'Why? Why on earth didn't you tell me?' I want to bang my head against the wall.
I wait for an answer, looking into those mysterious eyes, trying to understand the intricacies of his mind, as I had done for the past two years.
'Because we're poles apart in that respect. I'm a Christian. I'm 26 and I have a completely different culture than yours. You're a Hindu, a Brahmin on top of that. You're a vegetarian. And I don't think my family or your family will let us marry outside of our religion, let alone our states.'
His words feel like a slap on my face. That's the actual truth, without the sugar coating.
'I know it, but I thought maybe as the world is progressing, we could leave behind the narrow mindedness and go for a secular outlook.'
I'm on the brink of crying again.
'Secularism, huh! Dream...' he mumbles. 'Will your parents ever agree?'
'My parents wouldn't want me to be with anyone but a person from my caste or whatever it is,' I smile a ghastly smile as if it is my own private joke.
'The shackles of being born in conservative, middle class Indian families will bind us throughout life, Mira. Besides, there's something more...
'It's about your age and your position at the institution, isn't it?' I sigh.
He nods impassively.
'I was your teacher. How demeaning and scandalous would that be if people saw us together? You know why we used to come so far to meet. You know how I feel about people seeing us together. I couldn't say to you that I feel for you. But my heart knew at every instant. Those blushes, those gestures, the enticing smile...' his hands absent mindedly tucks my locks behind my ear.
'You hid that to protect me, because you knew I'd dream, I'd dream of a future together, which you can never give me... ' my voice is husky.
He stares at me, not saying a word, drinking in my features. His hands lightly skim the lower border of my lips, his touch sending sensations down my spine. I have yearned for that touch for two damn years.
I know things won't last, but surprisingly I don't feel the regret. We have the present, the moments, the heartbeats to revel in. Who knows what might happen tomorrow?
'Who told you to be born so early and get your degree early, Aaron!' I pouted, almost teasing him, smiling through my tears.
'That's my parents fault!' he shrugged, pretending to be serious.
'But I can't accept the fact that you'll go and choose another girl,' I whine like a child.
'You want me to take the vow of celibacy?'
'Hell no,' I am mortified, 'I want you to be happy.'
'I'll be happy if you get a nice boy for yourself.'
'What's the use, anyway?' I grumble.
'Do a background check before you fall in love,' he grinned. 'What else, check his sun sign and the whole of the zodiac and the position of the planets and all. That's what the Indian society demands.'
'Stupid divisions'
'We're stupider than that. Now I have a class and so do you, so we should go.'
'You aren't getting rid of me so easily, Mister,' I warn.
'Neither you of me.'
'Talking to you is so frustrating at times. It's like talking to myself.'
'My pleasure, Madame,' he tries a fake French accent.
'Can't we run away to Vegas and get married?'
'I'd be most happy to elope, only that our parents would drag us back from the moon even, so that's not an option.'
'I want you to invite me to your wedding though.'
'So that you can babble all about my secrets to my wife? No way!'
I roll my eyes and he gives a boyish laugh of delight.
But suddenly a sinister thought caught me. If he's going away to Germany, I may never ever meet him again. Could phone calls or chats give the essence, the feel of the talk?
'But it's easier to make promises to keep in touch, more difficult to honour them,' my voice drops, a fresh tears blocked my throat.
'And I agree with you. I wouldn't deny it's hard in this busy life, but I'll try. And it's the truth Mira. Things don't last long. People, friendship... These are material. They are lost into oblivion.'
'How about I convert myself to Christianity?'
'No,' he shouts, 'Not for me.'
'But that can bring us together.'
He glares at me and gets up from the table. I grab his hand but he rips it away with force, breaking my heart again.
'I'm sorry,' I cry.
But he leaves without another glance at me. It was then I knew that I have crossed a line. And it has broken the last thin thread binding him to me.
I have lost him due to my smart mouth.
I dial his number but it's unreachable.
He doesn't pick up calls ever again.
Later I realize that he has blocked me.
Not every love story has a pleasant ending...
Thanks for your support everyone... Special thanks to all the romantic people around me....
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