// i feel like dean would dress up as Tom Cruise from Risky Business because just imagine dean dancing in just a t-shirt and boxers!! anyone? no?//
sam adjusted his antlers in the mirror with a gloomy look on his face. "DEAN DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THIS?" he called out as he was contemplating whether or not he should add the bright red circle at the end of his nose. "YES SAM YOU DO!" dean called back from the outside of sams door.
sam sighed as he popped the red circle on his nose. "god i hate this time of the year..." he walked out of his room red in the nose and face. "i hate you... you jerk! " he muttered as he saw deans stupid smirk. "right back at ya bitch!" dean smiled and walked away. "YOUR ASS IS HANGING OUT DEAN!" sam called back still standing where he was. dean lifted up his fingers high and continued to walk down the hall and into the living room.
"CAS YA READY BUDDY?" dean called as he adjusted his pastel pink shirt and shades. "yes i am rea-" castiel called back as he entered the living room with wide eyes. "dean..." dean smiled a toothy grin and fixed his shirt. "yes?" castiel looked at deans lack of pants. "where are your pants?"
dean slid to castiel in his knee high white socks. "I'm Tom Cruise!" castiel tiled his head in confusion. "who?" dean sighed. "ya know Tom Cruise! from Risky Business!" he kicked his left leg out before turning and sliding to the right, arms out stretched. "who are you suppose to be? a cute nerd? because if you are its working" he winked before crossing his arms. "no, i am an angel... you know that dean." castiel shook his head smiling.
"come on its halloween you have to dress up!" dean did a small dance before sliding again. "i even got big ol sammy to dress up!" dean pointed his thumb behind him. "SHUT UP!" sam yelled as he walked in. "whatcha gunna do moose?" dean snickered as sams hair flopped around. sam muttered to himself before sitting down at the large mapped table. "but i thought sam was suppose to be dressed up? isn't he always in that attire?" castiel thought out loud. "oh ha-ha-ha very funny cas.." sam said sarcastically
dean bursted out laughing once he saw sams expression turn from mad moose to hell moose. cas gave a small chuckle at his own joke and sighed. dean slowly stopped laughing as he turned to cas. castiel smiled as dean looked at him. dean did the same back. it felt like everything and everyone around them was fading away, it was just them self, dean and cas. they stared into each others eyes for what seemed like centuries.
sam walked past them before coughing. "AGADESTIELAHACK!" dean grunted a 'shut up' before turning red around his cheeks. "so...lets get going!" castiel said clapping his hands together, breaking the awkward tension. "r-right.. come on sammy.." dean responded still flustered by sams comment. "oh come on dean dont get all choked up about that... save for that choking for later..." castiel practically yelled from the top of the stairs.
sam bursted out laughing as deans face turned a whole new shade of red. "C-CCAS!" dean stuttered before following his angel outside. sam followed both of them into the dark foggy night questioning how on earth he is going to sleep tonight.
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