Luna: I was sitting by the River polishing my sword in hand Simone by my side. "So have you ever been attacked by squids?" I asked her. I was a new recruit, Simone had told about the evil squids and I had seen one stealing some bread so I had killed it with a stone sword. Simone had then given me a extra butter sword she had gotten from when she first become a recruit. "Many times, the squids tryed to kill me but I managed to kill them instead and free myself when tehy were trying to Kidnape us for some reason. I woke up later and found this village were ive been living ever sense. Matt is a recruit also from the village just down from us. I'll take you two see him tomorrow if you want?" Simone said and I smiled and was about to replie sure when I heard a small sound. I quickly lifted my head up alert at once, Simon handy even noticed my tenseness and I saw a shape move just under the water and I grabbed Simone's hand and pulled her away from the river quickly sword in hand. "Luna? What is it?" She asked just as five squids jumped out of the water pristimary crytle daggers in each tentical. "That, is the problem." I said as tehy started attacking us. I moved with ease between them killing three humming a song I had heard as I killed them quickly. Simone killed one but was having a hard time with the other. I lept over the body of a dead squid and quickly killed it glad for my moms training. "How? I thought you said you didn't fight much?" Simone asked and I replied hearing more squids come out of the water. "I don't, but when I do I'm a boss." I said back flipping and killing a squid trying to sneak up on us. I knew they would land a lucky shot eventually so I had planed for it if I did get hurt on how to continue. Then one landed a hit in my right arm, I quickly switched to my left but I wasn't as good with this arm and now that my right arm was bleeding profusely. Simone screamed as a squid grabbed her and started taking her under water. I threw my sword at teh squid carrying her and switched to my silver dagger that had been my moms. A squid grabbed my cap and pulled it off letting my red hair lose showing who my mom was. Natasha Romenhoff, oh great now there going to try to take me alive so they can get my mom to talk. I killed the squid that had taken my cap and put it back on but it was to late, the squids had seen. Now they were all going for me instead of Simone who was fighting another squid. Black spots flew across my vision but I blinked them away. I sprinted past the squids to Simone's side and grabbed her wrist. "We have to get to that village of the Matt boy you were telling me about. He can help us." I said my voice sounding strained as the shock of my wound wore off and started to bleed more and the pain started. I bit my lip dragging Simone away from the river and to the rode, or was it the village? The world started to spin and I blinked away unconsciousness. "Luna! Your bleeding so much! Stop!" Simone ordered me and I heard the distant hoof beats of horses and the sound of teh squids following us. Then Simone whistled loud and clear, a Sky army help call she called it earlier. Any Sky army recruit withen distance was supposed to come help I remembers as I tripped in my running and fell to teh ground not having teh streanth to go one my cap again falling off showing my hair.
Max: we were riding along the street hoping we would arive before the squids did when I heard a long strong whistle in a tune that was a call for help in the Sky army. We spurred our horses and came apone a girl who was fighting seven squids, not very well if I might say, and she was defending a bright lump of somthing behind her. Mitch and Jerome jumped off along with all of us and we quickly killed them as Jess leaned down to the thing on teh floor and gasped when we turned and saw it was a girl with bright red hair and a black combat suit, but with blood covering half her body. Jess placed her hands on her and after a glowing bit the girls wound in her arm closed and Kess started washing off the blood. "Luna!" The other girl said rushing to her friends side just as Matt said "Simone! You have a new recruit?" Simone nodded and Luna stired. "Okay, correct me if I'm wrong but she looks a lot like Natasha and Clint mixed so I am assuming she's their kid."Caster said then he added "Which means she's my sister. That I never knew I had." "Your moms Natasha?" Sly asked turning to Caster who raised his hands "Adopted! But yes adopted mom and dad who I got my dads suit and lost it." Caster said. Then Luna sat up reaching for her head. When she felt no hat she stiffened but she opened her eyes and saw Jess she relaxed and she looked around and saw everyone else her eyes landed on Slys suit, or his iron man suit. "Sly I'm assuming?" She asked and Sly nodded "your Nathasha and Clints real kid?" She nodded as Jess helped her to her feet. Then Pbat suddenly landed infrount of me saying "Shhhh, I'm following you guys but they don't know I am." Then he jumped back into a tree leaving me scowling after him. But at least we had back up incase we needed it, even if it was a cat guy.
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