Part 1 - Life is hard
First chapter is out. I'm kinda excited about this. I can't wait to Evan meeting Delirious. Enjoy ^.^
Looking out of the window, my brain already give up the last tries on being focused. I welcomed it with a smile, looking directly at the birds on the bench.
If the life was easy as theirs. Just singing, flying, hunting and eating. No worries or problems. Do birds even have worries?
I sighed, being dragged into the reality. I looked directly in front of me at my math teacher. That was the time I realized, I was the last person in the class.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked me steadily.
Oh, here we go again.
"Sure," I mumbled, slowly putting all my stuff into the bag.
Grabbing the bag, I lazily walked towards him. I expected what he had on mind. Uncomfortably I crossed my arms, waiting for his further words.
"Look, Evan," he started, and put pen on the table.
"I noticed your change of behavior. Is there something in your life that is bothering you? I'm here to help. You don't need to be scared to tell me," he said, looking directly into my eyes.
My father left us, leaving behind everybody that loved him.
I don't have any friends. Mainly because I'm too shy to socialize, too afraid that people don't give a shit about anything I say.
My mother is working her ass off. She has two jobs, hardly having a time for me, but I understand it completely.
"Evan?" My teacher nudged me, patiently waiting.
"There's nothing I want to talk about, sir. I'm just tired, that's all," I replied, wishing to be somewhere else.
"Your grades fell down. You used to be straight 'A' student. Now all I hear around is that you hardly pay any attention in classes, you're always lost in your thoughts, sometimes you skip classes and your grades are 'C' and lower. What about the play? You used to be passion about it," he kept ranting, and I tried so hard not to break in front of him.
"I really have nothing to tell you, sir. I have to go now," I whispered, quickly walking away.
"Evan," he called after me, but I closed the door.
Fuck! Why can't he behave like 'I don't care' teacher? He's paid for teaching us, not for acting like my caring father. Fuck this, seriously.
I sighed, realizing I have more classes ahead of me. I decided to skip it, going straight home. I knew I should have be more cautious about my grades, focus on finishing my graduation, but the only thing occupying my mind was that my mum needed my help. And I wasn't selfish enough to let her deal with everything alone.
I unlocked the door, opening them. I wished that one day there would be a warm welcome, but that was only unfulfilled dream. I threw my bag on the bed, walks back to the kitchen. I didn't really know what I had been expecting. Maybe fridge once filled with something to eat, other than cans or vegetables.
I grabbed the carrot, peeling it off. Once it was done, I walked into my room where I plopped myself on the bed and started to eat.
I have so much stuff to do. I have to do my homework, some project into my Spanish class, oh and tomorrow is an exam. Fuck! And I should already know the half of my script. Fuck it all!
I heard a keys in the door. With confusion, I walked to the hall. My mum was closing the door behind her, sighing.
"Mum?" I greeted her, not even trying to hide my confusion.
"Hi. How was your school?" She smiled at me, but I spotted so much worries in her eyes.
She walked passed by me, ending in the kitchen. I sat down, inspecting her.
"It was normal. What happened?" I asked straight ward.
"What do you mean?" She replied, still smiling.
"It's not even 7 pm. So again, what happened?" I asked carefully, trying not to push too hard.
"I got fired," she whispered, leaning against the wall.
"But it's ok! Everything is ok, I have some other plans," she started to apologize.
"How much fucked are we?" I asked her.
"Evan! Watch your language."
"No, mum. I'm not ten years old anymore. I understand a few things, and I definitely understand when we're in debts. Let me help you. I'll find a job."
"You won't do such things. I have everything under control, you don't need to worry. Focus on school now, that's the only way you can help me."
I stood up, leaving my mum alone in the kitchen. I was determined to help her any way possible. I ran to my room, turning my laptop on.
Fuck the school. Who cares about it when we have bigger problems? Alright, so how can I help in the fastest way? Find a job? That's gonna take a few days before they reply, and definitely a month before I get my salary. A loan? I don't know which bank to go to, and I'm not working person. Fuck!
I desperately put my head into my hands, trying to think about anything else. I tried to google something up, but without any luck. I sighed, when my eyes landed on an article about some Romanian woman auctioning her virginity online.
As I read through the whole article, I went to the CommonMelody website, the company that provided connection between that girl and the buyer. Everything happened so quickly, that I didn't even know what I was doing.
This is such a bullshit. I'm wasting my time, but what else can I do? She earned 2M dollars, we need money.
I was already on the phone, typing the number. With my racing heart, and with no way back, I dialed that number. I waited a few more annoying beeps, before somebody answered.
"CommonMelody, this is MiniLadd speaking. How can I help you?" The voice greeted me, and I gulped.
There's no way I can pull this off. I mean, I'm not a girl. Who the fuck wants a virgin guy?
"H-hello. My name's Evan Fong. I... I would like to sell my virginity," I said, my voice shaking in nervousness and awkwardness at the same time.
"Hi, Evan. Sure thing, we can make a deal. First of all I want to inform you that we're cutting 20% off your final money. Still want to discuss more?"
20% off let's say one million is still a good deal.
"Yes. What should I do now?"
"Ok. Here's how it works. We're gonna pay your trip here down to LA. You're gonna fill a few questions, we're gonna take a few photos, and then just wait for the highest bid."
"I'm actually living in Toronto," I informed him.
"That's ok. Tomorrow at 11 am is departing your plane. You think you can manage that?" He asked, sounds like there's no problem in the world.
"11 am, tomorrow. I can do that," I mumbled, feeling raising nervousness inside me.
"We're looking forward! See you tomorrow then."
What just happened?
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