Stella's POV :
How can my parents do this to me? They transferred me into a new school without even telling me. Huh? This is tourture. But in a way it's better for me, as I have never been a social girl and have only one friend so far. Mia has been my friend since childhood. But recently she has been transferred to another school. I have became lonely during my classes because of that. So maybe I will be able to find some new friends in this school. I'm nervous about tomorrow. Yeah I'm starting my school from tomorrow.
"Stella, wake up. You'll get late on your first day" I heard female voice yelling at me. I slowly opened my eyes to see my Mom, Laura, yelling at me? Why? Oh I forgot I'm starting my new school from today. "Im up. I forgot to set my alarm yesterday. Sorry Mom" I replied as I get off my bed. I rushed in the bathroom and did my daily routine. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of orange juice and started making toast for myself. Yeah I was alone. I'm parents left before me as they both are working, my Mom is a famous fashion designer and my Dad is the owner of one of the best multinational company in America. "I have a bad feeling about this new school." I mumbled to myself.
I was waiting for my driver to come so he could drop me to my new school I again read the note Mom left for me "You will be going to Greenville High School. Don't be late. Good luck Sweety" I sighed. "The car is ready Miss Stella please proceed" I heard Luigi said. I looked up at him, he was about to get out of the car when I gestured him to stop. I sat down on the passenger seat. "Luigi how many times I need to remind you, just call me Stella. You are more of a friend to me than a driver" I said as he started driving. He is my only guy friend, he is like a Brother to me. "Old habit never goes. Sorry Stella" he looked back at me and I smiled in response. "So are you excited for today" he asked while looking forward at the road. "No actually I'm nervous I don't know why but I have a bad feeling for this school" I answered honestly. "Don't over think. You'll do great" he gives me a thumbs up I just nod with a smile. Why do I think I have heard the name of this school before? I thought. The whole drive was silent as I was listening songs.
After the one hour drive we finally reached our destination. I looked up at the board with the name "Greenville High School" I mumbled quietly. I look around and saw Boys. Boys? I read the the board again. Oh my gosh! Mom Dad transferred me to a co-ed school. That's why I had a bad feeling about this school. I thought in frustration and shock.
I went to the principal and did all the formalities. "Leonel come here" my new Principal, Mrs Wilson, called a boy who was walking outside her office. He was tall I mean taller than me. I guess he was 6'1. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. I need to admit he was handsome.
"What is it Mrs Wilson" he said in a bored voice then looks at me. I ignored him and kept on reading my schedule.
"This is Stella White. Your new classmate. Please show her around. You'll get a day off from some classes Loenel" she said sweetly. He nods with a smirk. "Follow me" he said harshly as he looks at me. "Learn to speak politely when you are around girls" I said harshly while walking with him. "And you learn to talk like other girls, sweetly." he replied. "You are no one to tell me what I should do" I scoffed at him. How dare he talk to me like that. I thought.
"What do you want to see first?" he asked boredly. "Library" I replied. "Another nerd." he mumbles. "No wait first I would like to see the gym" I quickly said. He looks at me with shock. Why? I thought. "Somethings wrong in that?" I asked. "No just you are different" he replied simply.
He showed me the gym, garden, classes, science labs and library. He was so bored when we enter the library. I should admit the library was boring. "I have a better library at home" I mumbled. "Really?" he looks at me. "Yeah, it's bigger than this one. Even the gym is better than here" I said and looked at him. "Yeah. I agree. My gym is better than this one too" he said. Oh my! He has a gym of his own. Who is he?.
"Well....I'm Stella White" I said with a genuine smile. He smiled back. OMG! He smiled for the first time. "Im Leonel Martin" he said. He glanced down at his wrist watch then looked at me. "Well it took a whole day showing you the school. Well now you can go back home and your remember your classes will start from tomorrow. If you need any help you can come to me" he said. We walked out of the school campus and I saw Luigi waiting for me at the school gate. "Bye. I need to go my driver is here" I said and went to my car, not even looking back at him.
As I went back home I saw Mom and Dad waiting for me. "Hey princess. How was your new school?" My Dad, Steven White, said with a warm smile. "Mom Dad Why don't you tell me you have transferred me to a co-ed school" I asked with a hint of frustration. "We didn't feel the need" Mom replied politely. "Like you never feel the need to be with me?.... Anyways how come you both are here so early" I said coldly. "Get ready we all need to attend an important party" Dad said before he went to his room. Yeah...A party. They have time for a party but not for me. "Mom you I don't like going to parties, I never did. I'll get bored" I said politely. "Oh sweety but this one is an important party. Well it is organized by the Mr. Martin your Dad's partner in his many projects. And you will not get bored his son is of your age you both will get along well" Mom explained and went away. Mr. Martin? can it be possible, that this Mr Martin is Leonel's father....Why am I even thinking about him. That arogant spoiled brat. How can he talk to me so harshly. I should've told him I won't be needing his help. Ever.
I was with my parents, sitting in the living room opposite to them. They told me that they have made some new rules for me and I need to follow them. If I don't this lavish life will be taken away from me. "What is it Mom, Dad" I asked getting a little nervous. "You know your normal rules right? No late night parties, No sleepover at friends, studying hard and getting good marks. We have decided to add one more rule as you will be studying at a co-ed school. That is no boyfriend till we allow you to have one." Dad said with a straight face. I nodded with a warm smile to calm them down. Seeing my smile they both smiled brightly "I promise I will never have a boyfriend till you allow me to" I said with all confidence. I know I will never fall for anyone, even if I did I can never love anyone more then my parents.
We reached the place where the party was held. I was wearing a plain black cocktail dress with 3 inches heel, which made me look even more taller, I mean I'm 5'8 but these heels make me look taller. I did the minimum makeup, just eye liner and pink lipgloss.
When I look around I noticed it was a mansion with a lot of people, of course came for the party.
Mom told me to go to the pool side. She said there my age group people are. So I did. When I reached the pool area everyone was looking at me, especially boys. You could clearly see their eyes lit up seeing me. I grew nervous I have never been around boys before. I sat in a corner when a boy approached me and sat besides me, our arms touched so I shifted away. "I won't bite baby....well not yet" he said with a flirty tone. I was silent and I stood up as I was about to go, he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist caging me in his arms I tried to pushed him away but he was stronger. "Hey baby doll stop acting I know you want me so badly" he said. On hearing his words I got furious and kicked him between his legs, he fell on the ground whining in pain. I started walking away he stood up and grabbed my hair yanking me towards him "You bitch. You will pay for this" he said. "Ouch! How dare you hurt me like this. Leave me right now or else the consequences will not be good" I scoffed at him. Suddenly someone punched that guy really hard that he fell on the ground. "Never disrespect a girl like this" the one who punched him said. Why do I think I heard this voice before. I thought and looked up at the one who helped me. When I saw that familiar face I was shocked. "Leonel?" I mumbled.
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