Cold Wound
Lucinda: Steaven and I were destroying spiders left and right when A bunch of Shadownights appeared. There were about 12 and they were coming strait at us. Steaven and I locked eyes and began to telaport behind a Shadownight. I would keep the others back with a repealing spell and Steaven would kill the Shadownight we had teleported behind. Then we would telaport behind another Shadownight and do the same. But they just kepted coming out of the Neather portal and Steaven and I were using a lot of Magic's to kill even one. We couldent keep this up for ever. I teleported Steaven to the side as one of Loki's stray beams from fighting Jess almost hit him. "Thanks!" He said as he killed another Shadownight. I desided I would have to stop repeling the Shadownights and start hit them with my staff. So I wacked one Shadownight girl upside the head while hitting another in the gut. Steaven and I worked so well together it was easy to kill two Shadownights in a minute. But the Shadownights we were fighting kept on getting better and better and one managed to cut my left leg. "Repelas!" I yelled my spell repeling any Shadownight near 10 feet away from us as I fell to the ground. Shoot thought as I tried to stand and pain erupted in my leg. "Steaven!" I yelled at him as he was still fighting a Shadownight a few feet away. He turned around to see me on the ground and my leg bleeding. "Sorry Shadownights we realy must be going now." Steaven said as he telaport beside me and picked me up and started sprinting towrds the gate. Brian one of the Gaurds opened it just enough for Steaven to slide baseball style underneath the gate with me. When he stood up we felt a surge of power go threw the air as Jess yelled "YOU WILL NOT HURT ANYONE EVER AGAIN." We looked up in the air to see Jess's entire body glowing and then she pointed Mjolnir her hammer strait at Loki. A huge Bolt of lighting came out of it and hit Loki in the chest incinerating him. Then a super loud crack of thunder was heard as Mjolnir Jess's hammer exploded and Jess fell to the ground. The Neather portal exploded and all of the Shadownights disappered execpt for Laurance who was running over with Sly to Where Jess lay. Brain was reopening the gate and I tried to get up to go see Jess but my Leg wouldn't let me. Steaven was about to rush over there when he remembered my predicament and scoped me up bridal style and ran over to Jess. Garroth and Cadenza were already there when we reached her body.
Caster: I were at Jess's house watching the Shadownight that we had in the basement. Kala and Katz were talking about the hall and the happenings there. Then I caught some of the conversation "And your brother Caleb is a Shadownight?" Katz asked. Kala replied "Yes, one day Caleb and I were searching in the Neather for some glow stone when he slipped and fell about 20 feet. It took me a while to get down there because my web kept burning. When I finally got down there some Shadownights were there. They said they could help him and he was almost dead so I said they could try. I came back about a week later to find they had turned him into a Shadownight and he dident even recognize me. They tried to kill me but I manepaged to escape and I blocked up the entrance to the Neather portal with more obsidian." Then Kala started to cry, Katz held her close and softly murmured words like "It's okay, we'll find him, Laurance isn't evil so we can turn Caleb back too." They looked so cute together! Then I felt a power surge threw the air and a huge thunder crack. Then I looked in the room where the Shadownight girl was being held. She was gone. "Jess." Kala said before i grabbed their wrists and used my suit to speed up stairs and towrds the area where the fighting was going on. When I came to a stop I heard Sly said sobbing "Go get Caster." It was then I saw Jess was on the ground. "What happened?" I yelled as I rushed over to Jess to feel for a pulse. "She incinerated Loki with a bunch of lighting but then Mjolnir Exploded." Sly replied. Wait Mjolnir exploded? I thought as my heart dropped and I felt no pulse. Did she use to much power that Mjolnir couldent handle it? That was impossible! I search all over her body for some sort of wound. When my hand went past her stomach a cold area was around a wound. "She has a wound here and it's emitting a cold aura around it. She has no pulse." I said in a Choking voice. Sly and Laurance began to sob and Sly asked "She has no pulse? What wound emits a cold aura? Did Loki do this before he died?" I shook my head Loki couldent have done this. Then I saw the wound close up and the cold aura faded away. Color began to return to Jess's face and her pulse started back up. Sly screamed "Jess!! She has a pulse!" He was holding her other hand.
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