Greedy fella
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°First Name°
°Middle Name°
°Last Name°
°Body Type°
Greed has an average body type, but he has muscles. Their probably just not as defined as Pride or Wrath's muscles would be.
Honestly there are few things that Greed doesn't like because he likes everything, including his chosen human.
Worms, bugs, vegetables, and when his chosen is upset, when humans scam him out of his hard earned money, and the fact that Gluttony honestly has no manners when eating.
°Positive Traits°
Makes great money decisions
Knows how to turn a small amount of money into a big amount of money
Is a great financial advisor
°Negative Traits°
Gets a little to greedy
Has a fear of exorcists
His greed, his chosen human, and just like every other sin his demon forms ears are a weak point as well.
°Physical Illness's°
°Mental Illness's°
Giovani, or Greed as he prefers to be called, is honestly just like the stories say he is but not when it comes to money since he's not all that greedy when it comes to that sort of thing. If he sees something he wants he is going to have it regardless of what someone says and will proceed to get pissed off until he is allowed to have what he wants. He's honestly a male prima-donna most of the time but he is also quite patient and kind to an extent but has a slightly short temper and only his chosen human can get him to not act like that.
Greed has a flamboyant type of style sometimes but other times he's quite conservative with how he dresses
°Employment Occupation°
He's a multi-millionaire who not only owns his own company but also has stock in some very expensive companies as well
None because Gluttony would just end up trying to eat them
°Family Members°
Once again the sins don't really consider each other as siblings
°Past Relationships°
He's had a few but they were all money grubbing humans and were not his chosen human
Greed is the fourth of the seven deadly sin demons, child of Lilith, and is one out of seven of the things that humans blame when they die and need to atone for their sins down in hell when they are brought before Lucifer for judgment. He was then sent to earth alongside the rest of the sin demons to live amongst the humans, see if the humans still blame him and the rest of the sin demons even when they are not actually corrupting them. Ever since Greed has been living with the humans and watching as they still commit sins of pride, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, sloth, and wrath despite the fact that the demons that embody those sins are not tempting them to do said sins.
°1° (Your oc's name) was very special from the moment he/she was born due to the fact that they were born with a very special birth mark. This birth mark was the demonic symbol for lust and it shows that he/she is the chosen human for the deadly sin demon Greed, which did not sit well with his/her parents when they heard about this from the Pope. (Your oc's name)'s parents attempted to have an exorcist remove the birth mark but their attempts did not work so they made him/her live a sheltered life hoping that this would prevent the demon Greed from finding their child. However said child could not be kept sheltered forever as he/she leaves for college on their 22 birthday, where they are approached by the very Pope whom discovered what his/her birth mark means. The old holy man then explains what the birth mark means to (Your oc's name), what will he/she do with this information?......
°2° Make one up!
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