Three weeks later.......
Jess: we kept on traveling to diffrent villages to recruit more people and pick up old recruits or reminded there fire for fighting. We would travle for half a day and train the other half. We watched Luna all the time so they wouldn't capture her and Mitch and Jerome were just as good at teaching as they had been before they got captured. The egg I kept in my pocket at all times and I had to keep my emotions in check and it was getting easyier to do it also. Every few days we would come apone a village that had been ransacked with only a few survivors but I healed thouse who were alive with ease. It was almost effortless to heal people now though if I healed more then twenty people without Sjys help I would probuly pass out. We were in the riding stage when I suddly heard a cracking sound. I stoped abruptly and pulled out the egg and saw it was cracking. I held teh egg cupped in my hands as it started to crack open. The little critter inside kicked away part of the egg shell and I saw a little pink tail. Then the rest of the egg shell peeled away and I saw it was a tiny dragon. It looked at me and blinked and I suddenly knew its name, it was Blossom. Blossom protected the picture of food in my mind and I looked around for somthing to give her and found some milk in a water bottle from this morning. I let some of the milk go into my hand and Blossom licked it up and yawned making me yawn. Then Blossom climbed up my arm and went into a pocket I had in my shirt i was whereing today. I felt content and felt Blossum go to sleep and I relized Button and continued walking along the trail behind the others. I spurred Button a little bit coaxing her to go to Sky's side. "Sky, the egg hatched." I said and he looked at me started. "What was in it?" He asked and I said "A tiny dragon and her names blossom, don't ask how I know cause teh name popped into my head along with teh picture of food so I gave her some milk. She's sleeping in my shirt pocket right now." I replied stroking the top of her little pink head. "A tiny dragon? What color is she?" He asked interested. "Pink, she's an emotion dragon I'm assuming." I replied as suddly we came apone a burning village. "Grrr, another squid attack!" I said jumping off Button and taking out my sword. Suddly Blossum woke up and crawled out and sat in my shoulder. "Blossom, go back into your pocket." I ordered then teh little sassy dragon stuck her touge out at me and jumped off my shoulder and flew around my head. "Okay Sassom, you can fly around my head just stay out of the way I don't want my little baby getting hurt." Blossom made a smile go into my head and I ran forwards and quickly killed a squid infrount of me. Blossom kept putting pictures in my head so I coudl correct my form and she also made teh squids confused with her emotion power thing she had. She made them all feel very afraid so they started running then she yawned which made me yawn and she flew back to her pocket and feel promptly to sleep. "Aww, Blossom that was so cute!" I said referring to her tiny yawn. "Jess, what was that?" Mitch asked me as he walked up to me. "Blossom, my tiny pink dragon that has emotion powers now I have to go heal some people excuse me!" I said and sprinted off to go heal people.
???: 'your telling me she had a dragon also? How did she manage to even find a egg? There practically impossible to find and utterly loyal.' Lord slither said to me. 'She might have the gift sir.' I replied. 'Teh gift? But she wasn't born with it and it's not from her amulet.' He said and I replied 'the last person with the gift died recently with her dragons. The gift would have had to gone somewhere, and that somewhere must have been her.' He scowled then a wicked smile came over his face as he said 'Well just take the egg that we have that isn't quickened yet and she'll be drawn to it unwillingly when she gets close enough.' I smiled also and I said 'There be close enough withen a month. I'll set up the trap.' 'Good, I will informe our friends teh squids about this. Now make sure to put the knock out venom in the trap from your brother not the killing one from your sister.' He said as I slithered away. I'm half snake and have the lower half of a snake. 'And don't forget, if you find any eggs bring them to me. When we get a loyal human then they can quicken them and we'll have our own dragon keeper to fight back with even if they don't have the gift.' He commented as I slithered away to start setting up the trap. We had a truce with the squids because they said they would let us keep a small portion of land that they wount flood. They were two strong for us to beta so we joined them, also we wanted her dead. She had to much power for her own good, and she was helping the boy unlock his amulet powers as she unlocked her own. Now that she has the Dragon Keeper gift she'll get a whole lot stronger.
Hey guys star here and I wanted to say I got the Drgon Keeper idea from a old book I read that was Tottaly awesome. It was a series that isn't in wattpad but is a real book I think teh series is called Dragon somthing the rather because each books title is Dragon light or Dragon knight or well you get it is Dargin then somthing. It's a really awesome book that a girl had the talent to find dragon eggs. And a bunch of other stuff that's awesome. Anyway just wanted to let you guys know that and It was uggested to me by an anonymous sorse that I should use half snake people cause why not?
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