Chapter 6
Something was terribly wrong. I could feel it inside, like fire flowing through my veins. Ever since last night, my skin had felt like it had worms biting away under it. My stomach was crap, and my head still felt horrible. I had squirmed and thrashed all last night, and I didn't even catch an hour worth of sleep. I moaned as I rolled to look at the bedside clock, and my eyes widened as I saw that it was only 6:30. Looking up at the cracked ceiling I sigh. I was exhausted, and the only solution was a bottle of Nyquil. Throwing my legs out of the covers I stand up quickly, trying to jolt myself awake. I only succeed in making my vision go dark for a few seconds, and the feeling of dizziness increase profoundly. My mouth was horribly dry, and my stomach wouldn't let me forget the last time I had a meal, which was yesterday around lunch. And with that thought, came the rest of the memories of the past couple of days. "Gah...." I mutter and sit down in one of the small table's chairs. Rubbing my eyes, I dig through my duffle bag, searching for the bottle of Nyquil. I needed sleep, and I wasn't planning on doing anything else before I got it. Don't want to get in a fight when your body doesn't respond to half of what you tell it to do. Just don't see that ending well for me. Not to mention the constant migraine, and stomach pains. I'm sure I have a fever to, but I'm not gonna spend time on confirming what I already know. Giving up on my search, I realize I'm going to have to go into town. I don't feel like doing crap today. I thought about calling Sam or Dean and getting one of em to bring me some sleep juice, but I don't think Dean would be to willing after last night. I'm sure Sam would, if Dean would let him drive the Impalla. Like that'll ever happen, in my case anyway. With Sam and Dean on my mind I realize that I'm supposed to be at Bobby's today. "Crap..." I mutter and send him a text saying that I wasn't going to make it up there anytime soon, that I was working on a case down here. I don't like lying, I really don't. But at least it wasn't entirely untrue, I might actually have a case here. Sam and Dean wouldn't have stayed here for so long if they didn't think something was up. Standing up I walk to the bathroom, and look at myself in the mirrior. My eyeliner was horribly smudged, and my hair was in a complete mess. I reach for my brush and bring it up to attempt to contain the jungle on top of my head, but stop short as I notice that my knuckles are caked in dry blood. Closing my eyes I slowly set the brush down, and turn on the sink. Thoroughly washing my hands I find no trace of injury, it wasn't my blood. Well, I really got into those people didn't I? But why on earth would they want me? Yes I was walking on the side of the road by my self, but a guy and a girl? Something wasn't right here... But before I start investigating things again, I'm going to take a shower.
Sam jerked awake, the nightmares once again torturing him. Sweat coated his torso, and his chest rose and fell quickly. He looked over at Dean to make sure he was there, and relaxed slightly when he was, snoring away. He rubbed his jaw, and found that it needing shaving. Sitting up, he got out of bed quietly, as not to wake his brother. They both needed all the sleep they could get. He went straight for the bag of spare clothes and all the essentials that he had brought in with him the night before. It laid at the foot of his bed, and as he picked it up Dean grumbled in his sleep. He did that often. Sam toted the bag to the bathroom, and shut the door. He shaved quickly, and only nicked himself once. He smiled at himself in the mirrior after he was finished, and slipped on a clean pair of clothes. After he had finished brushing his teeth and getting ready, he opened the door to find Dean still asleep. Sam shook his head with a faint smile, Dean would sleep as long as he could sometimes. His eyes flicked to the clock, 7:38. He'd get him up at eight if he wasn't already. He walked to the table and sat down, opening his laptop and once more going over the news reports for the recent bodies.
Fifteen minutes later Dean couldn't ignore the feeling that it was time to get up any longer. He groaned, and sat up groggily. He stood up slowly, and blinked as the memories of last night intruded on his partially awake mind. A frown fell across his face as he remembered Zoey. Though he couldn't stay mad at her, she had in fact made their job last night easier. In which was to check out the mysterious Salvatores, see if they had anything to do with the murders. However it was obvious that Zoey was lying, something else had happened before they got there, and it wasn't no d@mn flat tire. "Dean.... Dean!" Sam's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Yeah?" Dean grumbled as he walked to the mini fridge. "You zoned out a minute there." Sam said staring at his brother. Dean could feel Sammy's gaze on his back as he pulled out a beer. "Mhm, yeah. Do you want one?" "Dean it's eight in the morning." He said with a small chuckle. "And?" Dean said shutting the small aluminum door. "And it's not even lunch. Your breakfest is going to taste bad." Sam notes while he takes a seat across from him. "So, tell me what you've found." He says taking a sip. Sam shakes his head and sighs,"Nothing. These vampires Dean... They're different from the usual ones. It's like, they've evolved." Dean looked up at him with both brows raised, and Sam quickly continued. "They're smarter, I mean they even make their kills look like animal attacks. Last night there was another attack, and this time, they let the victim alive." Dean nods slowly, and takes a swig of his beer,"Well, it looks like we're going to the hospital. After, breakfest of course."
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