Chapter 2 - Part 2
I grimaced at the slight prick of pain as the needle pierced the skin on my arm. I pushed the wolfsbane into my vein, needing to disguise my scent until I could get out of the territory and away from my mate, who was determined to find me.
I had stayed here long enough and it was time to move on. That part of me that wanted to be able to stay in a familiar place I had called home for nearly my whole life was strong but the fear of the repercussions made me push it aside. Staying wasn't an option and I was only making it harder by entertaining ideas of it.
A slight unexpected noise outside the small cottage made me hurry to the window in the small bedroom I had called my home for the last two weeks. I peered out into the surrounding forest. It was dark but I could still make out the silhouette of two people walking to the door.
From the height and build of the two forms, I could tell they were men.
Panic slammed into my chest. I stepped into the hallway when there was a slight knock at the door. Claire's gaze found mine as she mouthed the word 'hide.'
Back in the room, I slid under the bed as quietly as possible. If I made any sudden sounds they would hear me. Despite my pounding heart in my ears, I strained to hear what was being said.
Had Kyle discovered my hiding place? Panicked thoughts flitted through my mind as I tried to figure out what two men would be doing knocking on Claire's cottage at this time of the night.
I heard the door open and Claire greeted her unwanted visitors. Scouts patrolling around the edge of the territory occasionally stopped by to check on her but there was something ominous about this particular visit.
"You have to come back to the compound." I recognized the raspy voice belonging to Michael.
"But I don't want to leave," Claire argued. I felt my heart speed up. Why were they making her leave?
"It's only a temporary move until the danger is eradicated," another voice explained, and I recognized it as Sean's.
They were only a few years older than me so I knew them well.
"What danger?" Claire asked, sounding breathless and a little frightened.
"There is someone murdering rogues on the edges of the territories," Michael explained.
Someone is murdering rogues. The thought echoed in my mind. I tried to keep as calm as I could. If I overreacted I would draw attention to myself. If they found me they would make me go back to the compound. I couldn't let that happen.
"You'll need to stay within the safety of the compound until the person responsible for the killings has been captured or taken care of."
My mind was reeling from the information.
"Can I at least pack some clothes?" Claire asked.
"Sure," Sean said. "Just don't take too long."
I heard the footsteps as they left the house and waited on the patio outside. Then I heard the hurried lighter feet of Claire drawing closer as she walked down the hallway.
She appeared in the doorway. I slid out from under the bed as quietly as I could. Her eyes were wide and panicked.
"Come with me," she whispered so softly I could barely hear her. I grabbed her trembling hands in mine and I was already shaking my head. Going back to the compound wasn't an option for me. If I did, Kyle would find me and then there would be no escape.
I wouldn't be able to hide my gifts. And it would only be a matter of time before that meant death for me. I wasn't supposed to exist. My presence would only bring death and destruction to him and the pack members who were my family and loved ones.
"I can't," I mouthed, not wanting to risk the two werewolves waiting outside overhearing.
Claire looked at me with sadness before she hugged me like it was going to be the last time she saw me. For all I knew it would be. There was no guarantee for my safety once I left the small cottage that had been my refuge.
I felt the sting of tears but refused to allow a single one to drop down my face. I hugged her close before I released her. Not wanting them to come back inside to see why Claire was taking so long, I helped get a bag out of her closet while she grabbed some clothes from her dresser.
A few minutes later she had packed everything she needed, and I zipped up her bag.
"Keep safe," she whispered softly before giving me a kiss on the cheek and hugging me tightly. I breathed her in and the peace it gave me for a moment before I released her.
Feeling emotional, I nodded my head as I stayed in her room while she left carrying her bag. The door opened.
"Is there someone with you?"
I held my breath as Michael waited for an answer.
"No," Claire lied without hesitation. "I had a human visitor just before you guys arrived."
I continued to hold my breath as I waited for their response. My scent was all over the house but it could have confused them with the old mixed with the new.
"Okay. Do you have everything you need?" Sean asked. I felt relief they hadn't taken it further.
"Yes," she replied with a tinge of sadness in her voice. I released the breath I had been holding.
I stood fixed to the same spot for far longer than it took for Claire and the two werewolves to be a safe distance away.
My heart had slowed down to its usual rate but it didn't stop the loneliness that was invading me. For the last year I had been used to being on my own. Even when I had joined Victor's pack, which had later been inherited by his daughter, Keri, I had only made a few acquaintances, preferring to keep to myself. The last couple of weeks of staying with Claire had given me companionship I missed. Yes, I had made friends but not true friends - the ones who knew your deepest darkest secrets.
It was easier that way. The fewer people who got close to me, the fewer people who could discover my dangerous secret.
Alone, I allowed myself the weakness of wallowing in my loneliness for a few minutes. I thought about my parents and what they had sacrificed to keep me safe.
When I felt how unfair my life was with the hand I had been dealt, I remembered my parents had given their lives to keep me and my secret safe. I owed it to them not to give in and give myself over to my fate but instead to keep on going.
Allowing myself to exhale my emotions, I began to figure out what my next move was. I peered out into dark forest that for the first time looked foreboding and dangerous. I couldn't leave now. I would have to wait for first light. Besides, it would give me a chance to get some sleep and pack before I headed out, onto the unknown path that lay ahead of me.
Thoughts of the murdered rogues plagued my mind but I refused to give in to the fear of it. If it won, I would be unable to leave the safety of the cottage. I nearly laughed hysterically when I realized even inside the small shelter I wasn't safe.
Stepping away from the window, I hurried in the darkness to the room I had been using for my stay. Not wanting to switch a light on inside the cottage, fearing it would draw attention, I sat down on the bed with enough moonlight to be able to survey my room.
For now I would concentrate on what I needed to do so there would be no space for the unwanted thoughts of a killer out there.
In my mind I was planning what I needed to pack: clothes, food and my vials of wolfsbane. Even though my destination was still unknown, I had to leave first thing in the morning and get as far away from here as possible.
At the thought of Kyle, I pictured him in my mind. He was devastatingly handsome and effortlessly charismatic. Just the thought of him was enough to make my body respond with a fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had always wanted to be able to reach out and touch him, raking my hand through his dark hair as he gazed down at me with his gray eyes that sometimes looked silvery. He wouldn't understand my actions.
I slid under the covers and pulled them up to my chin. My eyes were still trained on the window, my ears straining to pick up any unusual sounds that would signal immediate danger. But there was nothing except for the noise of insects that eased me into sleep.
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