Black snake
Sky: Jess went off to go order some new gear for Preston and Rob who needed it. "I think you guys should get some rest then you guys need some work regaining your skills." I said and Preston replied "I still got enough skills to pay the bills!" And made his hands into Lava which looked really cool. I was Laughing when Jess's small and pained voice said "Sky....Snake bit me." I jumped up,and replied back. "Where are you?" She didn't respond and I said "Guys Jess just said she got bit by a snake we have to split up and find her." Preston and Rob jumped to their feet and so did Mitch, Max, Jerome, and Matt who was with us. Laurance and Sky were busy training. I started feeling for Jess with my mind but I couldn't sense her then Blossom flew over the tents and grabbed my shirt in her little mouth tugging at it. "Bringing be to Jess?" I asked and teh little Drgon nodded her pink had and I followed her while telling Max, Laurance and Sly to come to teh west side of camp. Blossom tugging me over to the edge of teh forest right by teh armory and I saw marks that looked like she had been dragged. I tapped my Amulet and my sword formed in my hand. Blossom was sniffing now and headed off threw teh bushes and me right behind her. I saw the drag marks went straight into a bog and Blossom sniffed and sniffed but couldn't catch her sent. Woofles and Preston ran into my back and I said "Woofles can you catch her sent?" And he sniffed and said "Follow me." Then we started tee king threw the bog and saw somthing move in teh edge of it dragging somthing. I transformed into my Phonix form and flew over quickly to try too catch up. I heard Preston and Woofles gasp as they handent gotten the run down of what had happened the last twenty years or so. I flew as fast as I could and dived down were I saw disturbance in the bushes lighting the bushes on fire with my wings. Somthing hissed at me and I flew back up in teh air to avoid getting bitten by huge long black snake with green dagger like designs on it. It was dragging Jess in its body and she was barely breatheing. Flew down again pecking at its head but careful not to get bitten. It hissed in pain and I saw when it did, it tightened its hold on Jess. Suddenly Blossom was beside me and trying in vain to make it afraid but it didn't work very well as when this snake was afraid it fought more and tightened its grip on Jess more. I imagined the flame on my wings growing hotter and brighter then I flew down and burned its body and it tried to strike at me. But now Mitch was here along with Preston shooting it with Arrows, Preston made his arrows on fire and Mitch just had good ones. Preston must have borrowed A bow from Mitch and Arrows, I relized. The snake wasn't happy with Thease arrows and tried to slither away but Woofles and Jerome blocked its path, they had their shields so they didn't get bitten. I flew down and burned its head again and I dropped Jess and slithered down a small hole that it couldn't have given down with Jess. I flew down and pushed a rock over teh hole and Transfomed back and knelt by Jess. Her ankle was swollen from the snake had bitten her and her breathing wasn't consistent and she was pale. "We have to get her back to camp quick." Preston said and I nodded then Blososm flew down and tugged at my amulet which of corse didn't come off. "What is it Blossom?" I asked and she nudged my amulet and I looked down at it, it was glowing and looked like it was charged with electricity. But how would electricity help us now?! I thought then Jess stopped breathing. I picked her up and listened for a heart beat and felt none then I remembered that elecity could restart a heart! I placed my hand on my amulet and my other hand above Jess's heart then a surge of electricity went threw me and into Jess and she started breathing again but still just barely and she was still pale. "Let's hurry." I said and we marched quickly back to camp.
???: "the Black one has failed, it dint bring her to us and it disobeyed. It bit her and its venom is deadly. She will die if not given proper treatment imidietly, her friends are there but tehy blocked up teh hole with a rock so he can't tell me if she's alive still or not." I said "That imbicell! You can never trust the black ones, we'll have to keep with our original plan. Luring her with the egg." She said and I bowed and quickly left to go have an update form a garter snake in there camp if she was alive or not.
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