Jess: after eating some food that Blossom gave us Skya nd I tried to turn back but I couldn't do it. "Ugg I'll be a dragon forever!" I sighed. Then I added not wanting to hurt Indias feelings "Not that I don't like being a dragon it's just I kinda want people to understand me." Sky nodded in agreement. 'Aww you guys are so sweet!, he's so adorable and hot!' India said in my head. 'India, I swear to my mother don't you dare start shipping everyone we see.' I thought and she laughed. "Come on! We better go see how teh other humans are doing." Blossom said to us and we followed her as she flew off teh ground. I flapped my wings super hard and so did Sky and I relized it felt nothing like being a Phonix. But after fifteen minutes and tips from Blossom and India I finaly took of and it felt natural. Probuly because I'm a dragon now. I reminded myself. 'You talk to your self a lot don't you?' India asked me and I mentally shrugged. 'Well now I have someone to talk to!' I reminded her. She smiled at me, well mentally smiled. We followed Blossom who led us to were thistle was eating some of Prestons food when he wasn't looking. "Thistle has been hearing animals from teh forest and bonding them with dead people. Then they depending on how strong there life force is and body turn into full animals, animal hybrids like Laurance, goodness he's a bunny boy that's just. Wow. Or a human that can turn into an animal at will." Woofles was explaining to Preston. I landed in Prestons head and trilled at him. "Oh hey little girl," he said taking me down from his head and handing me bacon. 'BACON' India screamed and took controle and ate it quick. When I regained control Sky was also eating bacon. "Hey, if we found Jess and Sky's bodies could they bond with an animal?" Preston suddly said. "I don't think there bodies exist anymore." Woofles said sadly. I trilled angrily and nipped Woofles hand scolding him. "I'm alive! And so is Sky" I yelled but of corse he couldn't understand me. "I think they don't like us talking about them dead. What type of dragons are they?" Preston said stroking me. I flew off and glided to Sky's side handing him bacon. He took it greatfully and Blossom made sure Thistle was eating enough food. "I looked in her hand book, the purples one is a love dragon. They can pick up when someone likes someone else and well. It says here they ship people and will try to get them together. And the Golden, wait Butter colored one is a laughter dragon, they can make people laugh and will pick up on the most subtitle jokes. When they find somthing funny they will always laugh." Max said walking up, Laurance the bunny and Sly behind him. Sky started laughing and I flew to Lauracne shoulder and started head butting him. If he would try to understand us with all his mind power then maybe he would understand. But he was to caught up in being a bunny or his bunny was very loud. So I flew to Sly's shoulder and head butted him. "Wonder what's your name." He said and suddly I relized how I could spell them who I was. I trilled excitedly and then I flew down to teh ground saying to Sky "Help me!" And then I started writing in the dirt. Sly watched confused at first then when he saw the first word. My. He said out loud "Look! The love dragon knows how to write! And the laughter one!" I worked on the second word. Name. "Look!" Preston said as I wrote Is. Sky wrote India and an arrow pointing to me and Gibble, an arrow pointing to him. "Whoa" Woofles said. Also, we kinda bonded. "Bonded? Like, Laurance and his bunny.?" Sly asked and Sky nodded as I continued. With Sky and Jess. "Wait, what." Laurance said. Yo, were alive. I wrote with Skys help. "YOUR DRAGONS THATS SUPER COOL." Max said and I nodded. "So you are Sky and Jess, and you bonded with India a love dragon on Jess's part and a Laughter dragon Gibble on Sky's part? So can you turn back?" Woofles asked. No, we haven't figured out how.... We wrote. "Ohhh, so you can but your not sure how." Preston said and we nodded. "Sooooooo what do we do now?" Laurance said. Well first off, Laurance love teh ears second off I think Laurance and Sky can re establish the link hopefully between all of us. I wrote. Man, I though this is tiring writing it all down. 'I know right!' India said . Laurance scowled and everyone else laughed. "Um sure we'll try." Sly said then he and Laurance closed there eyes and suddly I felt the link open. 'Testing, testing one two, one two.' Slys voice went into my head. 'Yes! It works! I hear you Sly!' Sky responded, Max, Laurance and Sly cheered andreston said "I'm guessing it worked?"
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