Chapter 1🔥
Yunho pov.
Hello guys my name is Jeong Yunho but i have another name also..which is a girl name Jeong Yuna....i know you must be wondering why i have girl name right?so actually i have women hormone and i basically i had what a grown up girl have likey chest get bigger and round...and i also have female and male private part down there...i have 2 gender in one thats why i have 2 names...but please dont be confuse cause Yuna n Yunho is the same person...but in this chapter author-nim will use Yuna name more than Yunho...thats all~
End Yunho pov.
Like the usual day at Yuna house.So peaceful until one voice who broke the peacefulness of the house that person name Yuna...
"Mom!!!why you dont wake me up!!now i'm late to school!!!",Yuna yelling from upstairs cause his mom dont wake her up to school."Today is literally my first day to school but yet..i'm going to be late at the first day at school!!",Yuna start to whining while wearing his shoes.
"I already wake you up brat!but you the one that doesnt even budge from the is not my fault brat!so stop whining and just go to the fucking school brat!",her mom yelling at him back.Yuna just groaning and rolled his eyes towards her mom statement.
"Yeah whatever mom..I'm going to school to right now..bye mom!love you~~~",and after Yuna say those words.She started to run to his school..Well his not that far btw...Its just like a few block from her house...So he was lucky cause he have 5 more minutes before the guard close the gates..
Yunho pov.
"Dang..i nearly late to the first day of school",i say that in my mind...after that..i just go to my classes...
After a few hours,i already finished my last class.And i was going back my locker and after I put some of my books in the locker...i start to go home..because my class already finished..but unfortunately i found those bullies was smoking at behind of the school..."fuck why i'm always so unlucky...where is my luck when i need them the most?",I was groaning while I thought about that..
"Maybe i should escape while i can",I started to change my direction but stopped when I heard somebody yelling my name...I turned around the and the most slutty,bitchy,and not too beautiful girl is walking towards my way..
"What you want Luna?Please be faster...I need to go home early today",I said while sighing cause my mom want me to be at home early today....for i dont even know what the I just need to obey her order cause i'm her son apparently..
"Ohh~today why are soo fucking feisty Jeong?hmmm??",that bitch said while slap my face lightly.."Dont touch me~",I said while swatting her hands away from my face..
"How dare you touch my hands?!",Luna started to slap my face real hard until it have a red mark on my face..
"Please dont...",i saying while crying cause its hurt so fucking much..."Well Jeong...i just want to say that..please stay away from my boyfriend Mingi..cause i know about your little secret crush thingy towards my i dont want you come even closer to you understand Jeong?",she said that angrily whilepushing my head with her finger..
"U-understand~",i stuttering a lil bit cause i still crying thoo.."Good!",after she saying that..she go away with her friends to her next class..meanwhile me struggling cause my cheeks feel so fucking hurts...After i can stand up,I just walking home and continue my day...Apparently my mom said we gonna moving out from Gwangju cause my father just got promoted by his we gonna moving out to the our new house at Seoul...
End Yunho pov.
Skip 3 months after that...
Yuna was chilling under a big tree in one of their school garden...he yelped when someone touch his shoulder.."argh!dont touch me!",Yuna said while trying to get up but he cant cause that person was holding his wrist so tight..
"I'm so sorry if i startled you like that..i just need to tell you something..",said that person who was holding Yuna wrist...Yuna suprised when he recognize that voice,it was his crush,Song Mingi...the most handsome,popular guys at his school..
"Its so what thing you want to tell me?spill the tea~",Yuna said that while looking at Mingi eyes.."I love you Jeong Yuna",Mingi said it in just one breath only...Yuna stunned cause he dont know what to do cause...he never been in a relationship before this.."What?",Yuna asking it again to Mingi..
"I LOVE YOU JEONG YUNA",Mingi said it one more times in a really serious tone..."but why so suddenly?like why you confessed it right now?",Yuna asking more question to Mingi..cause she couldnt believer this happen to her..
"Its because i need some time to really sure to my i think about this for a i know exactly what i want!",Mingi said it.."so what you want?",Yuna asking with a confusing face on his face..."I want you to be my girlfriend",Mingi said it with a really serious tone this time...
So did Yuna gonna accepted this?or Yuna gonna reject Mingi?so yeah stay tuned for chapt 2💞
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