Part 9 - Mistake
Yay! 🎉
I hope you remember what happened in the previous chapter, sorry it took so long for me to post :D. Enjoy ^.^
"Hun, just tell me the truth, please. I can take it," my mum begged.
"I'm telling you, it's a school project," I repeated the same lie again.
"What project? And what friends are you working on with? You have been always a solo student, Ev."
Stop with those question, please!
"It's that drug gang again, right? Evan, we don't need more money. We still have some left," she sighed.
"I'll be back home soon, I promise."
And with those words, I left the house. I felt uncertain about this whole idea, uncomfortable with my decision. I didn't know what to expect, what people or what even I was attending.
My eyes fell on the familiar black car, its door already opened. Cartoonz was looking at me, slightly shaking his head. He looked so smooth and elegant.
"Hi," I greeted him.
"What are you wearing? This is business celebration. Don't you have some suit?" He asked straight away.
"No? I-I'm sorry. I do not attend such... events."
He pointed at the car, motioning me to sit down. And I did.
"It's called living a life, skirt boy. I can't let you in looking like this, we will stop by my hotel room," he said, when he sat down next to me.
I got nervous all of the sudden, regretting my decision. I looked at the bearded man next to me, feeling so small.
"S-sir? Do you want to have sex with me?" I asked, licking my lips.
I was so embarrassed by asking this, but I had to know. I didn't want this, not for money and not with him. But I also knew I wouldn't have any chance to win if he wanted to rape me. He looked strong enough to do it.
His eyes fell on me, couple seconds his face completely unreadable, before he shrugged his shoulder. A smirk appeared on his face, crossing his arms.
"Do you want me to have sex with you?" He replied with a question.
Is this some kind of a catch question? Is he going to be mad?
"If that's what you want," I mumbled, looking out of the window.
His laughter filled the car, making me confused and uneasy. Looking back at him, he shook his head.
"You're so different from the others. I definitely want to try this body of yours, and we both know it's gonna happen. But I'm gentleman enough to wait for you to say it aloud."
Fuck. But calculating through this, he lives far away from me. There's no way he's gonna remember me after this night. So I'm saved? Or did he mean to say it today?
The rest of the drive was filled with silence, before the car stopped. I recognized the most expensive hotel in my town.
"We don't have much time, let's go," he commanded, already opening the door.
I opened the door, getting off the car. There were a few people in front. Cartoonz didn't let me inspect the place, already going in. I followed him close by. The inside of the hotel looked so luxury, I tried not to stare with my mouth widely opened.
We got into an elevator and left it on the certain floor. As he opened the door from his room, I walked in uncertain.
The room was luxury as the hotel was supposed to be. There were two beds, which led me to the assumption another person was sleeping in this room.
I leaned against the wall right next to the door, being comfortable enough to see the door as the nearest escape point if I needed that.
Cartoonz seemed like a sly fox. Gentleman on the outside, but smart and kinky man in the inside. I couldn't predict his intentions or his thoughts.
"Calm down, for fuck sake. I'm not going to rape you here," he laughed, walking towards me.
He stopped a few inches away from me, running his fingers from my shoulders down to my fingertips.
"Even though I can't erase that image of your perfectly shaped butt in the skirt you had on the last time. And the way you look? Fucking innocent adorable piece of fuckable man," he whispered, making me shiver in fear.
I wasn't ready for the sex life, definitely not with this man. He wasn't bad looking, his body build up enough to get others aroused, but I was new in this world, I didn't know what to expect.
"You look like a scared prey, cornered by the killers. Relax, I'm not gonna eat you. Yet. We need to hurry the fuck up though."
He backed away from me, opening his luggage. He started to throw things out, and after a while he threw two things at me.
"This shirt and those pants have to do the trick. That's the tightest and smallest I have," he said, sitting on the bed.
"What about my clothes?" I asked, feeling a bit angry to loose another of my belongings.
"They're gonna be delivered to you after this event, I promise. And you can keep those you're currently wearing. Consider it as a gift."
I looked around, walking towards the other door in the room, assuming it was a bathroom.
"Change here."
I stopped in my movement, looking at him confused. My heart was pounding in my heart so fast.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, change in front of me. We've been through this."
I felt uncomfortable, but I decided not to argue with him. It was just a quick change, with nothing in return.
"Only a change, right? N-nothing more," I asked him, clutching the clothes in my hands tighter.
"Yes, hurry the fuck up now. Delirious is gonna kill me if I arrive late. If he arrives at the party, of course."
Delirious is the one who bought me, right? Do I want him to be there? Do I want to see him again? Yes, no, maybe so.
I took of my shirt, facing a wall so I wouldn't see Cartoonz expressions. After that, I changed into the pants. Being completely in a new clothes, I wanted to turn around, when I felt a cloth being put on my shoulders.
"This jacket is perfect, wear this. Now let's go."
I took the blue jacket on, when a familiar scent attacked my nostrils. I couldn't connect that scent to the person, but I knew that smell.
Silently, I followed Cartoonz downstairs again, happy I was still alive and untouched. We got into the car, which drove us to some other place.
It was some luxury looking vila, with so many cars and people around. I suddenly felt so pushed away, unfitted into the community I saw around.
We got off the car and I followed Cartoonz into the building. I was looking around me in a complete awe. Everything looked so perfect, luxury, expensive. People around me wore suits and dresses, looking so formal.
Thank God Cartoonz gave me these clothes. I would have felt so embarrassed in what I had on me.
"Close your mouth, skirt boy, or I'll fuck it roughly right here," he grinned at me, leading me to the food table.
"Y-you said this is called living life, right? But all I see are bored rich people, faking their interest in the topics they're discussing," I pointed out, looking around.
"Oh, we have to wait a bit for that. When people get drunk, when music changes, when night gets darker. Meanwhile, we need to look like we enjoy this. C'mon, let's socialize."
Cartoonz led me from group to group, where we spent some time, before moving into the new group. I wasn't talking that much, acting like a great listener, even though I hated the conversation. I didn't understood anything they were talking about. All of it was about a business they sealed, nothing I was connected with.
"Fucking finally!" I heard Cartoonz jump into one woman speech.
He grabbed my wrist, leading me from the group of people, saving me from the hell. Confused, I was trying to find the source of his behavior, when I saw the point we were heading towards.
The sky blue eyed man. A man who bought me, who took my everything pure. My heart started to pound, my butterflies woke up, I didn't feel well. He was scanning the whole room, looking all uninterested in the group of women he was talking to.
Our eyes met, making me quickly look down at my feet. I felt my blood rushing to my cheeks and I hated myself for the character I had. I wished to be more confident, mainly in front of the man who didn't give two shits about me.
"Excuse me, ladies."
I heard his voice clearly. I looked up, seeing him walking towards us. I stoped right next to Cartoonz, feeling his stare on me.
"What's he doing here?"
Is he glad? Angry? He doesn't sound happy.
"Why do you ask? Do you care?" Cartoonz replied with a smirk.
I felt his hand being wrapped around my hip, as I was pulled closer towards his body.
"Do whatever you want. Just know you're having a used toy."
Ouch. Fucking bitch!
"I'm gonna enjoy that. Anyway, I wanted to ask for a favor," Cartoonz continued casualy, not really caring about my hurt feelings.
I wanted to yell at the man in front of me, I wanted to kick him or punch him, but I wasn't confident enough. So I was just giving him a death stare, that was all I managed to do in that situation.
"Ask away."
"Can we actually do something with this atmosphere? So boring," Cartoonz whined.
"You're acting like a child, dude. I'll see what I can do."
We watched him walk away, ever so elegant and smooth. Cartoonz proudly smiled at me.
"I believe he's gonna do miracles. Let's go outside for a few minutes."
He finally let go of me, leading me out of the building. I was feeling so down. The last the I saw my buyer, he was gentle, caring about what I had on my face. This was a picture of typical arrogant selfish rich man who didn't care about anybody but himself. Cold and distant person, closed inside. And it hurt me so much to see that.
I always wished for a caring, loving, person by my side. Girl, or a boy, I wasn't picky. But this was like somebody opened my eyes, threw me into the hell am told me live. Sad and unwanted reality.
We sat down on the chairs placed in the porch. A few couples were there too, already taking care of themselves.
"Fuck him, skirt boy. You can have anybody in the world, don't be sad about that. You're so young, a whole life ahead of you."
I sighed, looking down at my fingers. I felt kind of safe around this man, protected. He was dirty minded, not quite my type, but he obviously cared about the others. And that was something I needed after those hurtful words. I wasn't some toy, most likely I wasn't used toy.
"Y-you know... maybe... maybe we could try it... b-before you leave," I stuttered, too afraid to look at him.
"I told you earlier. Just wait here a bit, I'll be right back."
I watched him fast walk back into the building, my mind split inside. My half wasn't happy about this decision, always trying to act through my feelings, but my other half wanted this. Make the sadness go away, forget about Delirious. A man who already kicked me out.
After some time, I was freezing. Pulling the jacket closer to my body, I intentionally inhaled the scent. A warmness filled my mind, my lips curled into a smile, even though I couldn't still tell who's scent it was.
Where the fuck is he?
I stood up, when I saw two familiar figures leaving the building. Delirious was supporting Cartoonz, who couldn't even properly walk. He pointed at me, laughing.
"That's...t-that's my skirt boy!" He yelled, making blue eyes look my way.
"Can you help me?" Delirious asked, catching Cartoonz, who almost fell down.
I walked towards them, feeling my racing heart. I blinked several times, helping Cartoonz into the car. I wanted to straighten myself, when he grabbed my hand.
"You're coming wi-with us! Del-Del, he's coming with us!" Cartoonz slurred.
"Fuck sake. He'll sit in front, ok? Just let go off his hand," Delirious commanded, receiving a grin from Cartoonz.
He let go off my hand and I could finally stand up properly. I looked into the blue eyes.
"Just get in. Help me get him into the bed."
I didn't want that. I wanted to turn away and get as far as I could, but I didn't even know where I was, how far from Toronto I was. Besides it was freezing, I needed ride home.
"Will you," I started, completely without any confidence.
"Will you get me home after that?" I finished, waiting for some answers.
"I'll call my employee for that, now just hop in. I'm freezing."
I did what he wanted, already closing the door behind me. I buckled myself, while Delirious started the engine. After a few seconds, I felt two hands on my chest, pressing my breasts.
"You're so fuckable, damnit," Cartoonz stated from behind.
"S-stop, please," I tried to get away his hands, feeling ashamed that the other man had to witness this.
"I'm gonna do so many things to you today," he slurred, drifting lower.
"Fuck off, Cartoonz."
A growl was heard from the deep voice of the man driving the car. I quickly turned my head towards him. His blue eyes reflected so much rage, but he was still focused on the road.
"I-I just want to have my fuuuuuun. D-do you know how crazy the last boy was in the bed? Y-you're dumb that you let him go," he whispered offended.
I quickly looked out of the window, Cartoonz retreated his hands. I didn't know how to feel about this whole situation.
Is Cartoonz sleeping with every single person Delirious slept with? Was I just a next in line? Im such a fucking dumb idiot.
"Shut up already," Delirious mumbled.
My body was attacked once again, pair of hands found the button on my pants on a no time. The car immediately stoped, making me gasp in surprise, as Delirious stomped on the brakes.
"Touch him one more fucking time and you're dead!" Delirious growled, looking directly at the Cartoonz.
I gulped, feeling fear filling my body, as I fixed my pants. I was afraid, intimidated, and more then confused.
"Why do you fucking care? You've never cared about any of them! Do you know how some of them fucking felt? After you dumbed them as a trash."
Shit. This gets tense so quickly.
"Just shut the fuck up. I'll find you another boy to fuck his soul out of."
The car moved again, and I pulled the jacked closer to my body, completely uncomfortable. I just wished to be home already. We drove in completely silence. As I looked behind me, Cartoonz was already sleeping.
The car stoped in front of the hotel and I heard Delirious sigh, before he got off the car. I didn't know what should I do, so I left the car as well.
"Help me get him upstairs."
Delirious pulled Cartoonz out, letting me to hold him, while he locked the car. We successfully managed to get Cartoonz to bed, Delirious undressed him, covering him with a blanket.
"S-should I call a taxi, o-or..." I stuttered, hugging myself.
It took him a good minute or two before he replied, our eyes met. My heart raced, my stomach did a few flips.
"I'll drive you home."
I stared completely confused at the man in front of me. I didn't know what to think about that sentence. I followed him to the elevator, without saying a single word. I didn't even know what to say.
The door closed and I felt like the room was even smaller. Our arms brushed, making me shiver.
"Sorry," I mumbled quickly, moving away from him into the corner.
In a few seconds, he was few inches away from me. The blue color looking directly into my eyes. I stoped breathing, his fingers wrapped around my jacket. He slowly took it off, my heart wanted to jump out of my chest.
I wanted to feel his lips badly, never ever tasted them. I wanted to feel his fingers on my skin again, being shown how many ways he could have treated.
"This is mine," he whispered, stepping away from me with the jacket in his hands.
As he faced the door again, I quickly found the support on the walls around me, as my legs felt so weak. I tried to breath properly, trying to calm myself down.
I'm so stupid. I'm nobody to him, Cartoonz said it himself. Why can't my heart be reasonable?
The elevator door opened and I silently followed him to the car again. I got in, looking out of the window immediately. I didn't want to be in the car with this man more then necessary. I wanted to be in my room, I wanted to forget.
"Where do you live?"
His beautiful voice cast away the silence in the car, making me nervous again. I said him the address, paying my attention to my surroundings than to him.
The car stopped in front of my house in some time. My body was already shaking, my hand trying to unbuckle myself, but it was so hard to concentrate. I felt so anxious, so nervous.
"Wait," he mumbled, leaving the car.
In a few seconds, my door was open. My body was attacked by the freezing wind. He leaned against my body, unbuckling me. He looked at me, his face so close to mine. I could felt his breath on my skin. I felt hypnotized, under some sort of spell.
He quickly straightened himself, waiting for me to leave. I mentally slapped myself for having any hopes. I got off the car, looking at my house.
"T-thanks," I stuttered, hugging myself to defend my body from the coldness.
"Here you go."
He walked towards me, putting his jacket back on me. I looked up at him, my breath hitched.
No! Stop, Evan, you fucking dick. He doesn't feel anything, just go home already.
I turned myself to walk away, did a few steps, when I felt my wrist being wrapped by his fingers. I was pulled towards his body. He didn't give me any chance to react, when I felt his lips on mine.
It all happened so fast, I couldn't proceed anything. The world shrunk into this very moment. His hand caressed my cheek, while his grip on my wrist tightened. My heart was racing like it was running a marathon, my legs lost the strength.
When he pulled away, I finally opened my eyes. My legs stopped working, my mind dizzy, I grabbed his arms for support. His blue eyes felt like a trap, like an ocean with no drinkable water. And I was the poor guy on the boat.
"This was a mistake... I'm sorry."
He softly pushed me away, getting into his car. I watched his car disappear, feeling more shattered than before.
I was a mistake.
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