• The Good Witch •
Name: Kim Sung Jin
Age: 20
Species: Witch
Parents: Kim Hwi Bin (Mother)
Background: Sung Jin always knew about witchcraft. His mother was a famous witch in Korea during the Joseon era. She was known for being banished after using black magic to gain the affection of her husband, Kim Munjong. Because of this, the Kim family was to be investigated and if found guilty of witchcraft would be killed. Hwi Bin knew their execution was inevitable and in 1428 there was little knowledge of avoiding death if ordered by the emperor. Despite this, Hwi Bin was determined to save her son so she placed a spell on him and killed him herself. The spell would reincarnate him in 570 years which should hoped would be enough for other witches to create a sisterhood or coven. When he was born again Sung Jin was seemingly just a normal child, but when he turned 15, things started to change. He was able to summon things from air and odd animals like bats and cats were noticeably affectionate toward him. Soon he was approached by a member of the coven where he learned of his past and from then on was groomed to be a one of their own. However, Sung Jin was different. He behaved more like a fairy than a witch and he never cursed or killed anyone (completely unlike the others) and Sung Jin had even found a loophole in quite a few spells so that he didn't have to sacrifice anyone for them. It was absolutely absurd, but he was already accepted into the coven which meant they could not dent their own.
Personality: Sung Jin is very soft spoken and gentle. He doesn't yell and he is unnaturally empathetic and sympathetic to those around him. He is often quick to conquer up a spell or potion to help someone out although his willingness to help everyone is concerning to the coven as it could expose them. Sung Jin is quite handsome although he must wear dark clothes and his hair must fall over his eyes so that no on can look into them. The coven believes this will make people want to stay away from him, which ensures Sung Jin won't be taken advantage of.
Likes: Owls, Cats, Reading spell books, Practicing magic, Making someone happy, Cinnamon, The smell of pumpkins.
Dislikes: Reptiles, Spiders, Seeing someone he can't help, Being yelled at, Being taken advantage of, Feeling lonely, The smell and taste of Mint, Seafood and Bananas.
Hobbies: Whenever he has free time Sung Jin likes to practice harmless spells. He recently found one that allows him to speak with animals for a few minutes and because of that he's been a lot less lonely nowadays. If he isn't using magic, Sung Jin will often sit at a coffee shop (although he gets embarrassed when everyone stares at him because of the way he's dressed). He wishes he knew how to roller skate and he's always wanted to go to the beach.
Distinctive Traits: Sung Jin is actually very handsome once his hair is pushed away from his face. He always wished it was just a little shorter so that it wouldn't irritate him, but the coven forbids it. His eyes are the most attractive feature he has and even the most selfish human would fall for Sung Jin by looking at his eyes.
Position: Submissive/Bottom
Turn Offs: Ageplay, Being too slow, When his partner won't look at him, Cross-dressing.
Turn Ons: Up for most things.
Notes/Extra: Sung Jin likes men who take care of themselves. He spends most his time trying to take care of others so he would like to see someone that can live without his powers. He wants to be as close to a normal relationship as he can (without using magic all the time).
Optional Prompt: Gotta be honest, I plan to come up with these later. For now I just want to publish the characters for this book :)
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