Jess: so the snake guys were talking or talking to me and I was talking to Blossom with my mind on what type of minor dragon might be in my new egg. Or what type there were in genral because I just knew about emotion ones. She mentally shrugged at me so I'm guessing that she doesn't know about other types ether. "Are you even Lisioning to us deceive your horrific death?!" Some snake dude yelled at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and said "Wait what? I wasn't listening." The snake dude face palmed and then he said "So I spent the last ten minutes describing the super painful proces of taking away your dragon keeper power then killing you for nothing?" "Oh, sorry."I said as his throughly must have been sore from that. He face palmed again and then he said "Let's just bring her to the chamber." Then I got a brilliant idea. I yelled out "Wait! Before you do that can I go to the bathroom?" The snake guy face palmed again, I'm gona call him palm because he face palms a lot. "Follow me." He said and slithered away me right behind him. He pushed me into a bathroom and cut the ropes off my wrist. I locked the door and then I rubbed the egg trying to think of a plan. It thrummed under my touch and then I raised my hand to my amulet and touched it. Nothing happened. I concentrated and touched it again and thought realy hard with Blossom putting her emotional support into me. I thought one word 'Sky.' I repeated it over and over again till my amulet started glowing and I got a faint voice back 'Jess?' I sighed in relief and then I thought back 'So I got kidnaped by snake people and they want to take my powers so what the heck do I do I don't have enough energy to use any other powers but this.' 'Were acually right outside this realy huge green tree that has a bunch of snake people outside of it and do you think you might be there?' He asked and I thought back feeling my energy draining. 'Um yes I think that's were they brought me, please hurry I don't want to lose my dragon power right after I got a new egg. They were cleaver luring men with an egg because I can't realy do anything against it.' 'Okay, were attacking right now. Delay it as long as you can.' Then teh amulet stoped glowing and I sunk to the floor exsasted. What ever they had given be weakened me a lot. "Hurry up!" Palm said and I replied "Going number two!" And he groaned as I started with Blossoms help making a wepon out of a stick that was in the bathroom and some water on the floor to make him slip. If I could kill him then I could run and try to escape. I stood on the sink and stayed quite and he said "You den yet?" I didn't respond I was frankly to tired two. He started banging on the door and evencually broke it open. I jumped on his head and banged it as hard as I could with my stick while Blossom scratched him with her claws. He was out cold and I drug him inside and tied him up. Then I snuck out and started to look for a way out.
Sky: we were right outside a huge green tree where we had followed a snake guy and a squid too. Jess must be in there! Suddly my amulet started to buzz softly and I placed my hand on it. 'Sky' I heard in my head as my amulet started to glow weakly. 'Jess?' I thought back. ---Scip to where they hang up--- we charged and started killing snake people left and right. They fought back well and there bites were painful but none were venomus at least non that bit me right now. After a hour long battle that was mostlay a blur for me we burst into the tree covered in blood. We would find Jess and kill all the snake people so they couldn't assist the squids. And we charged.
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