I couldn't help myself, I don't know what's wrong with me but seeing y/n with that mark guy, seeing him just simply interact with her. It just boils me inside and I was even more shocked with myself when the boiling hot coffee that I just made for myself didn't even burn me. It didn't hurt in the slightest.
Something is wrong with me.
My head was pounding with all the heartbeats I could hear thumping away.I could feel something brewing up within myself, clawing its way out my chest and try to escape out my throat.
I never felt anything like it but I hadn't forgotten what Namjoon told me when he felt angry and lost sudden control. He said he felt like something was trying to fight it's way out but he kept it in just like I'm trying to right now.
I didn't want to take a risk and hurt y/n or that mark guy that I just met even though he does seem like a nice guy. I just couldn't help but not like him, as soon as I saw him look at y/n all I could think about was how she belonged to me. She mine. MINE.
Just thinking about it I smashed the mirror in front of me as I'm hiding in the bathroom. Surely I will get in trouble for it but I don't care right now. Everything inside me hurts, burning and my insides twisting in ways it shouldn't. My breathing was fast, I could feel my body temperature rise and I as a doctor in training know already that this is no normal temperature the human body should be having.
I sat down on the toilet, hands on my knees trying to steady my breathing, try to ignore the pounding in my head as I closed my eyes. I don't understand why I'm so worked up.
Every since that wolf attack, none of us have been right. None of us have been normal, except for y/n. She's the only one that has been just the same and the seven of us have been acting like fucking animals most of the time.
Y/n may not know much of what's going on with us, but all of us apart from Jimin have decided to stay in one apartment. I was staying at my parensg house but since the attack I thought we should all be together. It's just Jimin and y/n to try and convince them to come live with us too.
Jimin is fucking lucky.
He gets to spend all that time with y/n and I'm jealous. I'm so jealous, I've never been so jealous before in my life. I mean today at work, all I wanted to do was glue myself to her, to follow her around like a lost puppy. All I could think about was her but what the weirdest thing is that she smelled so good.
With my eyes still closed, a small smile spread across my face as I thought about how good she smelled. I didn't know what it was to begin with until I could realise that the smell would become stronger whenever she was near me. It's addicting and very intoxicating.
All I know is that I want more.
Hell I can even smell it now from the opposite end of the floor we're on from where I left the break room. I know it's y/n and to think of her now I could already feel myself getting more calm. The pounding easing away, the twisting and burning from the inside was fading. I was almost content with myself until something of what smells like rain on a damp day flushed passed my nose.
It made me jolt on the toilet seat in alert, my eyes wide open and somehow I made a noise from my throat that resembled an animal. I felt angry again, but I focused on the bathroom door and rushed over to it to unlock it, pull it open and to my surprise was nurse Hana, standing there paused in mid action to knock on the door.
I huffed angrily at her for some unknown reason but she just looked up at me shocked, all colour drained from her face before she quickly checked the empty hallway looking side to side and then pushed me in and locked the door behind her after stepping inside.
I stood there tensed, my fists balling up at the sight of her and yet I was confused and scared at myself for making these animal noises. The same growls that I remember clearly when I was attacked my a group of wolves.
Nurse Hana calmly smile at me, hands raised up to show she showed no harm but when she took the one step towards me I couldn't help but feel threatened in some way. I held my stand and growled again at her. She stopped to stay stood by the door, still showing me her hands which I somehow felt a little better about. However the rain smell was stronger now, but even if I could smell that the intoxicating scent of y/n was still lingering in the air also.
"Jin please ju-" nurse Hana
"What's wrong with me? Why just by looking at you do I feel so angry? I barely know you."
She only continued to smile at me and lowered her hands just to look down at the shattered glass on the floor.
"Can you please tell me what set you off in the first place?" Nurse Hana
I was taken back by how calm she spoke but that didn't mean I relaxed. I just couldn't.
"Y/n and I met that Mark guy. I didn't like him and left."
Again I was taken back by the way I spoke to her, so hard and sharp and even my voice deepened slightly.
"I see. What was it about Mark you didn't like?" Nurse Hana
"It's not him as a person. It was the way he looked at y/n. No one can look at her but me and my friends."
She lets out a little laugh and again looks down to the glass.
"So what? You came in here and smashed the mirror?" Nurse Hana
"It was that or his face."
I did it again. That animal growl, staring back at her, clenching and unclenching my fists.
"What's going on with me? I never get this angry, I never made these fucking noises before, it's not human. Then tell me why y/n smells so delicious that I could eat her and you smell like rain, like what the fuck!"
I tapped my own forehead in utter confusion and eyes closed with my other hand on my hip. Nurse Hana said nothing to me but when I heard her laugh, I opened one eye to stare at her weirdly.
"Don't laugh. I'm not in the mood."
"No it's okay. This is perfectly normal, well for you and your friends anyway." Nurse Hana
I opened both eyes to glare at her then to rush over to her almost pinning her to the door to which she backed away from me, dropping her smile because of how quickly I moved towards her.
"My friends? I never said anything about my friends. Who are you?!"
The woman stared up at me, fear was all I could smell from her now and even she whimpered like a puppy getting a scolding but that didn't faze me. She mentioned my friends, how can she know anything about what we're going through?
"Who. Are. You?"
I spoke dangerously slow but just behind her head was another small square mirror and I caught a glimpse of myself in my reflection. Gasping to what i seen, I stumbled back from her body pressed against the door in confusion.
My eyes were purple.
That's no possible.
I blinked rapidly, then rubbing my eyes to try and get rid of it.
"I'll tell you and your friends everything but not here. It's not safe to talk about things like that here." Nurse Hana
She stood up straight removing herself from the door but I continued to rub my eyes.
"It's not going to go away doing that. Just think about y/n then it'll go away." Nurse Hana
Confused again, I did as she said anyway and thought about y/n as I also noticed how nurse Hana wouldn't dare look at me now but to my feet.
I thought hard about y/n, her smile, her laughter just everything about her and I even took deep breaths in taking in that scent that I know is hers and soon enough I felt more relaxed again.
"See, your eyes are back to normal." Nurse Hana
I walked over to the small mirror on the back of the door and nurse Hana stepped to the side quickly as if to avoid any contact with me. Looking in the mirror closely I see that my eyes are back to brown. I could only sigh in relief but still curious to why my eyes were purple?
"So you know what's happening to me?"
I tried to ask her as nicely and calmly as possible. She shyly nods looking down to her feet. I frowned to see her so withdrawn to me compared to before she seen my eyes.
"Why won't you look at me?"
She shook her head, slowly dragging her eyes up my body until they finally land on my face.
"It's disrespectful to look at Grand Alpha in the eyes." Nurse Hana
She bowed her head to me and I just stood there confused. Again. Shocked was one of them but all I could think of was........what the hell is a grand alpha?
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