Phenix Drop
Sly: Jess flew after me too the Dimentional Doors when we heard Garroth yell at us "I can't fly you know!" Oh right I thought as Jess and I stoped and flew back to Garroth who was running as fast as he could towards us. I grabbed him around the waist and Jess and I flew back to the Dimentional doors. One of them said "Casters house" on them. That was was the closest portal to Phenix Drop. I put Garroth down and we walked, well more like ran threw the door. When we came out the other side we where right outside of a tree. "Um where are we?" I asked Jess. Jess shrugged and said "I was knocked out when I came threw. Garroth, do remember how to get back to Meteli from here?" Garroth nodded and said as he pointed to the East "That way" I picked him up again and Jess and I flew towards that direction. Jess then said "I see Meteli! Phenix Drop is this way!" I flew after her holding Garroth in my arms. We landed just out side of a Beatiful small village. "Come on! Let's go find Zoey. Stay out everyone's sight. They are probuly looking for us but we can't stop to explain a bazillion times." Jess told us. We sneaked threw the gate to see a bunch of people taking and writing letters about Jess being missing. Then One guy with blue hair turned around and yelled "LORD APHMUA!! GARROTH.?!?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!? AND WHERES LAURANCE?!?!" Oh no. Everyone stoped taking and turned to stare at us. "Hi guys......" Jess said weakly. Suddenly a Elf pushed threw the crowd carrying a young toddler with blond hair. "Aphmau!!" The elf screamed in excitement. "Momma!" The little blond hair boy said. "Levin!" Jess said as she ran to The elf and scoped up the little boy in her arms. Jess had a son? He dident look anything like her! "Um Aphmau, Talking with Zoey?" Garroth reminded Jess. Jess quickly said "Everyone! Please go back to your houses, I am fine." Then she whispered somthing into the Elfs ear. The Elfs eyes widened and she took Jess's arm and motioned for me and Garroth to follow her. We follower her into a purple house on the top of a hill. "Aphmau, Garroth and other person Aphmau says is friendly. Where.Have.You.Been??" The elf said. "It's a long story so here's the super short story. I got sick. Laurance and Garroth brought me to the Chicken shamen to help me get betetr. He brought me to a place called the hall which turns out to be my old home. And his name turned out to realy be Caster. It turns out the reason why I was sick was becuase my evil uncle Loki made me sick and tried to kill me. He is now hunting me down and is going to attack any minute." Jess said in one breath. "Oh. So this man is?" The elf motioned to me. "That's Sly. One of Aphmaus old friends." Garroth said. The elf nodded and said " Then i guess we better get ready for a battle! Where's Laurance?" "He's back at the hall, helping fight off Loki there." I replied becuase I could see Jess hesitation in telling The elf what realy happened. "So what's your name?" I asked the elf girl. "I'm Zoey and I take care of Aphmaus Boys. Levin and Malici."Zoey told me. Wait she had two kids!? "Adopted kids Sly." Jess told me when she saw my face. Oh, adopted. Good. Then Garroth said "I'll go tell Dante to get ready. Sly want to help?" I shock my head no. I needed to stay near Jess. Garroth nodded and rushed outside to go tell this Dante guy to prepare for the battle. "Zoey Sly and I are going to go prepare the villagers. Please stay here and put a barrier around the house. Please protect Levin and Malici." Jess said as she handed Levin back to Zoey. And then Jess and I walked out side. I heard a sound and I turned behind me "What was that?" I asked Jess as I turned back towards her. Jess replied "I have no idea. " somthing wasent right here. I felt Jess getting further away from me but here she was right in front of me. "Where's Jess?" I ask the Jess informant of me. "No where." This Jess replied as she whent poof into green smoke. Where did Jess go? And why had there been a fake Jess in front of me? Unless "Sly!! It's a trap" I heard Steaven yell. A trap? What? I thought as Steaven landed next to me and Caster stoped running beside me. "NO!! Did he already get Jess?" Caster yelled. "What is going on? Jess was right next to me and I looked away because I heard somthing be hind us then when I turned back around Jess was still in front of me but I felt her getting murther away from me. Then when I asked the Jess in front of me where Jess was the Jess In front of said No where and disappered." I half yelled half screamed.
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