Mitch: did she just walk off after telling me that? I blinked three times to make sure I had hear right and Max walked over to me. "You alright bud?" He asked and I replied "Tiny pink emotional dragon." "What?" He asked confused and I repeated. "Jess has a tiny pink emotional power dragon In her shirt pocket. From the egg." Then Max proceeded to talk to Jess and Sky,Sly and Laurance via their link. "What did tehy say?" I asked and Max said "That the Dragons name is Blossom and she's trying to sleep. So to stop talking to Jess." He rolled his eyes. "Ohhhhhh anyway I should go continue training the recruits." I said heading off to the training area Jerome had set up. We had twenty of our old recruits and ten newer ones. "Okay, choose of wepon?" I asked after tehy were all lined up. "Bow." Five people said. "Sword" fifteen people said. "Ax" five more people said. "Dagger" the other five said. "Well pair up and fight against each other. If your a bow man and lose your bow you should know how to fight with a dagger as a short ranged wepon. So everyone who chose a bow as a wepon will have to learn how to fight with a dagger also. And vise versa, if your not a close rang then you'll need a long rang wepon so a bow will be good for dagger fighters. You have one week to confirm the wepon your fighting with is the wepon you want to learn. This week will be all about trying to find what wepon suits you. Now, there are different categories of swords, one handed swords, two handed swords. But I won't go into detail except to say two handed swords are two (two heavenly, xD) heavy for one hand. People with the one handed swords will want to have a shield also. When your fighting with a shield beware of people who fight with an ax, as they can shatter your shield with ease. For people who can only have a sword beware, there a lot heavier than a one handed sword. But that means they can deliver quite a bit stronger blows to your enemy as well. Any question?" I asked and one boy raised his hand, Dime I think his name was. "Um, what if your a two handed sword person and your up against a Ax person." He asked. "Well, most people with an Ax put all their forswe into one swing. If you can dodge that swing than you can cut there arm as they swing past you." I explained. This went on for a while and I taught Swords and shields and just swords. Jerome taught Ax's and bows and daggers though he was terrible at bows.
???: I used the last bit of lava I had in the underwater cage to melt the bars, I had about a drop left that I hid from all the water. I coughed once and someone grabbed me by my wrist and started swimming me out. "Come on, we can make it." He said from beside me swimming as fast as he could. lol hes probuly doing the doggie paddle. "Hold your breath were past the water breathing portion effect area." And I took a deep breath and held it as we speed out of the rang and started swimming upwards. I opened my eyes and swam along with him to the top, for warmth, and air, and life and no dang squids! finaly when my vison was almost black we broke threw teh surface and I breathed in deeply to fresh, warm air. Then I coughed violently and my world faded into Black with Woofles yelling "Preston!"
Woofles: I grabbed Prestons limp body and started swimming as fast but consistently as I could torwds a small island with one tree on it. Preston didn't do well in water as he had lava powers and he could become molten lava if he wanted to which is how he had melted the bars but it was also his life sorse so if water touched it it turned to obsiden which as you can imagin doesn't flow like lava. Prestons blood was a mixture between Lava and normal blood. Water wasn't good for him and being under water for forever and a day as we had been wasn't good for him. Almost all the lava in his veins was obsiden now so I would have to fish some lava fast if I didn't want him to die. I cut down the tree once I reached teh island and started mining. Please let me find lava I changed as I drug Preston along behind me. He wouldn't thank me later when he saw teh Bruins he was getting but I wouldn't care as long as my bro was alive. I sniffed and tryed to use my good sent powers to smell any burning or sulfur from lava but all I coudl smell was still just the sea. After mining for who knows how long and how deep I smelt a wifff of sulfur and dug quickly as Prestons breathing was almost non exsistant. I saw a glow and saw with joy I had found a lava lake! I basically threw Preston in it and at down to wait letting the sulfur smell clear out the smell of teh sea on me. Ahhhhh much better, I desided to take a nap as Preston would take a bit to heal and replenish his lava.
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