Becoming The Monster Part 2
Pennywise took over my body and had gone through my memories. I knew he was on his way to see Sam. I couldn't let this happen. I prayed for my brother's life. Cas, I need you ASAP! This is an emergency! I hope you can hear this.... There's a demon inside my body... I've never seen anything like it... Please kill it before it gets Sammy and Bobby or everyone I know. Even you, Cas. Please. Hurry. I feared for all the people I knew. I was attached to Pennywise. I saw these children, poor, sweet, children following him too.
"Hello?" I waved my hands in front of their faces. None of them replied. They remained lifeless. Their eyes filled with light and their faces full of being frightened. "It's no use." I mumbled.
"Hey!" someone said from afar.
"Who said that?" I walked through more people. I then saw a child. Dear God a child! I ran up to him. He had on nerdy glasses and had on the Greese's t-shirt. "Kid, how long have you been here?" He rolled his eyes at me.
"A while man. I've been here since 1988. My name is Richie. Who are you?" He said.
"Dean. I'm Dean." I tried to process that he was from 1988. "How come you're not like them?" I pointed to the other children that passed us. He shrugged.
"They were here when I arrived. I do miss my friends though..." Richie frowned. I put a hand on his shoulder. He looked up.
"I'm gonna get you back home, kid, just wait." He nodded and adjusted his glasses. "I've got an angel up my sleeve." His eyes lighted up at that.
"Like... a real angel?" He asked with a goofy smile. I nodded, returning a smile.
"His name is Cas and he always comes when I call." Richie had a face that looked like he wanted to laugh. "What?" Richie burst out laughing.
"He... he always comes for you. That's so gay.." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. Of course kids would think this is funny because whenever I would try to explain I made things worse.
"Anyways, he'll be here. And I know it." Richie nodded and his laughter had died down.
"So... is that our only plan? Depend on an angel?" I turned to him.
"Okay, smart-ass, what idea do you have, hm?" I edged closer to him, putting a hand to my ear to hear him. He didn't say anything. "That's what I thought. So now we wait," All of a sudden the ground rumbled. Cas? I automatically thought.
Pennywise felt his insides shake and he didn't feel good. He was right by the motel where Dean and Sam stayed and now he was having stomach pain. "What kind of human being are you?" He questioned to himself about Dean Winchester. All of a sudden an angel appeared into the darkness. He stared at Pennywise. Castiel used his hand to erase Pennywise's memory of eternity and kill the clown. The clown screamed and opened his mouth. Souls upon souls came out, one by one, either going to Heaven or their original bodies.
Richie and Dean were lucky enough to have their own bodies back. Castiel smiled and hugged Dean tightly. Dean hugged back and heard snickering from Richie. Castiel then looked at Richie and gave a wink. He then kissed Dean and walked away with Richie, leaving Dean dumbfounded. "Hey!" He said, catching up to them. Richie was returned safely home as a kid and Dean went back with Sam. Though he did solve something out between him and Cas which was a one night stand they learned to love each other. Now they're offically Destiel.
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