Asking Sly
Sly: " um no, " Caster said " well not unless you use on Sly when he's in his old iron man suit. And he wasn't even here while you were asleep." I saw Jess's eyes widen " Sly I need. privet." Jess told me in a slightly panicked and very fast tone. "Um sure Jess. Well go to the Council room." I replied. She nodded and stood up but Laurance said "Garroth and I are coming also." Jess sighed and replied very firmly "No. I can take care of myself and if anything happens Sly will be right there with me. And I need to speak to him without you two" she pointed to Laurance and Garroth. " interrupting and distracting me. Come on Sly." Laurance dident protest anymore as Jess and I walked outside and up the steps to the Council Room. "What is it you wanted to talk to me about Jess?" I asked her because she kept rubbing Mjolnir and she only did that when she was nervce. She replied " I had another dream about um maybe my past" my heart filled with joy! "What happened in your dream?" She tugged her hair then said realy fast "I was flying. And I was happy then I struck you with lighting. Then dream you asked me why I did it and dream me replied....." I knew this memory. It was when she had struck me with lighting becuase I had told her I only married her to get my visa to Asgaurd. Oh my she barely remembers me and now finds out she's married. Then I finished her sentence for her "Because you only married me just for my visa to Asgaurd." She nodded. "So I'm married. To you. And I don't even remember it." Then I quickly replied "Jess it was a joke type thing. But we were boyfriend and girlfriend and we loved to joke around. And you loved to zap me at random times." Jess giggled " it was pretty fun to Zap you." And we both started laughing just like old times. Then suddenly a thought came to my mind " you zapped me in your dream right?" Jess nodded "And Caster said the only way you could have healed that fast was if you struck me with lighting right?" Jess nodded again then catching on she said "So in my dream when I zapped you it healed me in real life. Cool!" Her face was full of excitement when we heard a yell from One of Jess's guards Garroth I think it was. He ran up stairs and said "Lord Aphmua!! Laurance is going crazy his eyes are not normally red and green when he's in his Shadownight form are they?" Jess replied "No his eyes are always just red! Sly! What is napping? Laurance always keeps his cool and haven't done this for the longest time!" A shiver went down my spine as Garroth said "Laurance was realy quiet and Steaven said for us to back away from Laurance as he was fighting off somthing. Then Laurance slowly went into his Shadownight form.We then felt a cold breeze and Laurance held his hands to his head and yelled TELL SLY TO GET JESS OUT OF HERE. Then his eyes turned red with Green in them also.What do we do? Katz Steaven and Caster are down there fighting him right now!" Jess and I locked eyes.
Authors note: I left a cliff hanger and even the next chaptuer won't tell you what is happening.
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