Coz I care two hooves baby 😏💅
Neiyat's POV:
It was finally a wrap for us in Goa. Kauls were one of the nicest customers I had. May it be the groom or for that matter Mr and Mrs Kaul. It feel great to see when two beautiful families come together in a union. The Anands and Kauls had the perfect match. Business families, introvert groom, extrovert bride, completing each other...I always believe couples are a certain kind. God made them one soul and broke them into two portions leaving us to have a opportunity to find our perfect soul mate. At times people find them themselves and where they cannot we the comes into picture.
Devil Dev Dadu(grandpa) and Ishu Dadi (grandma) ...the sexiest couple on this planet earth. What a combo they are. Still head over heels with each other in their 90's. They make me feel that true love exists. Although like my dad calls me 'Papa's princess' and mom calls me 'Dad's photocopy' because I have got his features...his complexion, his brown hair (although I love my mother's golden brown hair locks nevermind!!!) but my father's eyes are a craze in the family. We all got it from our grandpa...
The russet brown colored eyes which my daadi calls 'Devil Orbs'. Even my friends also my partners assistants, buddies everything are fond of them!!!
Sukkhi aka Sukhwinder Bhatti from Amritsar Punjab, my assistant since we began also called my right hand and Mitthu aka Mihika Chamuah from Guwahati, Assam my best friend since college days, my go-to person for best tea in the world, rich brat only daughter of a highly influential minister and businessman in Assam yet wants to make an identity of her own. Basically my north east version!!! We are probably soul sisters because we think alike, behave alike and our dreams about our dream man...ditto the same...
Our dream man!!! The one and only
Dev Kapoor!!! My grandpa!!!
His charms were such that first time when Mihika met my daadu she said she would have loved to marry my grandpa if she was born 70 years ago!!!
I smiled saying don't worry even I would have married him if I wasn't his grand daughter!!!
But we both had a common goal to find someone as sassy and sexy as Dadu!!!
With that hope our business was flourishing however we still hadn't found our kinda boy. Sukkhi probably had. He desperately wanted Mitthu to be the quintessential 'Bahu' (daughter in law) of Amritsar. That idiot even decided where he wants to visit for a honeymoon in future but Mitthu runs away from Sukkhi and I have a ball of a time teasing both of them.
My potential future customers!!! LOL!
After wrapping up the Goa wedding I was finally excited to go back home. However as it's Goa and it's a weekend I had decided to hit the beach, put up a stay tonight on Mihir uncle's beach house in Goa with my team but then my happiness doubled as I got to know my cousin also my friend Aaryan along with my besties Luv and Shikha were coming to join us here along with my little brother Nikku aka Nikhil.
But then with all the happiness there was a prick that joined them.
Dr Aahir Sehgal!!!
Mihir uncle's son!!! He looks exactly like Mypie. After all grandson of Mr Mahir Sehgal. I had guessed it the very moment when he kept gawking at me like an owl while I was performing.
Little did I care.
He maybe good looking but Neiyat Kapoor believes in personality.
Looks ka kya main achar dalu (Am I going to make a pickle with his looks)
That man had pissed me off so badly last night. I was so tired after the Mehndi function last night but even then I made sure to follow up on this Sehgal boy who behaved like a little bitch!!!
Initially I tolerated him as I'm used to deal with different kinda people as I'm a wedding planner and I happen to meet wierd folks everyday. Come on, not everyone is a happy soul during weddings. There is always one grumpy Phuphaji (uncle) who keeps complaining that he is not given enough importance or for that matter a ranting Chachi ji ,(aunty) who keeps complaining about the grooms bad habits like she runs a rehab herself or pens out a list of bride's boyfriends like she has direct access to her social media account!!! But moral of the story, there's always a canine tooth sticking out in the odd trying to bite someone's ass all the time and last 4 years into this business which literally I started as a hobby during my final year graduation is now a successful brand in the market. Yes we have huge competitors like the WednBells owner the Kukrejas but if they had resources I had brains!!!
We have conducted weddings which were of various budgets. From 10 lakhs to 50 crores!!! We have organised it all around the country. So basically I'm famous from Kashmir to Kanyakumari to get people hitched!!! With a track record of no broken weddings!!! Not a single client left unhappy but this was the first time I met a grumpy uncle like him!!!
MCP!!! Moo Chada Pippa!!!
He bloody blamed me of using my family name to get successful!!! Bloody hell not once did I ever use my influence to get a project or get my job done!
And when he called me a Bollywood frenzy wedding planner doing this for time pass I put a full stop right there!!!
I didn't need to tolerate his shitty attitude so I disconnected the call.
It's only when Ma told me Aaru aunty wants to talk to me I spoke to her and she sounded apologetic. But I definitely didn't want to step into that sinking sand again!!! I rather stay away from that snobbish doctor!!! But then my mother and Aaru aunty are genius!!!
There we go!!! Dr Aahir Sehgal in the house!!!
I had Luv and Shika hug me and circle their arms around my shoulder saying...
'So babes!!! You are getting our Aahirjiiiiiiiiiii married is it?' Luv joked and I looked at her while I cringed saying...
'Wanna be Mrs Sehgal?' to which she coughed saying...
'No girl's all fun... nothing serious...he is still scared of us Nei...he thinks we both are desperate to marry him!!! Aaryan told us that he even had our nightmares and ohhhhh you know how much I and Shika love pulling this one's a easy target girl!!! He's cute though...i heard he's here to apologise to you' Luv said and I rolled my eyes saying...
' Apologize and He??? Huhhh he is a bloody MCP with a foreign passport and I'm sorry but I don't think I can tolerate his cuteness!!!
Huhh!!! I will make sure to take 800 Rupees from him for the dinner plate at the wedding because neither is he an invitee by the Kauls or Anands, heck he is not even my friend!
So why should I pay for his plate!!!
Jackass!!!' to which Aaryan shrieked saying...
'Eeks really 800 are the daughter of a billionaire!!! No wonder everyone calls you a stingy-bee!!! Kanjoos (stingy)!!' and I shot Aaryan a look saying...
'Its not called being stingy Aaryan! It's called being sensible and huhhh my parents and grandparents are billionaires!!! I'm not!!! And above all Sonapie always says drop in a ocean!!! So basically there's a long way turning into an ocean!!! However your brother doesn't know to talk to women! Specially the one who's going to find him a bride!!! ' saying I shot him a look and left from there rolling my eyes.
I changed into a blue denims, white crop top and went towards the car while I told Sukkhi and Mitthu to go with others and meet us at the beach house, as I had decided to go along with my cousins.
I ran towards Aaryan's car and took the passenger seat saying...
'Haanji (yes) Aaryan ji...Hunn Challo ji (Lets go)' I screamed putting on the seat belt but the minute I saw Aaryan in the backseat I freaked out and I turned towards the driver's seat.
I see a man with a white polo tshirt, blue denims and frameless glasses on the driver seat looking at me intensely!!!
His brown eyes captured my russet brown ones like they were giving them a strong competition in not blinking!!! They were deep!!! Intense and looking into my soul and I don't know why I felt like electricity passed through my body!
I couldn't handle that gaze!!!
I looked elsewhere but his eyes didn't blink once!!!
While suddenly Aaryan cleared his throat saying...
'Ahhhemmmm Bhai...we have to reach Calangute!!!' and all I heard was a 'Hmmm'
But I didn't want to sit with this snob!!!
'Aaryan...can we shift seats please!!! I don't want to sit with unknown folks' and again I felt his deep eyes burning my body!!!
'Neiyat ..sorry yaar...I'm happy sitting in between two sexy woman here!!! Do not Disturb Please' saying he pulled Shika and Luv in a side hug while they kept hitting him and pulling their hair laughing and giggling.
Trying to take due advantage of being a elder sister I said...
' shift here...I'll take the last row' to which Nikhil said...
'Its 2 hours drive have claustrophobia, you will hate the last row' he said and I couldn't help but agree. I didn't want to end up puking in front of this Moo Chada Pippa atleast!!!
I didn't have a choice now!!!
Huffing and Puffing I sat there next to him!!!
While he smiled lightly and I was dying to do all the Kalari techniques I learnt from Ma and Dad on his face!!!
Would love this cardiologist spend some time with a dentist!!! Huhhh!!!
Gosh I hate him!!!
Nevermind!!! I care two hooves!!! Huhh!!!
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