Healing Jess
Caster: I was in the medical tent bandaging up one of the newer recruits from a sword fighting practice wound. "And your good to go! If you see Jess you can ask her to heal it for you." I said and he left the tent, I had just cleaned off teh operating table which I really had to do unless somthing was inside of them that I had to get out because Jess could heal internal injuries just count get out objects from the body. Suddly Sky bust into teh tent carrying a pale Jess in his arms she was barely breathing. "Put her here, what happened." I aksed directing them to place her down on the freshly whipped down operating table. "She got bit by a huge black snake with green dagger looking designs on it." Sky told me and I pushed everyone else out of teh tent so I could work. I went to here the bit had happened and used my knife to reopen the wound and then I collected some of the blood and examined it. It was black dart venom, quickly killing but could be cured by gold powder mixed with milk, don't ask why I just know it does. I grabbed a small bar of gold from a drawer and grind some into a glass and filled the glass with milk. I mixed it around then I put teh mixture into a needle and injected it into the wound. Then Blossom flew into the room and landed on Jess's head. The gold mixture didn't seem to be working so I injected another needle full but after I had boiled the liquid with Prestons help after I had dragged him in the tent as he was standing outside with the others. Then Sky, who was staring at her suddenly moved to her side and pressed a mark on her glowing amulet. She shimmered and Transfomed into her Pheonix form, her ankle was still swollen but it started going down. "Heat her up." I said to Preston and he placed his hands on her and turned himself into his lava form and Sky turned Pheonix and helped. I back away because it was to hot for me and then Preston and Sky backed off both turning back into there normal forms and so did Jess. But she wast pale anymore, life was back in her skin and she was breathing evenly. The bite mark left a small scar but the swelling was gone. Preston and Sky sat down on chairs exhausted and I stuck my head outside the tent and said to the onlookers we had gathered. "She'll live, but no visitors just yet." Then Sky stuck his head out of the tent looking weary "Get back to training and watch out for snakes, were right by a bog." Then he went back inside and I saw Preston was already asleep in his chair and Sky soon did the same. Jess stored in her sleep and reached out an arm which Blossom flew into then she settled back down fats asleep still.
Jess: I suddly became awere of warmth, it grew and it felt wonderful! I turned into my Phonix form when someone touched my amulet and more war,th spread threw me. I fell asleep in that warmth and woke up to Blossom nussling my face. "Hey Blossom." I yawned as she sent me a metal image of Sky with a mustache drawn into his face beside a medical cot with me in it. Wait, medical cot? My eyes flew open and I saw I was in a medical tent and Ksy was sleeping beside my bed but dint have a mustache drawn onto his face. Blossom placed some charcoal in my hand and nudged me again putting in the image of a mustache. Oh she wanted me to draw up it on! I drew it on quickly and got rid of teh evidence then I remberend I still didn't know why I was in a medical tent. Blossom sent a image of a huge black snake on my mind and I shuddered, then I looked at my ankle and saw two tiny white scars in the shape of a bite mark. Then wwhat had happened came flooding back to me and I gasped and Sky woke up startled. I rolled my eyes, he doesn't wake up when I draw a mustache on his face but Wales up at a gasp. "Jess! Your awake! How are you feeling?" He aksed and I said "Just fine, i must have passed out after teh snake bit me." He scratched his head and I raised an eye brow. "Umm so you did pass out but the snake started to drag you away to eat you and we had to fight it and eventually it let you go and you technically died but my amulet restarted your heart then." But I had stoped him. "I don't need to know, I'm alive and how long have I been out?" I asked. "Two days, you coudl have woken up a day after but Caster wanted to let you rest because you were very tired as I imagine it would be to die and come back to life." Sky replied and Blossom showed an image of Sky drooling in his sleep with his sunglasses half off. I laughed out loud at that and then Laurance, Sly and Max started talking in my head realizing I was awake.
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