocked on it. "Zoey! I have a prisoner for you!" I yelled at the door. Zoey opened it and saw the girl in my force field. "Shadownight?" Zoey asked not even surprised. I nodded and walked inside Aphmau's house. I saw every women and child from the village was in Aphmau's house. Zoey motioned me to follow her down stairs into the basement. I did and she opened the door Laurance had been staying in. " When Laurance first came back I put a spell on this room. If a Shadownight was evil and in it they couldent get out." Zoey said. I plopped the girl into the room and shut the door. My barrier popped as wel and the girl imedetly tried to rush at the door and leave. But she bounced back and fell onto the bed. "Lucinda! Garroth is asking for you at the gates he needs your Asistance to help fight." I heard Brians voice say from upstairs. (Brian isent evil. Yet.) I teleported up stairs and ran outside to go help Garroth when I saw a flying horse with Laurance on it, A man in a red and yellow suit flying, Aphmau Flying with a hammer in her hand, The chicken shamen with a silver suit on and the man in the red and yellow was holding him by the feet and Steaven was also on the flying horse with Laurance. "Steaven! Aphmau! Chicken shamen, Laurance. What the heck are you doing?" I yelled up at them.
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