Sick Day (BAL)
~Mal's POV~
"M," Evie shook my shoulder. "Get up. We're gonna be late for school."
I groaned and groggily sat up, rubbing my eyes. It was still dark outside, as it often was in the middle of winter when we got up for school, but I felt burning hot. I threw the blanket off of me.
Evie didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. "I left an outfit for you," she said.
A purple skirt, black leggings, and crisp white long-sleeved shirt were neatly folded on my bed, along with a purple jacket.
"Thanks, E," I said, trying to hide the fact that I felt like total crap at the moment. It'd go away soon, I hoped. I stood up, but Evie sat me back down.
"You're pale," she noted.
"That's my skin color..." I muttered.
"No, I mean, paler then normal. You look like a freaking ghost."
"I'm fine," I insisted, even though I knew I wasn't. Back on the Isle, being sick just gave your parent another reason to beat you constantly. Maleficent has been turned into a lizard long ago, but I still didn't like admitting that I felt sick.
Evie walked over to the bathroom and came back with a thermometer.
"Evie, really, I'm fine," I protested, but she wouldn't have any of it.
She took my temperature and looked at the results.
"103.5," she said. "No way you're going to school today."
"But I have a math test today," I said.
"Nope," she put the folded clothes back onto my wardrobe. "You're staying here. I'll go grab you some breakfast."
I knew there was no arguing with her.
She left, and I pulled the covers back over my head to block out the light from Evie's lamp. Evie was making herself late for school now.
Best friends. They do everything that you don't want them to do because they're so determined to make sure you're okay.
Evie came back with a steaming cup of tea and a plate of pancakes with strawberries on top.
"I'll come back at lunchtime," she said, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Don't leave this room, you hear me?"
"Fiiine," I whined.
Shortly after she left and I finished my food, my phone buzzed on my bedside table.
Ben💙: why aren't you at school?
Mal💜: I would've come, but Evie insisted I stay here
Ben💙: why?
Mal💜: I'm sick apparently
Ben💙: okay
Mal💜: have fun at hell without me
He didn't text back. I set my phone down.
It was boring, just laying in bed, so I got up and grabbed a book from my shelf. I read in bed for a bit, until I fell back asleep.
A knock woke me up. I looked over at the time. Only 9:30 am. Evie said she'd be back by lunchtime, not 9:30. Maybe she was back early for a bit.
I got up, quickly fixed my hair, put on a pair of slippers, and opened the door.
It wasn't Evie.
Instead, my boyfriend, King Benjamin Florian Beast, stood in the doorway.
"Hey..." I said. "Shouldn't you be at school?"
"Yeah," he said, an adorable smile on his face. "I excused myself."
"Why? You had work?"
"Nope. I'm gonna spend the whole day with you."
"Ben... you shouldn't be skipping school for me," I protested weakly. In all honesty, I wanted him to myself for a day, with no work or school to get in the way.
"But I am." He said. "May I come in?"
"Of course," I stepped aside to let him in.
He stepped in and looked around. I realized he'd never been inside my room before.
"It's way cleaner then mine," he commented.
"Evie's a neat freak." I said.
"She seems like one."
I grabbed the book off my bed and put it back on the shelf.
"You should lay down," Ben said.
"But I don't want to," I complained. "What do you think I've been doing all morning?"
"Sleeping, though I did read for a bit," I said.
"Well, sleeping is good for you, especially since you're sick."
"I'm not tired."
"At least lay down," Ben said.
He gave an exasperated sigh. "How am I supposed to take care of you when you're being so stubborn?"
"You don't," I said simply. "We can just hang out all day."
"We'll hang out later, after you get better," he promised. "But for now, you need to rest."
"I'm not gonna," I said stubbornly.
Ben picked me up and laid me down on my bed. "Now you are."
"Fine," I said. "As long as I get to cuddle with you."
"What did you think I was gonna do while you slept?" Ben teased, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
I pulled him down so he was lying next to me. He smirked and leaned in for a kiss, but I put a finger to his lips.
"I don't want you getting sick too," I said when he gave a disappointed pout.
"I don't care if I get sick," he said.
"But I do," I countered.
"You're making this one up to me," he said as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I will," I promised as I snuggled into his chest.
He kissed the top of my head as I fell asleep in his arms.
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