Jess's Mom
Jess/Aphmau: I woke up in a strange place. "Where am I?" I said out loud. "Hello Jessica, Nice to see you dear." I heard the voice from my memory say. Then a Lady dressed in white walked up to me. She had Black hair, Blue eyes, and was glowing slightly. "Who are you? You were in my memory flash back thingy" I asked her. She smiled and held out her hand to me "I am your mother, Irean." She replied. Wait, my mom was Irean? "Your my mom? Then where is my dad?" I asked Irean. Her face fell and she said "even I do not know. But we don't have much time, your body is fatally wounded from a stab in your stomach. I am afraid if you don't get proper treatment soon you will die." Die? I couldent just die! "How do I get proper treatment? And is Phinx Drop okay?" I asked Irean in a worried tone. "Phinx Drop is fine for now. But they won't be when Loki attacks, and only you can defeat him. The only way to sure a Neather sword wound is to be healed by a Shadownight." She responded in a sad voice. Laurance could heal me! "Don't worry Mom I have a Shadownight friend who can heal me." I quickly told her. That is if Sly can get my body to him fast enough I thought as I saw my mothers face light up. "When you wake up you will be in much pain my dear. And you will losing blood fast,but I hope Starks son Sly was it? Can get you there fast enough." Mom told me. "Good bye mom! I love you." I said as the word started to fade away. "I love you to dear." She replied. Then I woke up to hear Sly saying "Jess please don't die. I need you I love you." Pain erupted in my middle as I respond "I don't wish to die but this pain makes me want to. Oh my Irean this is painful! Sorry mom." I said in a weak voice. "Jess! Your still alive!" He yelled at me. "Yes Sly, but my mom says Ill die soon if I don't get healed." I responded weakly. "Your not,going to die Jess. I won't let that happen and also I made Laurance a promise that I would keep you safe. And I always keep my promises." He told me. Then I had another flash back but this one I was just watching. Sly was standing by Mjolnir. "If I ever see Jess again I will kiss her I promise!" He said in the memory. Then the memory ended "Always? Then where's that kiss you promised me if you saw me again when you touched Mjolnir?" I said saucily to Sly. His eyes opened wide probuly wondering how I knew that. Then he said "Love you Jess." And kissed me lightly on the lips. I kissed him back. Then he asked me "Wait you said your mom told you, you would die soon if you dident get healed soon?" I nodded and said "My mom apparently is Lady Irean. And Is that Steaven over there?" Sly nodded as Caster ran right passed us and hit into a wall. "Ouch!" Caster yelled as he pulled his face away from the wall. "I found a way out. Now let's get Jess to Laurance quickly!" Caster said. "Sly, Pass me Mjolnir." I asked him. He picked it up from the ground by my side and handed it to me. I grasped it tightly and said "let's go find Laurance, Catser pick up Steaven and show us the way out." Then the pain from my stomach became to great and I felt my self passing out as Sly said "Let's hurry Caster!"
Laurance: I was feeling much better after my nap. And the effects of being a Shadownight had completely warn off when I got up off of my cot and everything went white. Then I was in a different place. "Hello Laurance." A women's voice said. I jumped up from the ground and said "Who are you and how do you know my name?" Then I saw her. She had black hair and blue eyes and had a soft glow around her Entire body. "I am Irean, Jessica's mother. She is fatally wounded and Sly, Caster and Steaven will be at the hall any minute." She said. Wait This was Jess's mom? "Jess is fatally wounded?!? From what? Can we heal her?" I yelled at Irean. "Yes, she can be healed. But only by a Shadownight. And they know this, which is why Sly is bring her to you. Heal my daughter Laurance. Please." She said. "I will do everything I can to make sure she's okay. But how do I heal her?" I asked her. "You, must create a orb of dark matter but you must use all of your powers in it. Then you must put it on the wound. I know it sounds like that would kill her but her Healing powers should react with it Turing it light. Then back away quickly becuase she will be struck with lighting. Then she might be healed. Caster knows all of this because I told his father Halk eye before we gave Jess to stark to hide with the other super hero children." Irean told me. Then everything started to fade away. "Your friend Katz is trying to wake you up. Good bye Laurance please heal Jessica." Irean said as it faded away and I woke up from the ground with a start. "Laurance! You just passed out man! How are you feeling?" Katz asked me. "I was just in a different place and Jess's mom who is Irean just told me Jess is fatally wounded and only I can heal her. And also Sly,Caster and Steaven are almost here with her." I said in one breath. "Jess is fatally wounded and only you can heal her??" Katz half stated half asked me. I nodded at sat up. Then All of the sudden Caster ran into the wall with Steaven passed out in his arms. "Not again! Ouch!" Caster yelled as he dropped Steaven on a pile of Blankets. "Laurance!" Caster yelled at me. "Jess is fatally wounded and only I can heal her?" I asked him. His eyes opened wide and he said "Yes, How did you know that?" Before I could respond Sly flew into the room carrying Jess. I could see her outfit had dried blood on it around her stomach. "Bring her her quick!" I ordered Sly. He was breathing hard and looked extremely worried as he placed her down on her bed. It was now or never!
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