Dance With Me
Forgive me
Castiel moved over to his 'new' record player that dean gave him when they where cleaning the bunker. His hand moved around the box as he was in awe of the machine. He hummed a song that dean sang once; it was stuck in his head. The rhythm made him sway around in place and close his eyes.
Cas kneeled down and rummaged through the box of records that laid just bellow the table that held the player. He hummed the song as he tried to find the record that held the songs beauty.
After a few discs, he found the record and smiled holding it high before standing up and placing it into the player. Cas placed the needle like part onto the disc but nothing happened.
After countless attempts, he called for deans assistance. "Dean i need your help with this machine!"
No response
"Dean-" " I'm coming I'm coming hold on.." Dean called back, showing up at castiels room moments later with a grunt. "What do ya need?" He asked simply crossing his arms.
"The record player isn't working." Cas replied as he messed with the disc and needle again. Dean came over and inspected the machine as cas watched him. "You didn't start it at the beginning you doof." Dean joked, correcting castiels mistake by placing the needle at the starting point of the record.
Moments later the music filled the room and castiel was memorized by its singer.
"Wise men say
Only fools rush in.."
Cas didn't know the words but swayed with the movement of Elvis. He hummed the slow song as he spun himself, forgetting dean was there.
"No no Your doing it wrong.." Dean groaned throwing his hands in the air and grabbing castiels hands. "Dean.. What about your 'personal space rule'?" Cas asked, taking his hand back, confused at the hunters actions.
"...But I can't help falling in love with you"
"Forget that now.. You cant dance and i can. You should be thanking me.." Dean mumbled garbing castiels hand again and placing it at shoulders length next to them.
"..Shall I stay
Would it be a sin?.."
Dean placed his hand on castiels side and cas repeated the hunters actions cautiously. "Okay now just follow me.." Dean directed cas as they swayed left then right. "Ready.. 1..2..3.." Dean said as he raised castiels arm and spun him slowly, before bring them back to there current position.
"..If I can't help falling in love with you"
Dean wondered what sam would think of them like this. There actions. Sure it wasn't bad but this wasn't a 'friendly' dance. But dean couldn't let go after he noticed castiel looking down at his feet, making sure they wouldn't step on his.
"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea.."
Dean noticed castiel look up at him, making him stare right back into those blue eyes, It was like the sky was somehow in there. Dean was left expressionless when cas smiled at him.
He smiled.
Dean couldn't remember the last time he saw his friend smile so truly before. Thats when he knew he couldn't stop this. This was a once in a life time thing, and he wanted to enjoy every last second.
"...Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be..."
Cas hummed the tone as he slowly rested his head on deans shoulder, hoping it wasn't too much.
It was just the song, this mood, it made him feel something for once.. Something completely new. It confused castiel but he pushed the thoughts out of his mind, not wanting to ruin this moment.
"Take my hand,
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you"
Dean looked down at castiel as they swayed in unison, the only sounds where castiels soft hums and the words of Elvis.. And it was peaceful.
The hunter closed his eyes as he embraced the moment, not wanting it to end. The sways of castiel and the light breathing from each of them was enough.
"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be.."
Dean stayed quiet, letting the music overcome his thoughts and feelings as the music was coming to an end. Cas was awake though, thinking of nothing but the rising of deans chest as he breathed and the sounds that filled the air, and he hoped dean was doing the same.
"Take my hand,
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you.."
The last sentence was nearing and dean gripped castiel tighter, hoping this moment wouldn't end. He didn't want it to end, he wished life would stay like this forever, but like all good things, it had to come to an end.
"For I can't help falling in love with you.."
None of them wanted this to end when the song did. This was the one time all the past drifted away with the notes of the music, and the plans for the future where indescribable.
For they had knew this, this was a whole new beginning.
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