Hey guys Star here and I desided to do Luna's point of view again!! Hope you enjoy,
Luna: Simone always stuck by my side and I had desided on daggers and a bow as my choice of wepon though I was decent at all of them. What suprized me was that Preston was better then my dads level at shooting bows and he was realy good at swords also. I was on scouting duty as Kes Shad disappered and quite a few people went to go look for her. I was sitting perched in a tree much like my dad would do when suddly somthing shoot out of the water that was small. And landed in a jeep on the ground. I jumped down and saw it was a Meif-Wa with light blue hair. "Who are you?" I asked and she said "Ocean's my name waters my game." I laughed inside but kept a neutral face. "Why were you in the river?" I asked keeping my dagger ready just inside my pocket. "Do you hate squids?" She asked and I said "Do you?" She sighed and replied "Yes, they are very Anoying and don't like teh color black. I've had to where this Blue dress for three years because I was caught on the one day my dad made me where somthing rather then black. Do you happen to have any spare black clothing? " I blinked and replied "Who are your parents? Were you kept underwater by the squids? And I agree with your statement Black is a wonderful color though red is my favorite by far." She replied in a sad tone "My mom a Meif-Wa died when I was born but my dad is a super hero. You look like Natasha so I'm assuming your Luna and not Shadow." I almost jumped at Shadows name. She was my twin but we looked nothing alike and she deminetly had awesome powers. But the squids had taken her to a diffrent room and we had never seen her again so I assumed she was dead. "Isn't Shadow dead? And who is your father." I asked as I helped her to her feet. "Nah, Shadows not dead I saw her last week when I first escaped. Ive been swimming to find some people sense. My dad is, dudududua! Bat Man." She said dramaticly. (Sorry she's not going to be shy! She's going to be a random awesome person who loves sea shells.) wow, so she was Bat Mans supposed daughter. Bat man had Disaperd and it had been rumored that he had had a daughter but he never came back to fighting crime so we had a summed he had died. I guess he was rasing his daughter. "Sooooooo do you have any black clothing. I'm dieing from the bright color dress that is three years two old." She said and I lead her back to camp laughing all the way as she kept saying more funny things. I learned she was 14 and had powers over water to make it move. I bit my lip as I looked at her, I have to admit I was jealous of people with powers. I didn't have any expect for being super Ninja type thing like my mom and being good with bows like my dad. My sister though had fire powers and could understand animals. And I ha shears she had once turned into some type of bird that the squids didn't know what type. Ocean was accepted quickly and she had Apprently never fought before so I knew she was going to be a mainly magics fighter and maybe a dagger. Suddly an eagle dived bombed me and landed on my shoulder cawing at me. I fell backwards in suprize at the birds entrance and I could have sworn it rolled it's eyes at me. "Hello bird." I said as I sat up and the egale stayed in my shoulder. It slapped me in the face with its wing and I took that as a 'You need a better name then bird.' Or a 'I'm a eagle not just a bird!' "Okay, I'm going to call you Golden because it terrible at names." I said and the Eagle nodded apovingly. Wait, did this eagle nod at me. "Can you under stand me? Slap me in the face twice for a yes." I said and the bird smiled evily and I just relized I asked Golden to slap me in the face. She slapped me in the face two times and I rubbed my cheak saying "okay then we need a difrent Yes or no. Caw once if no and twice if yes. That's a better way." GoAlden nodded and I wondered what I had gotten myself into.
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