A/n - Right, so on the request of so many of my readers, I have decided to write an epilogue. Firstly, a big thanks to all the readers for your support and also for giving this book a try!
Secondly, this is just the first part of the epilogue - more is yet to come! *wink wink*
***Amogha's P.O.V***
It was warm...warm and comfortable, with a familiar warm weight around my waist, and one of my most favorite fragrances in the world filling my nostrils - my husband's scent!
A smile automatically crept up my lips as he secured me tightly within his arms, moving closer to me. Though every morning in the past two months had been the same, I still didn't seem to be able to get used to my man's possessive hold around me every morning, because every morning I feel him snuggling upto me and every morning I wake up with a blush!!
And more blood rushed upto my cheeks as I realized that even Sid didn't look like he had gotten used to sleeping next to me, because his boner, now poking my lower back, only got prominent with every passing minute.
Every morning in these past two months had been like this, with me waking upto Sid's arms around me, his breath on my neck as he snuggled closer and his boner poking my back.
My eyes fluttered open, taking in the warm bright sunlight filtering in through the glass-balcony door - morning was here!
And then, a sudden realization hit me, making me get up and sit straight with a pang of anxiety - we had to leave to the airport for our honeymoon by 8 in the morning, and looking at the bright sunlight filtering into the room, there's no doubt that it's well past 8!!
"Sid...wake up!! SID!!" I half yelled, half shrieked as I started patting Sid's arms, trying to make him get up.
"What happened?! Haven't I told you earlier Ammu!? As long as you're my pillow, you are to remain silent" he said in that sexy morning voice, snuggling closer to my waist as his grip around me tightened.
"Sid!! It's morning!! We're late!! Get up" I said, looking around for my phone - I clearly remember setting an alarm for 6am, then why did I not wake up earlier?!
"And where's my phone?!" I asked, looking around for the wrenched thing whilst trying to get out of Sid's iron grip around my waist.
"It's Saturday today Ammu please let me sleep" Sid said in the same sexy voice, still not getting up, or letting me get up.
"Sid for God's sake!! It's Friday today and we were to leave for our honeymoon at 8 o clock in the morning!!" I shrieked.
"What?!" Sid snapped and opened jerked his eyes open, the panic I'd been feeling for so long now evident on his face.
"Uh-oh!!!" he said in a panicky voice as he sat up and looked at me with guilt written all over his handsome face.
"What?" I snapped, rummaging through the pillows for my phone.
"I..uhm...okay don't get mad now....but...um...okay so um... I'd heard the alarm go off, and well, I thought it's a weekend anyway so there's no need for us to wake up at 6...and...well...I shut it off" Sid mumbled in a low voice, as he retrieved my phone from somewhere underneath his pillow.
My heart almost shattered seeing the time on my phone's screensaver - 10 am!! Our flight was at 11am, and well, we couldn't reach even if we tried to leave at this exact moment because the airport was a good 35kms away from our home!! It'd take more than 2 hours to reach the airport, that is, including a moderate traffic!
"I'm so sorry Ammu" Sid said in an apologetic tone, holding my hand. I couldn't even bring myself to glare or shout at him.
How could he ever understand how much I was looking forward to this honeymoon?! He doesn't even know the amount of effort I'd put into preparing for this honeymoon!!
I had ordered a full-body wax kit online and waited for the day that Sid would leave me alone at home so that I could do a full body wax!! I'm so shy I won't let some woman at the spa look at my goods when my man himself hasn't seen me naked!!
And then the pain in waxing oh my God!! But Pri told me that all that pain is worth it when your man gazes at you with love, and well, I was hoping to get that look of love and lust when Sid would see me naked on our honeymoon, which now we won't be going to thanks to my husband's forgetfulness!!
And that lingerie!! I'd packed those lingerie I had purchased when out with Sid, and also the one that Pri had ordered for me - I was looking forward to wearing it and seducing my man!!
All that effort, all that waxing-wala-pain has gone in wain!!
"Ammu please talk to me! Don't give me this silent treatment!! We can go in a couple of days' time once we book in another flight! Please don't me mad at me!! It's just a matter of a few days Ammu!" Sid pleaded, tugging at my arms.
I couldn't bring myself to talk - it had taken me a lot of time and most of my savings to book that private island in Bora Bora where we'd have been spending our honeymoon! My whole effing life's savings gone as I'd spent it on this honeymoon!! It was a non-refundable booking. Sid had almost fainted when he'd seen the price of the island for just 5 days and 5 nights' stay!! But I'd convinced him with great difficulty before he finally agreed and even booked us the island!!
But now, all was gone! We couldn't spend so much money again!! My dream to seduce my man in a private island, swim in the beach whilst only my man's eyes would rake my bikini clad body - all went in the drain now.
"Please talk to me Ammu" Sid pleaded me, shaking me by my shoulders.
"It's... what else...can we...do" I said in a voice which was barely more than a whisper - I had to control myself from shouting at Sid!
What else could I really do?! What could I even achieve by shouting at Sid?! I suddenly felt like there's no reason left to do anything now! Like really!!
"I'll make breakfast shall I?! You go freshen up" Sid said softly, moving to the bathroom, whilst I laid back on the bed, with no energy to do anything.
Why do bad things happen to good people?! Why did Sid have to do this stupid effing thing of shutting my alarm?! If not for his stupid mistake, we'd be at the airport right now, eagerly waiting for our flight to Bora Bora!!
Sure it was almost a 48 hour journey, but honeymooning in a private island - that was my dream!! Sure, the island that we could afford was not really a big one, but who'd be going out and exploring anyway when there was sex to be had?!
Oh c'mon!! As if we'd not be consummating like bunnies?! It'd have been so romantic and fairy-tale like to have sex in a private island, maybe on the beach at night, or in the backyard at sunset?!
"You can use the bathroom now" Sid's voice broke my trail of thoughts as he emerged from the bathroom. I didn't even look at him as I moved to the bathroom with my towel and locked the door behind me.
I did my morning chores in a dream-like state - why do bad things happen to good people?! I should have been boarding the plane to Bora Bora now with Sid, who'd be whispering sweet nothings in my ears, making me blush like a new bride!
In a few days' time, all the hair that I'd waxed out with so much devotion and difficulty would crop out again and...oh fuck I'll have to wax again before actually going this time!!
I groaned as I ran my hand down my now silky-smooth-no-hair-body under the shower, lathering soap onto myself - all that effort for nothing!!
I wrapped my wet hair in a towel and pulling on a baggy shirt over my shorts, I walked out of the bathroom, feeling slightly better than before.
"Breakfast is ready, and um....Priya had called when you were in the bathroom" Sid's voice broke my trance. I looked around to find him sitting on the bed, fidgeting with his fingers, looking very sad.
"Oh?! What's up with her?" I asked, trying hard not to show how dejected I felt - it was his fault that he shut the alarm, but what could we even do now?!
"Well, she gave me a long lecture for making you miss the honeymoon, but she's a little happy too, because there's some puja at her in-laws tonight, and wants your help in shopping. She said she's going to pick you up from here in an hour's time" Sid said, looking sadly at me.
"I spoke to her yesterday and she didn't mention anything about this puja then" I said, walking to the dressing table and applying moisturizer to my arms and legs.
"Yeah well, she thought you're not going to be here anyway and didn't inform....but now that you're going to be here....well.... we both are invited to the puja too" Sid said in the same sad tone.
"Oh..hmpf..fine..." I said, applying my face cream, and then vermilion to my forehead.
"I'm so sorry Ammu" Sid said again, looking at me through the dresser mirror.
"It's fine" I said, now drying my hair and not looking at him.
Sid didn't say anything, but continued to look at me through the dresser mirror, as I finally finished drying my hair and then walked into the walk in closet to change into jeans and a kurti.
Almost an hour later, Pri called me to meet her at the entrance of our building, and bidding bye to a sad looking Sid, I moodily went and sat in the auto that Pri was in.
"How could you leave shopping for a saree till the last minute?" I asked in exasperation as the auto took off.
"Well, I did have a saree, but..um...well, after wearing it to a function last week, Rishi found me so...irresistable in that saree that...um...we did it...whilst wearing that saree..so it's not exactly appropriate for a puja now, is it?" Pri asked in what was supposed to be an airy tone, but the pink patches on her cheeks gave her away.
My heart was not in it as I helped Pri pick out a saree and matching ready-made blouse for the puja, and it didn't help that Sid was not even calling me every 10 minutes to apologize!
After having a heavy lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Pri hauled me into a gift shop, to buy a gift for Rishi, to gift to him on their one year anniversary which was in next week - one year anniversary of the day they met! *rolls eyes*
Spending the day out with Priya really helped me cheer up {well at least a little!!} , as her continuous banter helped me keep my mind off thing what I'd have been doing right now had I and Sid actually caught our flight this morning.
It was around 7 in the evening when Priya and I reached the entrance of our building. Handing me a shopping bag she said "Here, I picked out this saree for you. Please wear it?! And don't worry about getting late...the puja is after midnight, so eat something light and take your time to come okay?!"
"Yeah yeah fine" I said, shrugging.
Giving me a tight hug, Priya hurriedly left in the same auto we'd taken whilst I headed back home.
"Rishi just called me and invited me again, for the puja" Sid said as soon as he opened the main door for me.
I sniffed the air as soon as I entered the house and a smile automatically traced my lips as the smell of food and lavender and roses hit my nostrils. But where was the smell coming from?! There's no flower in sight!!
"I am almost done cooking dinner.... you can change in the guest bedroom" Sid said as I made way to our bedroom, the door of which was closed.
"Why the guest bedroom?" I asked, turning to face him and raising my eyebrow at him.
"Well....um...okay so don't be mad at me ok? But...well..I...um..." Sid said with a guilty expression on his face, rubbing the nape of his neck.
"What did you do now?" I asked through gritted teeth. Can't a woman catch a breath?!
"Well okay please calm down now.... I... uhm.... okay so I was searching for something in this kitchen cabinet, and I found a spare key okay?! I didn't know which key it was, so I tried it on every door and well.... it turned out to be the key to our bedroom and...um...well..it broke when I tried to remove the key from the keyhole" Sid said, grinning sheepishly at me.
"So why is the door closed?" I asked wondering why this day was going so wrong.
"Uh...so you see, normally people wouldn't close the door to check a lock, but me, being overly smart... I...uh...closed the door to test the key" Sid said, rubbing the nape of his neck.
I closed my eyes, pleading all the Gods in heaven to give me the strength to not shout at my husband and took deep calming breaths - I just cannot deal with this tonight!
"We cannot get the lock changed or key removed till tomorrow morning....the locksmith said he's already left for home" Sid added.
I gritted my teeth and bit the insides of my cheek to stop myself from shouting at Sid and his stupidity.
"There's a few of your make up stuff and a few jewelry in the guest room that you'd probably forgotten to move to our bedroom, and also a few inner wears n stuff...so you can freshen up and change, we'll have our dinner and head out to Rishi and Priya's place" Sid said apologetically.
I nodded my head and taking the shopping bag that Priya had handed me earlier, dashed into the guest bedroom. I dashed into the bathroom for a quick shower and found a towel hanging in there, as though kept there for me.
Brushing away all thoughts, I undressed and put away all my clothes into the laundry basket and had a warm shower which calmed me to a great extent. Then, wrapping myself in the towel, I moved back to the room and opened the almost empty cupboard to find a pair of the lacy lingerie that I'd brought when I was out with Sid and was trying to make the salesgirl jealous.
Smiling reminiscently at that memory, I wore the lacy bra and underwear and looked at my reflection in the mirror - damn I looked hot!
Blushing, I took the bag that Pri had given me and looked through it's contents - there was a saree, a saree-petticoat and a matching blouse.
But blood drained from my face when I realized that the blouse was a sleeveless netted one - something that's okay for a party or seducing a guy, but definitely not okay for a puja!!
I pursed my lips and pulled out the saree which was gorgeous, yes, but damn it was netted and definitely not suitable for a family function! It hardly covered anything!!
{A/n - the following image is just to give you a rough idea of how the saree and blouse are supposed to look like}
Now with my bedroom door locked, and no other clothes left for me to change into, I sighed before draping the saree, trying to cover much of my skin and trying to look as modest as possible in the saree which I'm pretty sure is a saree for seducing someone!
I was almost turned on by my reflection in the mirror - I looked that hot!! Oh God how do I go to a puja looking like this?!
I searched in the cabinets of the dresser in the guest room and found a dozen bangles of the same shade of blue as the saree I was wearing! There was also a pair of gold earrings that'd go well with this saree, and a matching necklace!
I don't even own these jewelry!! From where did it come here?! There was my make-up items on the dresser too - my favorite lipstick, a set of stone bindis, kajal, eyeliner, face cream, powder - everything that I use for my skin!! How did it get here?!
Hastily wearing the jewelry, my make-up and finishing my look with a stone bindi, I turned on my spot to find a box on the bed behind me - it wasn't there when I'd left for bath?!
Curiously, I walked to the bed and opened it to find a small box in it, along with a folded piece of paper.
I opened the box to find it filled with vermilion, and I opened the paper with a smile on my face.
It read - 'please leave your hair open and bring this box outside once you're fully ready'
Blushing now, I brushed my long hair before setting it loose and dashed to the living room with the box of vermilion in my hand.
My breath hitched in my throat as I saw my man, my husband, the love of my life, setting the dining table with his back to me. He was dressed in a mundu and a shirt that matched my saree!! But from where did he get his dress?!
Probably sensing my presence, he turned to face me, and his mouth hung open - I do hope it is because I look that good in the saree!!
Blood rushed to my cheeks and I bit my lower lip nervously as Sid's eyes moved from my head to toes, and back to my face, finally meeting my eyes and his handsome blushing face splitting into a wide appreciative grin.
"Holy fuck" Sid exclaimed, running his hand through his silky hair, making it ruffled and increasing his sex appeal by a zillion!
I stood there, looking at Sid, waiting for him to either come to me, or at least say something, but all Sid did was stare at me, looking dumbfounded!
I cleared my throat, which probably broke the trance-like state Sid was in because he shook his head and smiled at me as he said "Dinner is ready" and turned his back to me.
I moved to the dining table to find it laden with a few dishes.
"There's pulao, raita, curd rice and kheer" Sid said, indicating the dishes as he lifted the lids one-by-one off the dishes.
"It looks lovely" I said as I sat down on the chair that Sid had pulled out for me.
"You look lovely" Sid said, brushing his lips on my hand and emphasizing on 'you' before taking the seat next to mine.
Sid was gazing at me with love and warmth, making me melt on the spot, all my anger on him just ebbing away by the way in which he was gazing at me!
Dinner was an exceptionally silent affair as Sid continued to eat whilst gazing at me, not looking away whenever I caught him at it, and me blushing to find my man staring at me with all the love in the world!
Once dinner was done, Sid took my hand and pulled me to my feet, making me look at him in confusion.
But all thoughts ran out of my head as Sid took the box of vermilion from earlier, took a pinch of vermilion from it and applied it onto my hair partition before kissing my forehead.
Sid then took my hand and lead me towards our bedroom, making me wonder what he's upto.
Standing right in front of the door, he looked at me with mischief glinting in his beautiful eyes before putting his hand on the doorknob and turning it.
The door opened with a click, making my jaw drop!
"How...what..." I stuttered for words as Sid led me into the dark bedroom that was filled fragrances of jasmines, roses and what I'm sure is lavender.
I sniffed happily but almost jumped as I heard the door get closed behind me, putting us in complete darkness.
But suddenly, another clicking sound broke the silence, throwing the room in light - not too bright, but very romantic!
My jaw dropped again as I saw the scene in front of me - rose petals of different colors were strewn on the floor, making a path from the bedroom door to the bed which was decked like a bride!
Threads of lavender and jasmine and roses hung all over the bed, which too was strewn with rose petals. Tears welled my eyes as I looked around the flower-filled room, which looked every bit like a setting for a wild night filled with sex!
I was brought to reality as I heard my husband's voice as he sang one of my all-time favorite song-
"If our love was a fairy tale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht, baby, we would sail
To an island where we'd say I do
And if we had babies they would look like you
It'd be so beautiful if that came true
You don't even know how very special you are
You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful, you're leaving me....breathless"
I looked at Sid with my mouth hanging open as he finally stopped singing, standing right in front of me and taking my hand in his.
"I know you wanted to go to Bora Bora today and well, spend a very romantic honeymoon there...but your husband had other plans, so he never actually booked the tickets" Sid said, smirking slightly.
"But the tickets... and... passport...visa" I stuttered again as Sid put one arm around my bare waist and pulled me towards himself.
"My sweetheart!! Had you seen them all properly, you'd have seen that our flight tickets are dated for a flight that's on coming Tuesday! And it's not for Bora Bora....we will be going to Bora Bora, but first we'll be going to some place that I've always wanted to go with you...from almost the first time I'd set my eyes on you actually" Sid said, smiling down warmly at me.
"Then where are we going?" I asked, with my eyes wide as saucers. How could I actually not check our destination or the date on the flight tickets that Sid had handed to me almost a month ago?!
Then I realized that Sid had taken me for a very wild make-out session soon after handing me the tickets, so I'd never actually checked them!!
"All that in good time...now for business... I wanted us to consummate our marriage at the place where we'd spend most of our life, and definitely not in some place we'd rent for a couple of days! I wanted us to become one - physically and mentally - on the day I first saw you" Sid said, kissing my forehead.
"But Pri...puja...today" I stuttered.
Sid smirked before saying "All my plan to get you out of the house....now let's fulfill the dream of the 18 year old Sid who had dreamt of marrying you and having a family with you 9 years ago when he'd first seen you on this exact same date" and kissing on top of my head.
"What?! Today was the day you first saw me?!" I asked, with my jaw hanging open. Sid chuckled before nuzzling my cheek and saying "Hmm yes honey...today is the day I first saw you all those years ago"
I blushed and lowered my head - 9 years ago, on this very date Sid had first seen me!!! TODAY I AM GOING TO CONSUMMATE MY MARRIAGE!! FINALLY!!!
Sid let go off me all of a sudden, and moved back, making me frown due to the loss of his warmth around me!
Sid looked at me from head to toe again, making me blush and then said "When I got this saree for you, I honestly didn't think that it'd look this good on you! But well, guess I'm wrong" and rubbed the nape of his neck.
"I love you Amogha! I love you so damn much... I cannot wait to make you mine completely" he said, walking back to me and pulling me to himself.
"Can I make you mine, tonight?" Sid asked hopefully, lifting my chin so that I ended up looking deep into his brown orbs.
Blood rushed to my cheeks as I realized he's asking for my consent to have sex, but tears stinged my eyes at the warmth and love with which he'd said it.
Not trusting my voice, I nodded my head in agreement to which Sid replied by placing his lips on mine.
To be continued...
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