Anti-Social Club Short Story(XD)
//I worked on this one for about two weeks.... I was iffy on it.... but I made it through. Hope you like it//
"Bye, sweetie, we love you!" My mother yelled through the window as my parents drove off. Great, I had thought. They left me. I took a deep breath and picked up my two big bags. I looked back, wanting my parents to come back and turn the car around, knowing it was a bad choice for me. But was it really? I asked myself. I looked back at the sign. It read: "Country-Club Camp Welcome, New Joiners!"
"You have got to be kidding me." I said, sighing. I walked up the steps and entered through the door. It was fancy. There was a chandelier hanging above right when you walk in. "Whoa," I muttered, almost tripping over my foot. I did bump into somebody who pushed me back, making me fall. "Hey, what the hell, dude?!" I yelled. He turned his head and looked at me. He gave a sinister smile.
"I'm sorry. Would you like some help with that?" He said sarcastically. Then he walked away with a roll of his eyes. My eye twitched in anger. I held myself back. Or no someone else held me back. I looked to see it was a guy around my age. He was young and had green eyes. He gave me sincere eyes.
"First, you might want to calm down." He said to me. I saw what he meant. I had my fists around his shirt. I suddenly was embarrassed. I blushed and let go. "Okay besides all that, are you alright?" He asked me with a smile, letting me go. I looked behind me to not see that guy and turned back to this one.
"Y-Yeah." I said, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "Thanks for that by the know.... for holding me back." I gave him a small smile.
"Yeah, no problem. Alistair can be a real dick sometimes. It happened when I first came here two years ago." He said. "My name is Dean by the way." He put his hand out.
"Castiel." I replied. His hand was rough when I shook it compared to my soft ones. Now that I look at him he seemed pretty handsome. Handsome? Castiel are you out of your mind! Your parents would kill you if they found out you liked a boy! Yeah but they're not here and I'm gonna be here for the whole summer. How bad can it be? I said to myself. Dean extracted his hand from us shaking so long. "Well... do you like get to pick who's your bunk mate or do they assign you one?" I asked.
Dean huffed. "They assign you one. Which I personally think is stupid because you seem like a cool dude, Cas." He said, already giving me a nickname. Great, he's like Gabriel. But I actually kinda like the nickname Cas, it's different. I walked up to the front desk and peered over to see a woman who had the name tag read as Jessica. I cleared my throat, getting her attention.
"Hello, sweetie, what are you looking for?" She said kindly. I felt like she was acting as if I was a baby. I almost scoffed. Man, do I have anger issues.
"I'm looking for my room. I'm new here and my name is Castiel Novak." I said and she nodded, searching my name in the computer system. My fingers tapped impatiently on the desk board. The lady looked at me awkwardly and annoyed. She looked back at the computer screen with a smile and clicked her mouse. Immediately behind her the printer started printing. She then gave me the sheet and key with a widened smile.
"Here you go. You should be in room AB5!" She said joyfully. I smiled back softly.
"Thank you." I said. I rolled my eyes when I walked back to Dean. "I'm in room AB5." Dean nodded.
"I'll show you the way." He muttered and motioned for me to follow him. I grabbed my bags and started walking behind him. We went down a long narrow hallway on the first floor. We came to the end door and he opened the door for me, taking my key from my hand. I suddenly felt like I was in a romantic movie. "Well here we are." Dean smiled.
"There's just one more problem," I said. He looked at me with a confused look. "Who's my bunk mate?" Dean chuckled.
"Me. Silly." He said. I felt a warm tingly feeling inside.
After a week since I got here Dean has showed me around. There's a game room, pool room, golf course, library/study hall, cafeteria, a movie room and of course the rooms people stay in. There were other sport rooms but there weren't many that kids would be interested in. "So how long are you here for?" I asked Dean one day.
"I-uh stay here always. My parents own the place." I tilted my head.
"Seriously? That's cool." Dean nodded.
"Yeah but I feel too spoiled you know?" I nodded. "And I'm guessing you're only here for the summer." I nodded my head sadly. Dean has told me a lot about his family. His parents are named John and Mary Winchester. He has a little brother named Sam. Dean's the oldest concluding that Sam is his only sibling. Dean's parents and family business is top of Kansas. Therefore they get a lot of money. Dean had come up with the summer idea for campers. He felt lonely. He also thought it'd be a great idea for other people to make new friends.
I think Dean is a great person honestly. He's also told me more about himself how he only has Charlie as his best friend and now me. I felt special. One day as I was looking at some movies to watch Dean came into the room asking, "So you wanna tell me about your life, Cas?" I put down the remote and nodded after a sigh.
"I am the youngest out of all my siblings. My parents are named Chuck and Becky Novak. They aren't there half the time for me. My siblings and I are all named after angels. We have Balthazar, Raphael, Samandriel, Anna, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Gadreel, Naomi, and me. It's a lot for my parents to have but eh. My parents have a high business as well for writing books. They're famous authors. They travel a lot and decided to drop me here while the rest of my older siblings either go with them on their trip or live where they are in their own houses. Doing whatever job they're doing. I am close with one of my brothers I should say, I'm close with my brother Gabriel. He's two years older than me and a good brother. I barely have any friends. I have a friend named Kevin. But as you said about me I am saying about you. You're my new best friend and I couldn't have asked for more." I smiled sheepishly. Dean sat down in the chair next to me.
"You really think that about me?" Dean etched closer.
"Well I mean- you're like really fun and we have so many things in common. We like Star Wars and marvel movies. You taught me how to golf the other day. You taught me how to play pool. And I just with you creating this whole summer camp idea I wouldn't have been here to meet you. I think you are just a great person, Dean." I finished and looked at Dean with a warming smile. He was getting closer and closer until a red headed girl came into the room.
"DEAN!" She practically screamed.
"Charlie!" Dean went to go hug her, not being by me anymore. Charlie smiled and introduced herself to me.
"I know who you are. Dean talks about you a lot." Charlie grew shy. Maybe she likes Dean. I wasn't against it but I just knew I developed this crush on Dean. When Charlie left me and Dean alone again Dean said something to me.
"She's gay you know." He chuckled.
"So? I'm gay as well." I blurted and blushed. I even saw Dean blush a bit. He rubbed the back of his neck. "So! Want to watch Iron Man?" I tried to change the topic. Dean looked at me seriously.
"Cas, it's okay to be gay you know." He rubbed my shoulder. I frowned a bit. I looked down at my piled hands.
"My siblings except for Gabriel torture me for being gay..." I muttered. "And it doesn't help that my parents aren't there half the time to see the pain they put me through. Especially Lucifer he teases me so much. He teases me for thinking that I hangout with Kevin because I like him. That's just- ew wrong. Kevin knows I'm gay and he's heterosexual. He likes girls. Hell, he's dating a friggen girl. And I mean every boy I'm seen with I get teased on and on about and-" I felt something warm to my lips. I saw Dean's finger on my lips. He chuckled. I knew I was rambling.
"Cas, I don't care what your siblings say. You should ignore them and be who you are meant to be." Those words meant a lot to me coming from Dean. Kevin has said to ignore them before but now that I have crushed on Dean I like that he cares for me. "I like you for you, Cas." He whispered. "May have never told you this before but I'm gay too." He was so close to me. I looked at his lips and heard him chuckle again. I looked back into his eyes and he did something I'd never expect. He put his lips to mine and it felt like Heaven. We both had closed our eyes and kept kissing each other softly. It felt nice. When we pulled apart I felt love for the first time.
"I like you a lot, Dean." I said.
"Well I like you a lot as well." He smirked at me.
"Does this mean we're together?" I asked.
"Well I'd say so." He said with a laugh then he kissed me again. I felt happy.
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