Third person POV: after the little reunion Shadow and Luna had a Shadow went to go sleep as she was very tired and was running off Goldens energy. Luna wouldn't leave her side and Shadow was perfectly fine with that. Jess avoided Ross as much as she could now that Thunder Muffin was back because she had just re-Brushed her hair and while she was rounding a corner she bumped into Sky and they both landed in a heap. "Sorry Jess! I was just going to go look for you." Sky said helping Jess up. "And why would that be?" Jess asked. "It's a suprize, follow me." Sky replied and grabbed Jess's wrist and left her to a clearing in the forest coving her eyes. He removed his hands from her eyes and she gasped because Sky had set up the clearing with some fairy lights and a picnic. "It's Beatiful!" Jess said and Sky picked her up and brought her over to it while she laughed. "Glad you like it." Sky said as they sat together eating some food that had been prepared by the sky army chefs. After hanging out for a few hours and talking Jess was leaning on Sky's shoulder. They kissed and then Jess's egg started to hatch. "Oh look! It's hatching." Jess said excitedly and they took teh egg from its pouch and cupped it in there hand together. A little head poked out and it was green. It yawned and then Jess said "His name is Thistle. He's a healing dragon." "hey Thistle."Sky said and Thistle started chewing on Sky's thumb. "Looks like, someone's hungry." He commented and Jess gave the little dragon some blue bearers that they had. "He's so cute!" Jess cooed as they watched him play and eat in Jess's lap while she leaned against Sky. "Not as cute as you." Sky said and Jess looked up and gave him a peck on the lips saying "Smooth Sky, Smooth" they both laughed and spent the rest of the afternoon chilling, not speaking just watching Thitle sleep or eat or play in Jess's lap. Blossom was also playing with the Baby dragon which they both found amusing. That is until Sky heard somthing.
Sky: "attack on three." A voice said from the bushes and I stiffened placing my hand gently in my sword and whispering into Jess's ear "Get the dragons in your jacket now." She obeyed quickly and then I linked Max, Laurance, and Sly. "Guys, come quickly to where I told you our picnic is. ASAP." Ess now had her hand casually on her sword and then an arrow embeaded itself in the tree we were sitting in as some squids charged. We both sprang up and took out our sword. Jess went into her angle form and got our Mjolnir and I tapped my amulet getting my enchanted butter sword that was in it. "Coem with us and we won't kill you." One of the squids said but only I could understand. "Never." I stated and they charged. Jess killed some swiftly with lighting and then the rest of teh team showed up. Sly in his iron man suit, Laurance with Iron man suit boots and his sword. And Max with a super sharp sword. After quickly killing them Max had a cut on his arm and before Jess could heal him Thistle clawed out and hopped onto Max and curled around teh arm and the cut healed. Then he jumped ball into Jess's Jacket. "So another one." Max said and then I grined nad Max saw my grin. "Oh no." He said and I said "Another torch!" And Max face palmed at the joke Ross and us had made a few days prior. "It's never going to get old." I said as we walked back to camp win the picnic supplies. Jess and me had our arms linked and she was smiling so I knew despite teh attack she had enjoyed her after noon.
Hey guys a Star here and your probuly thinking, (KateKitten I'm talking to u.) why didn't she updat eliek she said she would. So I told Kate yesterday that I was going to update before she got back from doing some activity so or somthing. Well she left and u started on this chapter then my sister asked me to play some minecraft real quick with her. We don't usually play on the same server and when she offere di jumped at the chance saying to myself I'll do it for half and hour and then I'll finish teh chapter and post. Right?! Good idea but when I looked at the time it was time to make dinner and eat it. Then I had to go to church and had a really fun time thre. Yesterday I got to help with a little girl who was teh only one in the baby to five year old class I teach once a month. She's adorable and her dad is teaching me gutair which I'm not that good at. Yet. When I finally got home it was like nine o'clock and I was playing on doing teh chapter then feeling really bad about not posting earlier. But then my dad (Because today we're watching teh Sequal.) made us all watch Independence Day, which was an awesome movie, so when that finished I went to my room realy tired but I was like. I'm going to write this chapter of its the last thing I do today. Well as some of you know, (and if you didn't now you do.) my internet goes out at 12:00am (midnight) so I went on and started writing but then boom, suddly stoped working. I look a t the time and I make this face :/ because now I'm not tired being awake and determined to do this chapter. It is 12:00, great, now I'm wide awake and can't write my chapter. So after trying to fall asleep for fifteen minutes I get a tiny note book thing I keep in my purse and write down ideas for a new book. Then I fall asleep and sleep in till nine. Wake up and play minecraft for an hour before realizing I need to update. So here it is, sorry for teh wait.
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