Double Possesing
Laurance: Steaven and I had been left behind at the hall in case some evil guy named Loki came. But aperently Loki was Jess's uncle. So why was he trying to kill her? "Steaven, If this Loki guy is Jess's Uncle why is he trying to kill her?" Steaven sighed then said " Loki had always been Evil. He always tried to take down his older brother Thor. But when Jess was born Thor Was constantly fighting Loki. But when Loki found out he had a daughter Loki then turned his focus to Jess. As Jess would inherit the throne of Asgurd and Mjolnir the most powerful weapon ever. Only People in the blood line of Thor can pick it up and a few worthy people." ( I know only Worthy people can pick it up. But I needed Loki to be able to pick it up, other wise what would be his goal?) "He now wants to kill Jess becuase she has Mjolnir and he doesn't want anyone who can hold it besides him to be alive to resist him." Wow. That's a lot to take in. But wait dident Sly say Jess built Asgaurd? " I thought Jess Built Asgurd?" I asked Steaven. Steaven laughed and replied "She did. But only a replica and a small one at that compared to the real thing." Oh! She had built a replica. Makes sense. "But how did Jess survive as a young kid with out Loki killing her when she was young?" I asked Steaven . "When her dad disappeared she would have been killed except my Dad Green lantern, Katz dad Cyborg, Casters Dad Hawk Eye and Slys Dad Iron man desided they needed to protect her. As she was the only one who could defeat him when she grew up. And could only hold Mjolnir. So our Dads got to getter and hid us on this island. When we grew up we realized we had powers and found the suits our parents had left for us. We have no clue if any of them are still alive as they disappered when we came to the island. We all arrived on the island when we were around thirteen and Jess got left Mjolnir. that's when Loki found us, because he could tell when Jess was using Mjolnir. He couldent find the exact location of where we where and started to attack Jess in her dreams. When her hurt her in her dream her real body got hurt also. Sly was the only one who was able to wake her up from her dream attacks. Every attack was different so every time Sly had to figure out somthing else to walk her up." Steaven replied with a far away look on his face. Wow. Just Wow.
Steaven: "every attack was different so every time Sly had to figure out somthing Elce to wake her up." I told Laurance. I wonder How Jess is now? Is she good? Have they found Garroth? Then the Dimentional door from India flew open. Caster ran out dragging Katz behind him. Oh no. Katz hair was Green. "Laurance go back down stairs and stay in Jess's room. NOW." I yelled at Laurance who was just standing there. Laurance dident even protest he turned and began to run to the hallway. "He's not going anywhere." I heard Venoms voice say as Katz body rose from the ground. I turned back to look at Laurance. He was almost to the door into the hallway when he grasped his head and started to go Shadownight. Oh shoot. Laurance was going Shadownight. "Caster! Watch out!" I yelled at Caster when Katz shot a green beam at Caster. Caster dodged just in time. I turned back at Laurance. He got up from where he had fallen and opened his eyes. They where Red and green again. I jump to the side as he sends a black orb at me. "Where's Jess?" Laurance said. "You'll never find her!" Caster yelled as he dodged Katz's green beam. "Where is she!!" Katz screamed at me. "No where!" I yelled back. Just as the Dimentional door to Little Tokyo opened.
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