The man in robe kept on walking away, not minding the other that had been trying to catch up with him and hold him up but he was surprisingly fast. He turned into a corner where there were less people passing by and stopped to let the other catch his breath.
The other was panting heavily and pulled his hoodie over his head as soon as he stood up properly and said."Oi, don't run away just like that.". "You do know that this ring is important, right? You can't just leave it to a stranger." he continued as he walked closer to the other.
"I don't want it, Taehyung." the other said as he pulled his hoodie too, revealing his face. His doe eyes stared at Taehyung's. Taehyung could do nothing but just pat him on the head and gave him a small smile. He took the other's hand and put the ring on it.
"It's your engagement ring, Jungkook. It's really important."
Taehyung quickly shush him by putting his index finger at Jungkook's mouth, receiving a pout from the other. "Promise me you'll take care of it." Taehyung continued as he walked towards their horses that were at the same corner.
Jungkook didn't want to answer him so he just stick out his tounge. He looked at the silver ring in his hand. "Engagement ring.." he mumbled to himself. Taehyung had already rode his white horse, waiting for Jungkook to do the same.
"C'mon. We don't want father to find out that we're at the market."
Jungkook nod his head in agreement and put the ring back in his bag that he had been carrying around. He steadied the horse at first and untied the rope. His horse was black and he kinda had a hard time to bond with it but it's the only horse that he's comfortable with.
He rode it and Taehyung's horse started to trot, followed by Jungkook's at the back. They both used the alleyway to get back to the castle, in attempt of not being caught by their father that had forbidden them to go outside without him but what can he say..they are troublemakers and they will always be.
As they reached the back of the castle, the head maid was there waiting for them. "Where have you two been?" the old lady asked with worries present in her voice.
"We were.."
"The king is furious. You must get inside. Hurry!" the maid said as she opened the gate for them to get in. Taehyung halt his horse to talk to the maid while Jungkook dismount from the horse and lead it back to its stable.
"Father didn't scold you, did he?" Taehyung asked the old lady in concern. She smiled back at the young prince that she had been taking care ever sice he was still a young boy. Taehyung is very close to the head maid, even with the other maids and butlers in the castle but Jungkook is literally the opposite of him.
Jungkook wouldn't want to interact with others except for Taehyung and he kinda have huge ego, that's why he had troubles to interact. It is true that most of the maid in the castle liked Jungkook's beautiful and charming face but with Taehyung's kind personality, they couldn't just have a little crush on him. "It's fine, Prince Taehyung. He has the rights to do so. Now, go. Your father is waiting." she said as he took Jungkook's robe from him.
Taehyung felt bad but he just went down from the horse while the head maid lead it back to its stable. Before he gets in to meet his father with Jungkook, he hugged the head maid and lets go of her slowly while giving her a smile.
"Oi, c'mon you slowpoke." Jungkook shouts.
"Coming~" Taehyung said as he jogged over to Jungkook who's waiting him at the back door. He waved at the head maid and followed Jungkook to the dining room because surely their father would be there with the Queen, having breakfast together.
One of the butlers that were standing at each side of the dining room's door, took Taehyung's robe while bowing down to both, him and Jungkook while the other opened the door for them. They saw their parents sat across each other while chatting together.
The door behind them closed instantly by the butler as soon as they got in. The king looked over at his two sons that stood at the door with a death glare, knowing what they did. Taehyung was sweating nervously but Jungkook kept his cool.
"Where have you been?" the King shouts in anger, filling up the huge dining room with his echoed voice. "We..we..umm.." Taehyung stuttered as he was scared to death but Jungkook finished his sentence with no hesitant. "We went to the morning market because we woke up early and we thought that it would be boring to just wait for you two to wake up and have breakfast together."
The King opened his mouth again and they knew they were screwed but the kind hearted Queen stopped her husband from scolding her two beloved sons. "Let them be, Junghyun. They're old enough to go outside on their own. Come here, you two." said the Queen while looking over at her two sons as they walked closer to her.
The Queen stood up, saying "Give Mommy a hug~" and got a big hug from Taehyung while Jungkook stood at the side, not interested in hugging his mother because he thought that he's not a little boy anymore and he felt embarrassed when his mother treats him like a kid.
"Jungkook?" the Queen called him, startling him a bit. "Do you not want to give me a hug?" said the Queen while pouting sadly. Jungkook couldn't decline it when she gave the pout so he hugged his mother but only for awhile.
"You're spoiling them, Junho." the King said but the Queen quickly answered..
"Hmph...who cares. I love my babies." said the Queen while pinching Taehyung's cheek as he smiled at his mother's words. The King sighed in distress while pinching the bridge of his nose. Taehyung and Jungkook then sat at their mother's side, making the Queen to be in the middle.
Before Jungkook could even dig in, the King asked him something that spoiled his mood to eat. "Do you agree to engage with Princess Sunhi?"
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