Part 39 - I love you
Oh, Gee!!! Uhm... this is really long chapter 😂😅. I don't even now how this happened. Also, there's an answer to your question about Ohm. Enjoy ^.^
"Evan!" I heard Ohm's voice, making me turn around.
I saw Ohm sitting on bar chair, and to my surprise there was Luke by his side. Ohm quickly swiped away Luke's hand, standing up.
"Stop moving, for fuck sake," Luke growled, forcefully making Ohm look at him.
"If you don't stop moving, I won't ever fuck you," Luke grinned, being already the old Luke I knew.
"Grow up. You're not my type, how many times do I need to say that," Ohm replied instantly.
"You can say it how many times you want, but in the bed you're going to scream other things."
Oh, God.
"Look, me and you? This relationship doesn't stand a chance," Ohm tried to be reasonable.
"There's something else already standing," Luke laughed, when Ohm sighed.
"Evan, I have been looking for you. Where were you?" His eyes moved my way, but his head was still in Luke's caring.
"Are you ok? This looks like it hurts," I mumbled, pointed at his head.
"I'm fine, but I hoped to do more to him than this," Ohm explained, instantly hissing in pain.
"Hey, watch out!" He growled at Luke, giving him a death stare.
"I can be gentle with you, doll," Luke whispered back seductively, and I gulped when my heart skipped a few beats from hearing his voice.
I remember my time with Luke. Maybe he was a flirty bastard, fucking boys or girls each night, but he always respected everything I wanted.
There was a few seconds of silence, my teacher seemed to be in some sort of hypnosis when he was looking right into Luke's eyes, none of them saying a single word. Just as they entered some sort of their world. I stepped back, regretting it immediately when Ohm moved away Luke's hand of his head.
"Let's go home," my teacher mumbled, he seemed to be more confused than anything else.
I looked at Luke, trying to understand what had happened, but he was looking behind me. I quickly trailed his sight, meeting blue eyes. Delirious was talking with some girl, his eyes glued to me though.
I felt Ohm's fingers wrapping around mines, his eyes moved to our hands, then back to my eyes. I smiled at him, trying to assure him that I meant the purpose I gave him, silently following Ohm out of the building. I was kinda surprised that Luke didn't say his goodbye to any of us, but we were already driving off. I gave Ohm my address and that was the end of our conversation.
What happened there?! Why's Ohm so quiet all of the sudden? Is that somehow connected to what Luke said?
"I'm sorry for this night. I really thought it would go better," he said into the silence, when we were in front of my new house and I opened the car's door.
"It's my fault. Maybe if we didn't encounter my step dad, my bro-" I was cut off in the middle of my sentence.
"I'm not stupid, Evan. I know they're not your relatives, and I can definitely notice when they fight for your attention," he started, and I looked at him like a deer caught in the spotlight.
"Mister Ohmwrecker, I-"
"I'm not going to ask you anything, it's your life and your choices. All I want for you is the happiness in this world, which means you need to focus on the school again."
Why's he so nice to me? I don't understand this.
"I'm not going to be here forever, that's how sugaring works, but you can be sure until that time comes I'll be always here for you. You can have thousand rich friends, but do you really want to live on them? Maybe, and maybe not, one day, and I really don't wish this to happen any time soon, you're going to wake up and they're all gone. What then? You didn't even finish the school, finding a work may be a problem with that," he started, and I started to realize what he wanted to say.
"You're smart, Evan. I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say. You don't need anybody to make you feel special, because you're, and I want you to remember this. So can you promise me to focus on school? I'll help you the best I can."
I nodded, knowing there wasn't a single obstacle in my life anymore. There wasn't anything holding me back now.
"I promise, and thank you for today," I smiled at him, moving myself to get off the car, when I was pulled back.
His lips smashed against mines, and I slowly melted into the caring and loving attitude. He sure knew how to make things romantic.
"What was that for?" I asked, opening my eyes again.
"You're still my Sugar Baby," he caressed my cheek.
Suddenly I felt so bad, like a cheating lying whore. I used my teacher to forget about Delirious, to find the safety and calmness, and now when I gave the older man chance again I'm kicking my teacher out.
"B-but Mister Ohmwrecker, I'm not sure if I want to sleep with you," I whispered, when he laughed.
"As much tempting this offer sounds, I didn't say anything about sleeping with you. Being my Sugar Baby doesn't mean I own you, you're free to do whatever you want. This whole thing is about symbiosis, you help me and I help you. There shouldn't be love in the first place."
He kissed me once more, and I enjoyed the sweetness of it, before I pulled away from him.
"I like you, I like you a lot actually, but I'm not in love with you, Evan, and I really hope you didn't fall for me either. Now go, I'll see you on Monday," he smiled, and I got off his car.
"Oh, and Evan?" He stopped me before I closed the door.
"Tell that step father of yours to finally give up. I'm getting tired of his blabbering and childish attitude. Explain him, that me and him will never be a thing," he said calmly, and I felt so sad for Luke.
"Will do. Good night," I whispered, finally closing the door.
I spent the whole weekend with my mum at home. My phone didn't rang once, which made me sunk deeper and deeper into the thought that maybe Delirious lied to me, or he forgot about me. I consider calling him or Luke a few times, but then I swiped that idea off when I didn't want to look more desperate than I already was.
I was kinda excited was the Monday, wishing for Ohm to be happy for me. I was determined to make him proud, show him I'm worth of his time and energy. To my own surprise, I was in the class within the first ones, just as I was doing it before.
Sitting on the chair with all my stuff ready for the class, I let my thoughts in loose. I was concerned about my situation with Delirious, feeling like I was being tricked by him again. My thoughts were interrupted by the phone call.
"Evan!" I heard voice I hadn't heard in a while.
"MiniLadd?!" I whispered in shock.
"Hey, my man! How are you? How's the life treating you?"
"I'm fine, actually. What about you?" I asked, even though I knew there was a reason behind his call.
"Good, good. Evan, I know everything what you've said... but there's that one guy again. He's trying to buy you."
I knew he wasn't calling just to ask me how I was.
"I told you before, I'm not available anymore," I replied, a bit annoyed.
"He's offering a lot of money," MiniLadd tried again.
I saw other students walk in, most of them paired up or in groups. I spotted Bryce within his group. His eyes stopped at mines, smiling warmly at me.
"How can he even know about me? You told me you put me down," I said, lowering my voice, but returning my smile to Bryce.
"We did, you're not shown on the website. So this is your last word? You're saying no to 25 millions, just saying," he informed me, and I knew he wanted to change my mind because of the cut they could have get from it.
Holy shit! But I don't need money now, I'm fine.
"I don't want it."
"Alright, ok! Call me if you change your mind," MiniLadd said energetically, he didn't even seem to be that mad.
"Thank you," I whispered, quickly hanging up when the door opened again.
I saw Ohm walking in. The moment he closed the door behind him, everybody went silent. He put the books on the desk, looking through the class. His eyes stopped at me, and I slightly nodded my head to let him now I was here.
"Here are your results from your last exam," he announced, walking from one student to another, putting down the papers.
He even stopped near me, putting some paper on my deck. I confusedly looked at it, seeing a letter A on it.
I didn't write this exam! I wasn't even here.
"I'm glad you're back," Ohm whispered quickly, moving to another students.
During the day I was surprisingly having fun. Moving from one class to another, I enjoyed every second, mainly because I had a motivation. Ohm seemed to be impressed, hopefully proud.
After the school, I walked out of the building with blasting mood. My mind didn't even think about Delirious or about the problem with that one guy who wanted to buy me.
"Oh, Evan! We need to go."
My eyes shot to my right, when I saw Bryce standing up and walking towards me from the car. He shoved something into his jacket, grinning at me.
"What?!" I asked confused.
"Do you have any ideas who's here? That asshole arrived a few minutes ago, right now he's across the street in the book store."
My eyes moved to the building Bryce was talking about, still so confused about who was he talking about, when I saw the person on his phone calling somebody, walking out of the book store.
My heart skipped a few beats, while I heard Bryce's voice. The older man looked so casual, yet so elegant at the same time.
(Author note: You know what? What this man wears is perfect 😂. I wanted to use the coat he's wearing, but Del likes suits in this story, so here you go. This is how he looks like)
"I'm out of here," Bryce quickly mumbled, walking away, while the other man walked towards his car.
I found myself to be frozen on place, not even realizing I wasn't breathing, my hands started to shake. He noticed me and smiled, making my heart nearly jump how aggressively it beat against my chest.
"Evan," he greeted me, when he put his phone into his coat, stoping in front of me.
He didn't forget.
"I hope you're free for today," he said, and I started to breath finally, trying to look calm.
"Let me grab my things," he smiled at me, walking towards his car.
He wanted to open the car's door, when he stepped back looking at the car wheels.
I did a few steps towards the car, confused and curious what was going on, when my eyes saw the problem. The car wheels were all damaged.
"I was away just a few seconds!"
He punched the roof of the car, already mad, and I wasn't even surprised. I softly put my hand on his shoulder, my instincts prepared in scenario he would have hit me too.
"It's ok, it's fine. Do you want to call a police?" I asked in whisper, when he sighed.
"I'm in front of a school. Bunch of bored kids decided to have fun with my Audi. I don't care about that, they're just a wheels, but now we need to wait for Luke to arrive," he looked at me, and I smiled.
"I don't care, or we can walk. Depends where you wanted to take me."
Bryce, I'm going to kill you. Right now, you're destroying my first date with somebody I love.
"A walk? Haven't done that in a long time.
Alright, let me just text Luke to get my car out of here."
I stepped back, taking a time to look around, when my eyes landed on Ohm. He was standing right next to the entrance, our headmaster talking to him, but his eyes were glued to us. I had a feeling he didn't like what he was, and I also had a feeling he was going to ask me about that.
We need to get moving, or there's another fight going on.
I quickly grabbed Delirious's arm, dragging him away from his car and from Ohm.
"We don't need to hurry!" Delirious laughed, not having any idea that Ohm was there.
"What were you doing in the bookstore? I had no idea you read books," I grinned at him.
"What? Of course not, Luke wanted one."
What kind of book can Luke read? Kamasutra?
Out of nowhere, my mind put a few pieces together into the whole picture.
Of course! A man trying to buy me on weekend, Delirious.
"You chose really original way to ask me on the date. But CommonMelody? Really?" I laughed, when he stopped moving, looking at me all confused.
"This weekend? You tried to buy me on the CommonMelody? If I knew it was you, I would say yes to that offer," I smiled, still amused.
"It wasn't me. I was stuck with Luke in North Carolina, we needed to solve some problems at the company."
Delirious pulled out his phone, he was already frowning.
"What are you doing?" I asked him worried, still having no answers for my questions.
"Hello, this is Delirious. Can I speak with Tyler?!"
Tyler?! Does he mean Wildcat?
"I don't care, just transfer me now," Delirious looked at me, his eyes full of anger.
"Don't try my patience," he growled.
"Wildcat! No, I don't need any of them. I need to know who wanted to buy Evan Fong this weekend."
Shit. What have I done?
"I don't care about your fucking rules! I want the name," He almost yelled, and I looked down.
"Son of a bitch, he hung up on me."
"Don't be mad," I whispered, looking back at him.
"I just... sorry. It has to be the same one who was battling with me the first time."
"I'm here with you, not with any other man. And I said no to that offer," I smiled.
We were having a light chat, I was talking about the school. I told him about my motivation, about my goals to get my grades up again. And to my surprise he was listening.
After two hours, I finally recognized where we were heading. My heart skipped a few beats. The last time I was here was with my father and mother, like a family.
"Fairground?" I whispered mostly to myself, genuinely surprised.
"You like it?" He looked at me slightly concern about my answer.
"No," I answered, seeing the expression of sadness an disappointment running through his face a second before he put a fake smile.
"That's fine. I should have listened to Luke. Let's walk back to the center then," he turned around.
He asked Luke for an advice? That's cute. Now I wonder what's Luke's ideal date.
"No, wait! I love it!" I grinned at him, feeling bad for messing with him.
"Really? We don't have to go in, there are plenty of other places we can go," he replied still uncertain.
"Really. I can't wait to eat an apple in caramel and cotton candy! The last time I was here was with my father, before he left us. I wonder if the mirror house is still there."
I was so excited all of the sudden, remembering all the joy I felt the last time. I remembered trying to catch a fish with my mum, I remember watching my father going on the roller coaster, jealous because I was too small to go there.
"Your father left you?" I heard a voice, which dragged me back into reality.
"When I was eight, but it's really long time ago. Nobody really knew why he did that, but I believe my mum has some suspicion, maybe she knows the truth. And if she does, she never told me," I explained, not even sad about it.
I knew my mum had her reasons, why she kept this truth from me.
"My mother died on cancer, when I was twelve. My father went crazy from it, doing things... let's go in then," he smiled at me, leading me towards the exit.
Wait! His father went crazy, doing things?! You didn't finish your sentence! What things?
The closer we were getting to the entrance, the more I realized what was going on.
I don't hear any kids yelling, screaming in horror or joy. The park seems to be completely empty. Is it close?!
"Mister Dennis, it's so good to see you. We haven't even known for sure if you truly arrive or not. Such a handsome company you have there," a woman walked out of the entrance booth, her smile from ear to ear.
Dennis. Jonathan Dennis.
"The pleasure is on my side," Delirious replied, his voice soft.
"I believe we're both benefiting from this business. Anyway, you can go whenever you want, try whatever you want. All tickets are on us, all food is on us. Just letting you know in advance, we're closing at 10 pm," she replied professionally, and I looked around.
The whole park was really empty. There was no one there, expect for the employees at the booths and walking around.
"That's perfect, thank you."
I silently followed Delirious in, when he stopped, looking at me.
"Where are all the people? Kids, parents, couples," I asked him, still confused.
"We're just lucky to be here alone. So where do you want to go first?" He asked me with a smile.
Business, Delirious, this fairground. Oh!
"You bought this area!" I breathed out in shock, receiving a laughter in return.
"I didn't. All I did was to buy one day. What would I possibly do with my own fairground?"
"You bought a day in here just for me?" I whispered, asking the question I already knew the answer for.
"Trust me, I really spend a lot of time thinking about where to take you on a first date. Now, since they're closing at 10, can you decide where to go? Lead the way," he smiled.
"I? I don't want to dominate this, I'll follow," I replied, seeing him smirk.
"Submissive all the time, huh?" He whispered, and I rolled my eyes.
"Let's just go," I mumbled, feeling my heart skip a few beats.
We went on a few roller coasters, and I couldn't even believe how amazing it was. There was no queue, we could have just gone so many times, and the adrenaline and fear was pumping my body with joy. We tried so many different things, food and attractions.
The worst part was the haunted house, in which I refused to go in, but as I saw how much Delirious wanted to go in, I gave up. The whole ride my eyes were closed, and I couldn't even enjoy the first date holding hands, because my hand clutching his hand so tightly and I was so scared. Delirious, on the other hand, was having fun. I wasn't sure if it was because of the ride, or because of how scared I was. But seeing him happy the moment we finally walked to another place, was a pure joy for me.
We were on our way towards the exit, because they were closing already. My eyes were flying everywhere, regretting we didn't have more time to try other things, when I noticed Delirious wasn't by my side.
"You have only 5 bullets, sir, then I'm closing."
I looked to my right, seeing Delirious at the shooting booth. He was already holding the gun in his hand, he seemed to be focused. I walked towards him and greeted the employee.
"Is there anything you want?" Delirious asked me, and I quickly looked through the things.
That snow owl plush looks so cute!
"I love everything!" I lied, not wanting him to be disappointed when missing the owl plush.
"Alright. I hope you love puppies," he mumbled.
The puppy plush, he was talking about, was right next to the owl I wanted. I fought back the disappointment, and I knew I was going to love everything he was giving me. He leaned against the desk, his position told me that he wasn't doing this for the first time, which led me to thinking whether he owned the guns or if he ever fired.
There was a silence, my heart wasn't even beating how nervous I was. I had a feeling he would be so mad if he missed. A gun shot resonated through the air, and I knew he missed. He missed even with his other three shots, and I was feeling so bad for him.
"Can you... can you wait for me at the entrance?" He asked me, and I nodded, trying to think about the ways how to cheer him up later.
I walked towards the entrance, which wasn't really far away, only a few steps. I heard last gun shot, and I was just hoping he didn't miss.
Even if he give me a flower, I will be grateful. I hope he knows that.
"Let's go," he growled behind me, and I knew immediately he missed.
"Delirious," I started, following through the exit.
"Delirious!" I tried once more, but he wasn't even listening.
"Jonathan," I changed my strategy, when he stopped and looked at me.
"I don't care if you hit anything or not. I had so much fun today," I smiled at him, trying to sooth him down.
"You're so easy to read, do you know that? Here," he handed me something, and I recognized the owl plush.
"What? How?"
"Your eyes shined at that thing. I was just messing with you, missing the target on purpose, because I knew you wanted this plush. And this day isn't over yet," he smiled amused.
He tricked me! And I was feeling bad for him.
"Thank you!"
It was already dark, but the city streets were full of people. I welcomed it, because the idea of walking through the silent dark street alone was giving me goosebumps. And I knew that walking through that kind of the areas with Delirious by my side wouldn't be that scary.
As I was talking about my mum and her gang idea, he just stopped and I looked around. We were in front of the bar, and I raised one of my eyebrows.
Is he trying to get me drunk?
"After you," he smiled, and I walked in.
The bar we were in was a lot different than bars I was used to. It reminded me the building I was with Luke and he met Ohm for the first time. The people had a live chat, but nobody really wasted, there wasn't that disgusting smell. All of them looked so elegant and high classy.
"What do you want for a drink?" Delirious asked, and I shyly smiled.
"Well... depends on you. I-I don't drink, I don't even know what drinks you can have. I know only a beer," I replied truthfully.
"Do you want to drink an alcohol?" He asked me again.
Do I? I don't know. I'm afraid of how quickly I could get drunk, and I'm not even sure if I'm going to like the taste of whatever he's going to order.
"I'm not sure. I'll leave it on you."
"Still my innocent princess," he whispered, making my heat race so quickly, while my butterflies woke up.
Don't talk like this, you don't even realize what you're doing to me.
I followed him towards the bar, where he ordered us something so quickly I had a problem to understand.
"Why did you bring me here? Do you want to make me drunk?" I asked straight ward.
"What? No. I don't want you to drink unless you want to, and I definitely don't want to change who you're. I found this bar the first day I arrived into Toronto, loving this calm atmosphere. Nobody is pushing you, nobody is wasted, nobody is yelling or trying to seduce you. Perfect in every way. The reason why I brought you here is the pool over there. Have you tried it?"
Pool? Oh!
"I haven't, but I saw it a few times. I know there are two packs of balls, with numbers and without. And something with that black eight, but I don't know what," I replied, when a barman put our drinks on the desk.
Delirious grabbed his glass of whisky, while I understood that the other drink was for me. I tried it, recognizing the taste of a Coca Cola. Feeling bit like a small child, when he had his whisky, I followed him towards the pool.
I took of my jacket, throwing it over the chair. He started to explain the rules to me, so simply that I understood it immediately. While he was explaining, he took off his coat and his black vest he had. Now he was wearing only his white shirt with the tie. He looked so sexy, that I stopped listening to his words. My heart was already racing, while my hands shaking.
"You go fist," he handed me a pole, dragging me to the reality.
I leaned to have better access to the white ball, uncertain if I was doing the right thing. I looked behind me, my eyes asking for his help.
"If you hold the pole like this," he started, copying my body and fixing my hand.
My body shook as our skin brushed, his body pressed against mine. I stopped breathing, when he quickly retreated himself.
"Sorry," he apologized, and I gulped.
He didn't tried to hold my hand this whole day. He didn't even touched me, he didn't kissed me, he didn't do anything. Why's he holding back?
I hit the white ball, watching all the balls rolling to different sides. Three of a color ones went straight to the holes, making me so proud of myself.
"Seems like a beginners luck," he said amused.
"It's not a luck, I'm just great," I replied, grinning at him.
I walked around the table, focusing on the colored ball. I hit the white ball, but this time I didn't hit any others.
"Great, huh?" He teased me, walking towards the table across of me.
I carefully leaned against the pole I had in my hands, watching him. I loved the way his blue eyes shined in one way every time he was focusing on something. I groaned when he managed to send five balls into the holes. He walked around again, laughing, while my eyes fell on his glass of whisky.
I can try, right? I don't want to get drunk, but I haven't even tried the taste of it.
I walked towards his whisky, took it into my hands and swallowed the liquid. I immediately regretted my decision, feeling the warmness in my throat, and I coughed a few times.
"This is my drink," he informed me, when he was walking around.
It's not that bad. I mean, I wouldn't want to drink that like a water, but I guess from time to time?
I felt the warmness of the drink quickly expanding through my entire body, my mind. I watched his muscles move as he hit the white ball.
"Your turn," he looked at me.
Ok, let's try what women usually do in the movies in this situation.
I clutched the pole tighter, moving to the table and leaning forward.
"Still don't know how you're suppose to hold it. I'm afraid to destroy this green surface," I started, turning my head his way.
"Can you show me?" I finished, watching him squint his eyes on suspicion for a few seconds.
He walked towards me, and my heart skipped a few beats. I wanted him to hug me like before, hold my hands, press his body against mine. He stopped right next to me, showing me how to hold the pole and when to strike.
Dammit! I'm not giving up so easily.
From that moment, every time I was suppose to hit the ball I took my time. My butt perfectly sticking out and I covered it with my deep focus expression. But I felt his stare at me, and it made me feel so good knowing he was watching.
Every time I was walking around him to get better access to the ball, I intentionally brushed my body against his, doing like I didn't noticed that. All I wished for at that moment was him to at least touch me.
But as much as I tried, he didn't. He took off his tie, unbuttoning his shirt a bit, and I was sure it was due to the warmness of the alcohol he was drinking.
"Yes!" I yelled aloud, giggling like a small child when I won.
"Beginner's luck," he shook his head amused.
"I told you I was-"
My sentence was cut off, when my legs decided to take their own path. I stumbled, falling face first to the cold ground. I felt two strong arms catching me in the middle air.
He helped me up, his arms still holding my shaking body. I raised my eyes from his chest to his eyes, feeling the warmness and the closeness of his body. My heart went crazy, thumping in my chest like a mad man.
Kiss me.
He leaned his face closer, scanning my reaction, just before he stopped himself. I needed him to kiss me so bad, wishing for nothing else in the world. I needed to feel his amazing lips against mines, I needed him to press me against his body as close as he could.
"We should go, you have a school tomorrow," he whispered, instantly stepping away from me.
What? No, no, no!
I felt wave of disappointment flowing through my body. I wasn't sure if I did something wrong, or he just simply decided not to kiss me at all. It was eating my from inside the whole walk towards my house. We were both sunk in silence, until my legs stopped moving in front of my house.
"New house?" He smiled at me, and I nodded.
"Your mum is watching us. You should teach her how to hide behind the curtains," Delirious laughed, and I felt so embarrassed.
I shouldn't be feeling down because of one damn kiss. This whole day was amazing.
"It was a great day, truly. I had so much fun," I finally spoke up.
"I'm glad you think so. You should go in now, I'll see you as soon as possible," he stepped back.
I watched him walk away, and I finally realized what was going on. I remember his words in the restroom, I remembered what he was saying, finally everything made sense.
I didn't know those words applied for kissing too. I thought he was talking only about having sex. I can't end up my date without a kiss.
I ran to him, quickly grabbing his hand to stop him. And it worked. His eyes confusedly looked at me, while I took a deep breath. I felt my heart, wildly beating in my chest. I had a feeling I was going to faint how nervous I felt.
"Kiss me, please," I begged in whisper, tightening the grip on his hand.
"I thought you weren't going to ask," he replied, his hand pulling me closer to his body.
I loved when he did that, filling the gap between us, making us closer than we could have ever be. He leaned closer, brushing our lips together, and I wasn't even breathing.
He kissed me, ever so softly and carefully, like I was some sort of porcelain doll. It was so different than what I was used to, mainly because all the time we were kissing was when we were having sex. The kiss always full of passion and desires.
I silently moaned, my fingers ran into his hair, while he pressed my body to his even tighter. My legs stopped listening, and I was glad he was holding me so tightly. Due to need of oxygen, I pulled away, the world around me spinning a little.
"You don't even know how much you tortured me at the pool. Don't think I haven't noticed what you were doing. And it worked, trust me," he whispered, his hand caressing my hand.
"Thank you for today, it was amazing. And thank you for the owl plush, you fulfilled more than you know," I whispered, enjoying his soft touch on my cheeks.
"I love you, Princess. Now go, I'm sure your mum is going to interrogate you."
He kissed me for one more time, and I wanted to froze that moment forever. I didn't know he could have been so caring and so loving.
"I love you, Jonathan," I whispered, walking towards the door.
Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door. I heard noises from kitchen, and I was sure my mum was going to ask questions.
"I'm home," I yelled, taking off my jacket.
"To the kitchen, now!" I heard her voice, and I shook my head how predictable my mum could be.
"Let me just throw my things into my room, just a second," I yelled back, quickly walking towards my room.
I threw my bag to the ground, along with my jacket. I walked to the kitchen, seeing her putting dishes into the dish washer. She turned around, pointing at the table.
Here we go.
"Why are you smiling so widely?" She asked, and I didn't even realized that I was smiling like an idiot.
"Am I in some kind of trouble? Did I do something wrong?" I asked her, still feeling my cheeks burning from the kiss.
"Did you? That man, the leader of your gang, how old is he?" she started, and I looked down.
"I didn't know you're into men," she breathed out, sitting down across of me.
"Well, yeah... I'm swinging both side," I replied, not having a courage to look at her.
"You two are dating?" She asked me, and I just silently nodded.
"Look at me, hun."
I did what she asked me for, not ashamed of who I was and who I liked.
"He seems nice, and he's caring too. I mean, this age gap is making me worried, but until he makes you happy, I'm fine with that."
"Really??" I asked, smiling again.
"Really. And invite him for a dinner, I would love to know him," she grinned at me.
"Mum! We're not together so long for you to meet him," I replied, rolling my eyes.
"Just ask him. Are you hungry?" She stood up, and I silently shook my head.
"Alright. Love you, sweetie," she kissed me on the forehead, walking out of the kitchen.
Love you too, mum. This went even smoother than I expected.
With blasting mood, I walked back to my room. After taking shower and finally ready for bed, I grabbed my phone with one message from Delirious.
D: Sweet dreams, angel.
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